The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Woah...I thought that was real! Haha...
Is it just me, or does that baby look slightly alien-ish? not to be mean or anything...but yeah...
Ever seen a newborn, I mean a NEW newborn? OMFG! They DO look like aliens... some even have cone heads if it's a long drawn out labour... not as pretty as they make it appear on TV that's for sure. I mean, WAAAY sure... *creeped out*

As for realness? Haha, don't I just wish. But yeah, awwness to the maxx. How pathetic, it makes me smile everytime I see it... awww... Said it before and I'll say it again, dagnammit! Breed, Rob, breeeed!! Please! Haha...


Anyways, I aint touchin' Susan (whatever-her-last-name-is), cause I'm already looking at countless lawsuits pending in my direction most likely, no doubt, especially if I keep making these rediculous photoshop montages (was supposed to do one of Rob as Jesus a while back but just never got there, might just do that this arvo for ***** and giggles, oh! And the Rob-Lancelot one too... yeah... haha! - It's official - I HAVE NO LIFE!!! :rolleyes: )

And just for the record, though I didn't see her anywhere on any pic/vid whatever, said that Susan was with Rob at the Grammy's of all places. I think they got their dates wrong. They might have been referring to last year. Even still, how many times do these two break-up/make-up over the course of the average 12 months?!? Jesus... aparently Rob can't live without his fair share of drama neither!

There ya go Mel, we're getting in his good books with our angsty fanfics if that's the case, hehe...

Now... all I need is a few more "baby pictures" and I reckon I can recreate an entire fanfic photoalbum to really get tongues wagging - *rolls eyes further* - Man, I really need something else to occupy my time during my rare days off from work that ISN'T Rob/LP related... oi!

*runs off to make more of the little blighters - and a Chas/'Fox' one for good measure!*

*hugs from the insane assylum of my brain*




New member
Me again, who else would y'all expect?

Well, just to make sure I get sued (huh?) I thought I'd upload a few other "visuals" I'd been working on... purely for my own entertainment.

I know, it looks "off" somehow (hopefully less "alien-ish" but rather than fix it I'm letting it go as is.

There, Mel, Sarah, you've had your moment in the sun! XD

(lost yet? Read family fics first)

As for the other one? It's Chas... prolly not the place to post it... *wink*


Ah ****** it! Here it is anyway, just cause I created them in essence "together" I may as well keep 'em together.

Here's Chas and "Fox" haha...


See - too much time on my hands. This is how I waste a perfectly good RDO.

Meh. Stand in line to sue me... :rolleyes:





New member
Haha, glad you like *babies fly everywhere amid all the hugging*

I was gonna do a pic with Rob and Chas together sort of standing around "you" together seeing as how they are both "your" fathers in essence (of the stories) - still might just do that, just thought given the current circumstances that would arise in that delivery room in that time (again, stories) that it'd be tense to say the least. Explains why Chas looks less than impressed as he nurses "you" hey? Hmm... Sam's prolly right there giving him the evil eye right along side Rob I'd reckon, poor *******. Anyway, am having fun creating these, strangely enough... wondering if anyone's gonna steal them and try and pass them off as real! Haha! Idjits!

I reckon though that the Chas one turned out the best of all three so far.

Like I said if I had the pics I'd manipulate them so all of us were really there, but alas, we are not. Now we play pretend a while longer... pretend is fun... who wants to be a fire engine??


*runs off excitedly*

-Rav , mistress of the PS :p



New member
aww man rav youve lost it compleatly. theyre masterpieces none the less but an awesome aww factor there. rob, me and sarah. lol really sweet.


New member
Lost it? You're assuming I had it to begin with!! Haha!

Nope - never did, and this outta prove it.

See, didn't write anything much at all today on the story but I was still in the zone in essence *sniffs the air* (I call that essence of BS, XD) But anyways, yeah, damned cute that's all I can really say for it.

