The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Well, I know it's a tad late, but those of you who are LPU members would have recieved Rob's official update that was posted here on the site a week or so ago. Anyway, for those of you NOT LPU members, this is just the accompanying picky that went with dear, sweet, droolworthy Bobert's update.

Here's Rob getting down with his funky self;

Just a little something. *winks and drools herself silly - forgetting of course she was that way to begin with, ahaha*

*** bless our Bourdie.


-Rav :D



New member
nice piccy mum. that gave me a good idea for the last and final chapter of the family story. *drools* nice break from rl to say


New member
nice piccy mum. that gave me a good idea for the last and final chapter of the family story. *drools* nice break from rl to say
You're telling me!

*major, bad-*** droolage*

But really, really, life's just not fair. *** **** it, they can clone sheep and ***-knows what else, so why in the Lord's name aren't they taking the natural progressive step and cloning HUMAN PERFECTION?!?

Yes, I mean Rob damnit... what are y'all looking at me like that for? You know I'm just saying what everyone else in here is thinking...

I'd sell my soul for a piece of that. ****, I'd sell my soul for half that! Look out eBay, here I come (again) *rolls eyes*

Rob - hurry up and breed. Don't let that gorgeous smile be lost to the ages.

I'd put my hand up, but we all know that's never gonna happen. Just... hurry up. Yeah, consarnit.

Living up to my fanatical role as Rob's most obsessive LPF fan (next to another I shall not mention but occasionally comes by here and her name starts with Y)? *s******s*


Robbie, rock on dude. Our tall, brooding, cap-wearing, water-chugging, frowning percussionist ***. As he's quoted as saying in his infamous video diary; "That's heavy." Couldn't have put it better myself!




New member
mum ur hilarious. but yes he is the *** of perfection, drumming or body which ever I see/hear first at the moment. XD right now its generally what ever I see first since I wake up and see him half nekkid in a wet suite.


New member
Rob half naked in a wet suit? WHERE?!?

*swoons and collapses in a twitching puddle on the floor*

Gross... but funny. If only to me. Aaaaanyways....

Thanks for the image Vash and thanks for the imagery Mel.

*squeeze hugs to you both*

Carrying on in that same vein...

And look at this one! OMG! Rob's DRINKING! Well, dude's allowed to celebrate afterall, he did just win a Grammy. But I just knew that wasn't water he was sipping in the FM RTN film clip... sipping water at a bar? Yeah right, Bobbie, pull the other one. Haven't you learnt your lesson yet? Oh no wait, that's Mike doing the drunk and disorderly interviews... my bad, sorry.

Wrong thread too, I be thinking of my screwed up family again, hehehe... (I wish).

Anyways... enjoy. Gonna go now. Run amok enough for one night.

Take care, talk again soon.

*tackle flying sumo bear hugs... with a chiropractor ,cause after all that I've a feeling you'll need it* Aha, she's so funny... :rolleyes:

-Rav :D



New member
ahh really funny mum. but I dare say I'll need a new hair do that no one sees the grey hairs this family has given me.... but yeah the half nekkid wet suit piccy is mine and im not letting it out of my sight or off my computer




New member
I'd actually like to know who took it. Why? *shrugs* No idea, but I remember aaaages ago when I first saw it (probably not all that long after it 'resurfaced' or experienced a new resurgence in popularity) I remember there was a bit of contraversy as to whether or not that was really him.

Not that I mind either way, pics as gorgeous as all **** (half naked guy in a wet suit walking from up the beach with a surfboard in arm - what's not to like about it?) but still, I wish I had some info on it, like where it was taken and what year at least.


Having said that what I'd love more than that would be to see dear ole Robert renact it again. Any excuse for another photograph of the man. But what would be even better than that? See the man do it in person. *insert evil laughter here* Yeah, I'm stoopid. But a happy moron, none the less.

*more droolage*

Random thought: why doesn't he ever play on stage with his shirt off? Overkill? You're right, then it'd be about the image rather than the music. Damnit. But if the RHCP could pull off performing onstage with nothing but socks on their weiners, why not?

*slaps forehead*

Better end this now before I get booted for indecency... finally... *smirk*

I told you, any excuse for another picture opertunity.


-Rav :D



New member
*raises a sceptical brow*

Only way you'd get that is if you had the original... do you have the original? OMG it was you! *laughs*

No... but still... prove it.




New member
well like I said before im not letting it out of my sight. it was a christmas gift from one of my brothers.... I dont know where he got it from. **** sometimes i dont want to know.


New member
lol my brother is out of his mind most of the times. but whats really wrong is I leave messages and they never get returned untill I send a search party XD


New member
Hey dudes!

Long time Whatever. Hmm...

Its been a while hasnt it? has it? I dunno. It seems like forever since Ive been here last though. But uh...well I dont really have anything to say, I just thought I'd drop in and see how its going here. Nothing seems to have chnged though...still swooning over The Man I see. But of course, why would you stop swooning? This is the CoB after all...well, due to my lack of thinks to say, Im gonna go. But I think I might have to start comming back to the forums more often, Ive missed quite a bit of stuff, like the Where'd You Go video (very good if I say so myself). So I'll see you guys soon perhaps?

Later days



New member
thats joe for you. XD but I think rob still looks gorgeous. he 'ages' gracefully but his baby pictures and kid pictures dont look half bad too.


New member

But I'm not gonna go so far as to say *drool* over Rob's pictures when he was like 8 or something, cause as cute as he was that's just too Michael Jackson-ish for me. 0_o ? Hmm.

But the pic I have of Joe as a kid is amusing - if only cause he's in a stroller (restrained) and he's more subdued than what he is in that picture below. Go figure.

Joe's hilarious. But I bet I wouldn't say that if I had to live with the man day-in, day-out. No wonder Rob's always looking so damned serious all the time, probably contemplating choking the living **** out of at least one of his bandmates! Haha! Nah, gotta love 'em. And do. All 6. Just... reserve my drool for the grown-up version of one, being dear sweet Bobert. I bet Chester's glad I never carried on like this about him in those yeasr I was a self-confessed Bennington-Bopper. Heh. Hmm.

(Didn't you like the way I came full circle and tied my random rant back to my original thoughts... eventually?)

Anyways... just wanted to drop in, rant, spread the love and drool, then run off again. That's what I'm good at I guess.

*big Bourdie bear hugs - haven't had them in a while - to all*

Catch yas later.

-Rav :D



New member
Haha - I have too much time on my hands! This is proof...

Okay, READ THE STORIES OF OUR WEIRD FAMILY and this pic will make sense... haha, aren't I just the clever one?

Look out world, it's Rob... as a dad!

Please note ; THIS IS NOT REAL! Hahaha - don't we just wish? I created this cause I was bored and had an early night at work. This is purely for demonstative purposes (think; All about the music fic, think; I'm just a kid fic, etc). Sorry, I couldn't resist...

*still laughing herself silly*

Hope I don't get reprimanded for this... o_O ?!?

Edit: Oh, and just for the record, reports at Linkin say that Susan IS back on the scene... may or may not be true, everything's speculation with these guys (considering no one still seems to know her last name... so there ya go!) And why prey-tell did I feel like sharing that useless bit of info here where we drool and carry on like we wish we were all Susan-contenders? Well... cause I could, damnit. Viva La Bourdon! XD



New member
Woah...I thought that was real! Haha...

Is it just me, or does that baby look slightly alien-ish? not to be mean or anything...but yeah...



New member
aww thats a cute pic. now you got a reference for my story XD. Rob looks good with lil kids *aww-factor x1000* but that was nice work rav. we gotta find out where susan lives so we can take her out.
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