The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
she looks like that chick from spider man. i cant remember her name for the life of me but that who she reminds me of. but yeah it does look like hes got the phone super glued *or ductaped if I have anything to say about it muwahaha* to his ear. heh but theyre still good looking. now if only the clay counerpart that Ive been working on can have the same perfect rear.


New member
Better yet, you give her the clay version and steal the 'real' version right out from under her *insert evil laughter here*

Nah - I don't wish her any harm, *** forbid. I'm jealous but not psychotic. Yet. Haha.

Um... Kirsten Dunst too, that's the chicky's name whom Susan looks like. She's changed her hair colour too since I last "saw" her. She was sorta strawberry blonde last picky. May have been the light *meh* But kudos to them both. Now I just want them to breed, dagnammit! Don't let such genetic perfection be wasted!!!


Anyways... hehe, love your new elite label there beneath your name, there, Phi. <3 the drummer indeed. Bless our Bourdie. Awww.



New member
dont tempt me to do that. *** forbid i find out where he lives. *muwahaha* that could be something either extreamly funny or extreamly court bound. but hey its all good either way. thanks for the kirsten dunst thing. i couldnt remember it to save my life. me brains gone and it isnt even the end of the day *watches it fly away* ahh well portugese homework beckons so im outta here for now. *runs and saves the pics* wait. better not do that since im on school computer. oh well ill save em for later.

its all good




New member
Hey, been a bit since I harrassed this place... I mean visited, yeah.

As if y'all needed anymore proof that I have too much time on my hands (on my days off) and way too much imagination (*** bless my brain, hehe).

After my 'coming out' in the member's pic's thread (No I'm not a homosexual, I meant stepping out of the shadows and posting a pic of myself is all) I did this cause, well... I could. It's not real obviously. But my logic is I'll never meet the man in RL, prolly die of old age before they even make it back to these shores, but now... I have 'met' him... *bursts out laughing*

Oh, the humanity...

If anyone's seen the Grammy06 pics I posted here earlier then you'll know the pic I took this from. 3 pics actually. Sweet, huh?

*rolls eyes*

Now... time to sit back and wait for the lawyers to ring me *s******s*

Rav and Rob, Grammy's 06. Hahaha - :rolleyes:



New member
wow ur pretty. short but pretty. you two actually look pretty good together. well i can tell you he looks better in real life then in the pictures. XD. but hey its all good. now I have a visual to go with for my stories. im just going to go submurge my self in ductape and wood chippings for my new art project. im so stoked since i submitted 10 pieces of work to a show and the seven they picked were my rob pictures/statues. and then my statue won third and my charcoal/color pencil sketch won first and the digital picture (enhanced of course) of an army of robs behind multiple kits. ok im gonna go and crawl in a hole. XD

its all good




New member
Yes I am pretty short, haha, I'm shrinking too, sure of it! *gasp* Ah, it's all good. Hehe, yeah. We're cute (in a virtual discombobulated family kind of way *s******s*). If he's even better looking in real life (and so he says himself, when other fans have said it, no GQ dude indeed!) then I don't think I could meet him. I go all Jelly-legged at videos (um, sorta) and so forth, so seeing that great towering mass of human perfection like in the flesh would make my heart give out.


But the Rob-art of yours beats me hands-down! I'm like, omg! Love to see 'em. Congrats on having them picked let alone winning! Jesus, no shame in that. Passionate artist. Love it! :thumbsup: If I'm a self-proclaimed obsessor, what does that make you?? 0_o

Hehe. Bless him/us/whatever...

Take care. Talk again soon,

-Rav :D

****, haven't been in here for soooo long! I luff you guys and I still obsess about Rob. The legacy continues. Already all my new friends know I'm a LP/ROB freak. It's brilliant! anyway....yummy Rob


New member
Yeah, some things never change. Though we're not as 'loud' as we used to be there's still a select few here that continue to drool, obsess and generally carry on over one Mr Bourdon. *drools*

Glad to see you're still carrying on tradition. All Rob-luvin', all the time!


Glad to see you're back (in here, that is) :D




New member
yo! the mini-rob is back untill one of my dogs pulls the computer plug again. *drools* pause, pauses again *drools some more* ahh its a vicious cycle


New member
WHOA! Yes - doing a Jesus thing and breathing new life into a dead thread - but it was never really dead, just in a state of suspended animation - kinda like John Wayne in his cryogenic coffin in a lab somewhere... 0_o

Uh hu.

But I'm back again for now - intoning that while I have been off playing 'not so happy families' in the writer's thread that I hadn't forgotten about this place in the least. I'm back with a peace offering; a few more reasons to reinstigate my old drooling problem and get those unemployed janitors back in here doing what they do best... :thumbsup: That's love right there, :D

Well this is primarily at the request of one fellow Rob-sessor Crazy_Robster - we be twin souls she and I - who wanted more pics of dear Robbeh in his dead sexay spectahcles... and I'm going through the collection so this could take a while.

Joanna, I'm sure you've probably already got all these but I'll persist anyway - spreading the Bourdie-love, one droolworthy pic at a time... awww...

And here we go;



New member
And a few more;


Gawd, been a while since I've done that! :D



crazy robster

New member
Hey Rav I just found out about this awesome COB thing! Can I join in too? You think I'm obsessed enough and Rob addicted to be a part of your team? I think so!!! Nice to meet all of you Rob fans I thought me and Rav were the only crazy Robsters around... ;) No need to ask if I abide by the rules of the COB I'm a real Bourdonite in every single aspect of my Bourdonlife!!! Nice pics by the way!!! Oh, I love his lil glasses!!! I love every fibre of his being....I think I'll be a doll and post some pics too from my huge collection for all the Rob fans to drool over them as soon as the photobucket site maintenance is over and I'm able to post...GRRRR :thumbsup:


New member
Of course you can - there's nuthin' to it.

Actually we aren't as much a minority as you may think. We have a few Rob-lovin'-CoBers amidst the LPF and some (like me) carry on more than others. Trust me, he's loved here - awww, shucks!

We had 'rules' here at some point but like they're more guidelines than actual rules anyway. Something about bottles of water and wearing your caps backwards, but other than that... hehe...



Enjoy your stay and feel free to carry on about dear sweet Robert to your hearts content. We usually do, Mel, Rusu and I... 0_0

-Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
Thanks Rav!!! Maintenance is over time for some interesting posts! Want your opinion pleeeease!!!!





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New member
Very Bourdilicious!

*drools herself silly* and that aint hard really XD

Nice! Thanks for sharing. Love the one of him behind the kit with his shoes off... spunkrat. I have that one as my desktop sometimes... but yeah... very droolworthy. Thanks!


-Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
Yeah this is one of my personal favorites too! Still, the one with the surfboard is what drives me crazy! Couldn't we have more of these please whoever took that pic of Rob on the beach could they find out when he goes surfing and lurk there with a camera? Pleease.... ;)


New member
Yeah this is one of my personal favorites too! Still' date=' the one with the surfboard is what drives me crazy! Couldn't we have more of these please whoever took that pic of Rob on the beach could they find out when he goes surfing and lurk there with a camera? Pleease.... ;) [/quote']Couldn't agree more... but have to admit seeing the big guy in a singlet is almost as nice...

look at those arms!!! *swoons and collapses to a twitching puddle on the floor*

Oops! How did that last one get in there? heheh... couldn't help myself really... It's always all good...

crazy robster

New member
OMG it's nice to see all those bare-arm pics of Rob even though you know these arms will never hold you.... :( Anyway I really do believe that Rob would consider himself very lucky if he knew us!!!! Mmmm you never know... Maybe someday.... ;)
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