No excuses. I'm crazy. Y'all should have known that by now... and y'all are my offspring! Feeling safe now are we? *insert evil maniacal laughter here*


Gotta go. Gotta sleep. Gotta write more later. Work tonight. ****. At least now rather than burn brain cells imagining this kinda **** I can see it and forget about it... in theory. Haha.

TC, TTYL Bourdonites.

-Rav :D



New member
Yeah... would make up a lame *** excuse I've been busy but really, I'm just lazy. I'm playing Sims 2 OFB way too much lately. Need a 12 step program to break the cycle I think. But on a good note Sim-Rob and Sim-Rav are making Sim-Rav's little Esoteric store a booming success. Sim-Rob of course is the brains of the outfit... Sim-Rav has her hands full most of the time with their little 'un Sim-Nathan... go figure.

Anyway, on a RL Rob note, I did come across a pic or two I was trying to upload here. It's fairly recent, last year or so, of Rob doing what he does best making a killing on the skins. Unfortunately it's from a downloaded video (The Grammy's 06 ENews Interview where they talk about Rick Rubin and so forth) and I can't manage to get a clear pic from Media Player. I'll keep trying. But I will say one thing, for once the camera actually focuses on Rob for a while in that interview which is a nice change. Applaudible really. *stands on a chair and cheers*

OMG, if only y'all could see this. Get it from LPTimes, as always. He's sooo ***-damned droolworthy banging away there... I need to go change my shirt I've drooled all over this one... day-um! Hehe... yeah... I'm blushing like a luv-struck teenager. But see it for yourselves then judge it. If I can get a clear shot I'll post it. Have to post it. Just ****!

*runs off to keep trying - and change tee shirt, hehe*


_Rav :D


OMFG! There's gonna be a RL Chat to Rob (Yes, the man himself) on LPU tomorrow (that's the 9th) at 2pm PST on LPU! *** damnit! He's back! Only took him 3 or so years... hehe... I wanna go ask him something but even over virtual space like this I'd still be a blibbering idiot. I can't think of what to ask him anyway - after doing this for ten odd years or so he's heard it all before. *sigh*

BUT ROB'S GONNA BE ONLINE TOMORROW!! *gasps then collapses* Yeah... be sure that when the chat transcript goes up I'll post it here. It's my civic duty, after all... :D



New member
Well I'm on LPU5 at this very minute... counting down. 9-ish hrs to go til Rob's online. I'm all EXCITED!

It's like 4:30am in LA right now... *** I hate waiting.

But have been snooping for Rob info online while I sit here watching Family Guy and typing online... wow, I'm so clever... multitasking, hehehe...

Anyway... just came in cause I could.

Changed my avatar.

Found out (again) Rob's 6'5" (198cms) Duh

and aparently he died in Paris...


Haha, some fansites are just... well... can't find the words really...

Oh, and just found out my LPU package should be shipped March 17!! *screams excitedly*


Now if only I could think of a question to ask THE MAN himself that was worth an answer. After 10 odd years of doing this I reckon he's heard it all before. Ho-hum Mr Bourdon.

Could just type the words 'CoB' and 'Drool" over and over - and risk getting thrown out of the chat. *meh*

Be back later, hopefulyy with Rob's chat transcript!

Even if I don't get up in time, I'll post it once it's up. Prepare to drool yourself silly. I know I will. No wait... was silly to begin with. o_0


-Rav :D



New member

It was CRAZY! 150+ ppl and it was insane!!!

But I got to ask him a question AND HE ANSWERED! Plus, I told him to say hi to you guyys here at the CoB - he didn't, but at least I gave a shameless plug for us, hehe. *evil smirk*

When the transcript goes up, I'll post it, asap!

*runs off excitedly*

"I chatted to Rob, I chatted to Rob..."

Now I can die happy.

-Rav :D :D :D x a million



New member
Rob Chat Transcript - LPU - 090306

Hey guys, here it is before even LPU has posted it. I went through and took out most of the irrelevancies for us here at LPF and the CoB. Here's Rob's chat transcript, as promised, from today over at the official site.



LPHybrid says to (14:10):

sorry for the delay guys - we're getting everything set up

LPHybrid says to (14:10):

rob will be here soon

*** (14:12):Welcome to Linkin Park Underground , rbourdon !

JonandBT says to (14:12):

Welcome back Rob

LPHybrid says to (14:12):

hey rob! welcome to lpu chat

LPHybrid says to (14:12):

do not submit your questions until the first letter of your username is prompted

natzzz says to jows214 (14:13):


LPHybrid says to (14:13):

rob will not answer your PMs.

natzzz says to (14:13):

please submit your questions in the text window at the bottom, thanks!

LPHybrid says to (14:13):

are we ready to get started?

LPHybrid says to (14:14):

do not sumbit your questions until prompted

rbourdon says to (14:14):

Hello LPU

LPHybrid says to (14:14):

and do not submit random comments

LPHybrid says to (14:14):

or you will be removed

LPHybrid says to (14:14):

hey rob {smile_smiley}

*** (14:14):Xdumb28melX lost connection, left the room

LPHybrid says to (14:14):

ready for some questions?

rbourdon says to (14:15):


LPHybrid says to (14:15):

D, E, and F please submit your questions at this time

LPHybrid says to (14:15):

DEand F only

DarkFeenux12 says to (14:15):

hey rob howz it goin? what new instruments/sounds might there be on the album? thanx for comin on and chattin with us!

dcn2509 says to (14:15):

hey Rob, i know that in the updates you say that the band has no solid direction of sound for the new album, but could u tell us a little about if the sound will be heavier or songs like nobodies listening and softer stuff?

natzzz says to rbourdon (14:15):

PLEASE DO NOT PM ROB or you will be removed from the chat

natzzz says to rbourdon (14:15):

Thanks guys

darknessovrme says to (14:15):

What will make this new record stand out from all other LP records and any other NON LP record in general?-jes

LPHybrid says to (14:16):

hold questions for a sec

rbourdon says to (14:16):

Things are going really good, we've been in the studio almost every day, and the album is coming along great.

rbourdon says to (14:16):

We have been experimenting with a lot of different sounds in the studio, and are coming up with some very interesting new ideas.

ExtremeFudgeMaster says to (14:16):

will we be able to hear previews of songs on the new album before it is released? if so, when do you think we can start expecting previews?

rbourdon says to (14:17):

We are experimenting with a new way of writing and we've been starting all of the songs in a different format then we had in the past.

DarkBeing says to MeteoraBabe2003 (14:17):

Hows it feel to be back in the studio with all the guys...?

rbourdon says to (14:18):

In the past, we usually work on music first, and then add vocals, and we've been adding vocals into the process much earlier, which is changing the general direction,

rbourdon says to (14:19):

It's definitely possible for the LPU to have a chance to hear some material before it's released, if anybody hears it, it will definitely be the LPU.

rbourdon says to (14:20):

It feels great to be back in the studio. When we got back in the studio we were so excited that collectively we wrote over 70 song ideas.

LPHybrid says to (14:20):

G, H, and I Only - submit your questions

rbourdon says to (14:20):

We have now narrowed it to 32 songs and are continuing to work to narrow it further.

LPHybrid says to (14:20):

thank you d, e, and f {smile_smiley}

HyBrIdLiNkGuRL says to (14:20):

Rob, I'm curious as to what your inspirations were when approaching what new material to focus on in this album, and do you guys get writer's block often? If so, how do you get escape that? Thanks- Dianne.

hamaben says to rbourdon (14:20):

linkinpark has participated in a lot of benefit concerts , i rejoice, and don't you think that it would be very engaging to do other concerts in african countries like south africa or morocco?

greennickle21 says to rbourdon (14:21):

thanks for coming to chat withh us today rob, based on your years of experience, what type of advice would you give someone that is in a band trying to get off of its feet? thanks again, todays my bday and this is sick

JonandBT says to (14:21):

Tayven, stop talking out of turn.

LPHybrid says to (14:22):

only ask your question once

LPHybrid says to (14:22):

and when you rletter is prompted

JonandBT says to (14:22):

We are on moderated chat. Your messages aren't being passed through yet. Please get your questions ready. do not submit your questions until the first letter of your username is prompted. f you have questions about the chat process please PM undergrounddiv

rbourdon says to (14:23):

Personally I've been listening to a lot of the Police, and paying a lot of attention to Stewart Copeland's drumming. Yes once in a while we definitely get writers block and never really know when we're going to get into the flow of writing a good song.

LPHybrid says to (14:23):


rbourdon says to (14:23):

When we're inspired we stay in the studio and continue to write and play until that inspiration dies down, and then just wait for it to come back.

JonandBT says to (14:24):

It is very important you do not speak unless it is your letter. And only type your question out ONCE.

spikeminodanette says to (14:25):

Hi Rob , how r you? ( thanks for this chat, I love you and the guys , I send you lots of love from france!) how was it to meet sir Paul Mc Cartney?( thank you for your performance , it was wonderful , Chester sing perfectly and you were all great.

rbourdon says to (14:25):

We would love to play in South Africa, and there is a strong possibility that we will be going to South Africa sometime in 2006.

JonandBT says to (14:26):

No tour questions. No Personal Live questions. Thanks.

rbourdon says to (14:26):

Persistence and practice definitely pays off. Concentrating on writing great songs is the most important aspect of being in a band. Once you have great songs you can focus on performing them well and building a fanbase.

LPHybrid says to (14:26):

G, H and I

JonandBT says to (14:26):

Do not type anything unless you are told to.

rbourdon says to (14:27):

Meeting Paul McCartney was probably one of the most memorable experiences of my life, something I will never forget. He was a very humble person and a pleasure to work with.

Hahninator1 says to (14:27):

Hey Rob, great to talk to you. Glad to hear the album is going good. I was wondering when the new LP song from the Machine Shop Mixtape will drop. Any information? Thanks!

rbourdon says to (14:28):

I was probably more nervous performing at rehearsal in a small room with him than performing at the Grammy's with a huge room of people. But he made us feel very comfortable and he was just like a normal guy- very down to earth.



New member
Part 2 of the LPU Rob chat

LPHybrid says to (14:28):

J and K please . thank you ghi {smile_smiley}

kaoticdrumpit says to (14:28):


First of all I want to say thank you for taking the time to stop by and answer questions from the fans. Stylistically you transitioned from Hybrid Theory to Meteora. Personally how do you feel your drumming has changed since then and while you’re work

katavalanche says to (14:29):

Hey Rob, I want to ask if there’re going to be any collaborations with other artists on the next Linkin Park record

rbourdon says to (14:29):

We attempted to go into the studio for a day and the song turned out a disaster. Right now we're focusing on our new album, but later on we'll focus on re-writing that.

Jaurequi says to (14:29):

Do you guys have a name for the next album?

rbourdon says to (14:31):

Probably not- we don't like to do collaborations on our studio albums, and that's why we like to do side projects such as Collision Course and Reanimation so we can work with our favorite artists.

rbourdon says to (14:31):

Our studio albums are like our children, we like to work on them just with the 6 of us.

kaljamal says to (14:31):

hey rob.thanks that u r here with us.I was wandering if the new lp album will have the same ideas as meteora or hyprid theory or will it be different.Will it sound more rock than hiphop or balanced.

Kodachi148 says to (14:31):

Rob, besides drums and piano, what other instrument can you play?

JonandBT says to (14:32):

We are on moderated chat. Your messages aren't being passed through yet. Please get your questions ready. do not submit your questions until the first letter of your username letter is said. e.g. J for JonandBT

rbourdon says to (14:33):

Between HT and Meteora, I had a lot of time on the road performing and playing drums every day, which made me a better drummer. So when I approached Meteora, I was able to create new things that I couldn't do earlier.

rbourdon says to (14:33):

I think it would be a natural progression musically for all of us, having a couple more years of performing and working together, and I think that listening to other drummers has influenced my style.

rbourdon says to (14:34):

No we don't have a name for the next album yet.

rbourdon says to (14:35):

I think that the sound of Linkin Park is definitely evolving to new grounds and we're all very excited about it. It will still sound like it's us, but different enough to be exciting and fresh.

rbourdon says to (14:35):

We've been trying to break out of the box and try new things, and keep the writing and performing process exciting for us, and also new and exciting for our fans.

LPHybrid says to (14:36):

L, please submit your questions

linkinparksgirl4ever666 says to (14:36):

Out of all the people who loved and hated the past records, do you think you'll keep the old fans but gain newer ones with the new record and different sound? If so, do you think they'll continue to stick with the band through many more albums? Thanks. :-

rbourdon says to (14:36):

Other than drums and piano, I've been working on Pro-tools a lot on this past album I've learned a lot about programming drums and using a lot of other synthetic sounds. I think of Pro-Tools as it's own instrument because of the flexibility

rbourdon says to (14:36):

of new sounds

rbourdon says to (14:37):

to create new sounds, and come up with ideas that someone couldn't specifically play.

lavenderblue2303 says to (14:37):

hi rob! do you guys feel pressure for this album from outside sources to create a certain sound, and how do you feel this postively/negativly affects the writing process? completely glad you guys are making music again-selena {smile_smiley,flower_smiley}

rbourdon says to (14:38):

I thin our fans will definitely love the new album. Our main focus has always been on writing new songs that are timeless, and I think that's what ultimately attracts people to Linkin Park and our band.

LinkinParkArmy43 says to (14:39):

Hay rob, i am just wondering, are any of the new songs/demos that you have come up with are as emotional as some of the older Linkin Park tracks? or have you gone for a completely diffrent idea from what we have heard from you before? Thankyou

rbourdon says to (14:40):

There's definitely always been pressure on us to create great music, but we've always focused on making music that we love and we think is great, and trying not to pay attention to that pressure. That has always seemed to work for us.

Liaison says to (14:41):

Greetings Rob! In what way is the new album material challenging you specifically as a drummer? Are you trying anything really out of the box? Drumming with spaghetti? Hehe. Thanks for taking the time out for us!

rbourdon says to (14:41):

I think that there is more emotion in some of the new material than ever before. But maybe I just think that because it's fresh and new.

LPHybrid says to (14:41):

M, please submit your questions {smile_smiley}

mephisto1990 says to (14:42):

Hi Rob! You said that you are experimenting with a lot of new things for the new record, so will you maybe use a double bass drum on the new record? thanks for chatting with the lpu! {smile_smiley}

rbourdon says to (14:42):

Yes the new material is definitely challenging me to think outside the box. There are a lot of new and unique sounds that are motivating me to come up with a new approach to the way I play drums.

metallikorn90 says to marc1987 (14:42):

Hi rob.. I hope u guys are doing great!.. guess the album is going to be awsome if I hear u guys.. my Q: what is the best thing happened while making this new album till now?.. good luck with new album and make sure it will be great =) –rob (netherlands) {whistle_smiley}

JonandBT says to (14:42):

Letter M only please.

rbourdon says to (14:42):

I haven't tried drumming with spaghetti but that's a good idea.

rbourdon says to (14:43):

I wonder if I should cook the spaghetti or play with it raw.

JonandBT says to (14:43):

prefer the raw sound

LPHybrid says to (14:43):

cooking it would be hard...cause it wouldnt really be able to hit the drum head well...

LPHybrid says to (14:43):

and it might leave some slimy stuff on the kit

JonandBT says to (14:43):

unless you left it in the pots and pans

rbourdon says to (14:44):

I haven't played a double bass drum in about 10 years, so it would be very different for me to bring that back. But anything is possible.

MSLuvr says to (14:44):

Hey Rob, great to hear that you guyz are working on the next album and so anxious to hear what you guyz come out with. Well my question is how do you feel about co-headlining summer sonic in Tokyo and Osaka with Metallica??

rbourdon says to (14:45):

There are a couple songs that I personally love, which I think are two of the best things that have happened in the studio.

JonandBT says to (14:46):

no tour questions

rbourdon says to (14:48):

We are very very excited to headline Summer Sonic in Tokyo and Osaka with Metallica. We had a great experience touring a couple summers ago with them and I look forward to kicking off our touring cycle in Japan.

LPHybrid says to (14:48):

NOP questions please {laugh_smiley}

nkramar says to (14:49):

Rob - We know some Meteora remixes exist (the ones that were supposed to go with Frat Party 2), any chance of still hearing them?

rbourdon says to (14:49):

There are Meteora remixes?

LPHybrid says to (14:49):


JonandBT says to (14:49):

joe and mike said so :p

LPHybrid says to (14:49):

N, o, p please ....

nazzy says to abxvye7 (14:49):

hey rob, thanks for coming to chat with us! about how long have you guys been in the studio, and do you know when the first single will be out? thanks!

nkramar says to (14:49):

Thanks Simon.... {tongue_smiley}

OneWay says to JonandBT (14:50):

what is your favorite/least favorite things about touring? Is there anyhing you usually take with you to make you feel more at home? Thanks for all the great music!

rbourdon says to (14:50):

Oh yeah those. Those will make their way to the surface sometime, I don't know when.

Energy says to (14:50):

a pleasure

PointsOfAthrty says to (14:51):

Hi Rob, are you guys filming a dvd of the in studio experience for this album, those always come out really funny {smile_smiley}

rbourdon says to (14:51):

We've been in the studio writing for about 3 months. We are about to start the pre-production and recording process very soon and hope to have a single and album out by the end of 2006.

rbourdon says to (14:52):

We haven't been filming yet, but we will start when we go into the studio. And Mark Fiore is still going to be working with us. He actually put together the Militia video series for those of you in the Fort Minor Fan Club.



New member
Part 3 of the LPU Chat - Last bit

LPHybrid says to (14:53):

R and S please submit your questions

Ravynlee says (14:53):

Hi Rob. Since you started in this industry young, what’s been the biggest downside of fame for you over the years and has it (fame) lived up to your expectations? Plus, can you say Hi to the CoB (Church of Bourdon at LPF)?? Hugs from Rach in Australia.

starlight82 says to JonandBT (14:54):

Hi Rob. Mini Rob is looking forward to summer/fall 06. My Q is: I know it's old, but, Any ideas to do something with the MWT dvd footage scrapped for "Frat Party 2"? Thanks, Sag, UK. p.s. Great news about Mark! {smile_smiley}

JonandBT says to (14:54):

We are on moderated chat. Your messages aren't being passed through yet. Please get your questions ready. do not submit your questions until the first letter of your username letter is said. e.g. J for JonandBT

staridragon says to (14:54):

Thank you for coming in to chat with us Rob. I’ve heard a few songs (ie: ‘Carousel’) that are not in like formal albums in stores. Are songs like that forever in the scrap pile or might be redone (or might be in the future)?

rbourdon says to (14:55):

You'll actually start seeing some of that footage in the coming months on special LPU pieces, and new LP newscasters.

SuFiMastershake says to (14:55):

Rob, im super stoked ur here to chat with us. Do u think the new album will have some softer, more piano based sounds to a few songs, or will it be a harder sound

Steffi1704 says to (14:55):

hi rob! thx for answering all the question. how would you describe the generell theme/ topic of the album? what is it all about?

ScatteredEchos says to (14:57):

So during your break how often did you find yourself sitting at your drums, does it work as a stress relief (I heard banging the sh*t out of stuff can do that)? Looking forward to seeing you this year!

MeteoraBabe2003 says to (14:57):

bye rob!

rbourdon says to (14:57):

I don't think we'll ever redo the batch of songs with Carousel. Some of those were on the Hybrid Theory CD. We're always very excited about writing new material and not too excited about going back to old songs and redoing them at this point.

rbourdon says to (14:58):

There hasn't really been any major downside, luckily I'm the drummer and I don't get recognized everywhere I go. So I get to enjoy some privacy. And when somebody does recognize me, it's because they are a huge Linkin Park fan, and I always love talking

rbourdon says to (14:58):

to our fans.

rbourdon says to (15:01):

I think the new album will definitely have some softer, piano based songs.

rbourdon says to (15:02):

During the first part of our break, there was a few months where I didn't play drums to give my body a rest. But I usually play about 5x a week.

rbourdon says to (15:02):

And playing drums is definitely a stress reliever.

rbourdon says to (15:03):

Guys, I gotta run to the studio and get back to work. But I want to thank all of you for participating in the chat and being a part of the LPU. I look forward to meeting you and seeing familliar faces when we get back on the road.

rbourdon says to (15:03):

Love and Respect.

LPHybrid says to (15:03):

ahh thanks for coming by!

LPHybrid says to (15:03):

good luck with the album

LPHybrid says to (15:03):

and stop by the boards sometime if you can

LPHybrid says to (15:04):

everyone would love that

LPHybrid says to (15:04):


*** (15:04):rbourdon lost connection, left the room


Well, that's it guys! That's most of it (all of Rob's part in it) minus most of the useless 'xx has entered/left the room' ****. Keep in mind there was over 150+ people in the chat at that time, so... yeah, it was chaotic.

But look! ^ Shameless plug for the LPF AND THE COB! Yay me!

Anyway, there it is guys, as promised. As I post this even LPU doesn't have the official transcript up yet *winks*

Hope y'all enjoyed that!! Rob and spaghetti... funny stuff.

Take care guys. TTYL,


-Rav :D



New member
wow i can almost imagine the amount of drool that you must have given off. either that or you were foaming at the mouth while lying on the floor in a dead faint. hey its all good

mum, youd love my new avatar



New member

*drools herself silly*

Yes when I saw that earlier I cracked up laughing... mmm... just yummy.

But having said that, no I actually didn't drool for real or anything when I was in chat with him. Just kinda got nervous but other than that... nothing out of the ordinary.

But yeah, thought you'd get a kick out of that. And he's so nice! So... honest - as much as he can be (when there's a list of things he/we cant talk about/ask him). There was a discussion after he left on the boards that the real rbourdon was a mean SOB and they had to hire a stand-in who was more approachable... did you know some people actualy believed it? 0_o I kid you not.


*tackle hugs*

-Rav :D



New member
oO i dont think rob would do that since y'know, fans are what got him where he is now. plus he dosent strike me as the type to do things like that. im glad you like the avatar, i cant remember where i got it but I sent one to fox that I had about chester and phone *** XD that was hilarious. but yeah he provided some insite to yet another infamous phi character lol.


New member
Hey there - me again.

Guess what I "found" (at more Pics of Rob... and Susan at the recent Grammy awards. I think. So they tell me, hehe.

Aww - wait, is he on the phone again?!? *slaps forehead* Jeez, must be like surgically grafted to his ear or something (just joking, we still love you Bobert)

So, yeah, there ya go.

He's still Bourdilicious - with or without female companionship. Just cause I'm green with envy. Hmm.


-Rav :D

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