The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
I've completely lost track of everything's that's been happening here in the CoB *bows head in shame* but it looks like Rav's (or Rach) back full-time!! ...Or not? Well, anyway, good to have you back, Rav! *shakes hands and hands you some Bourdaronie (lol...I named it and I'm not even sure that that's correct)* Stay here for a while!! *ties you to a chair* You don't really have a choice now, do ya? :D

Where's my boss-lady?? *starts cooking some Bourdon-related food, looking around for her* haven't seen Hilly here in the kitchen since the party...

You guys have SUCH American names!! LOL...that sounds wrong. But I mean, Ruth, Rachel, Hilary, Allison....I'm the only one with a weird name!! We should take a vote on our favorite name lol...We don't have a lot of choices though. Hilary, Ruth, Alison, Rachel and Thelea.

Did we get Chipmonk's name??

Ahh...THAT picture rav, well if you haven't seen that you're truely missing out. My names not American...its of Jewish decent...I think *is confused* GREAT NOW IM CONFUSED!!! lol...yeah what is chipmonks name? I hope she tells us...


New member

My name is Jewish as well, although I'm not Jewish and nor are my parents. It means, roughly 'Lamb' I think. Rachel was the Biblical wife of Jacob so I have learnt and I also found out recently that the thin red cord that a lot of Kabbalah-believing persons (like Madonna and co) are all wearing at the moment and have inadvertantly made it a trendy item to boot is known as 'Rachel's cord'. Makes me feel special... *grins* Wonder does Rob want a cord from me... I can think of a few other things I'd like to give him *evil smirk* (Note to self; Okay... get mind out of the gutter again... sheesh!)

And thanks for tying me to this chair. At least it shows you care I guess *laughs* and you're feeding me Bourdaronie which is also a good thing so who am I to complain? :D No, I know I get distracted easily and wander off for extended periods, I'm prone to do that thesedays, but I try to log in here as often as I can now between work, gym and the rest of my daily grind. Curse Sims2, I'm addicted... again! But Sim Rav has just moved in with Sim Rob as of last night, even though they're not an actual 'couple' (BTW, she's also accidentally pregnant with Chester's baby so that's gonna make for an interesting household later on *laughs* They already had a HUGE barney before she moved in which was amusing enough, I'd never seen such a spit in all my years of Sim-playing, they make an explosive pair for sure) so I guess I'm living the dream in a very small and insignificant way... *sigh* Even when I'm not online my head is in this place (or just my drool, I'm not sure) but have no fear I'll always find my way home eventually... can't keep me away for good if you tried! I'd just log in as someone else and continue the obsession so as we've always said here; "It's all good!" Bless you Robert...

Hey, where abouts on the planet are you guys out of curiosity? I'm in the @$$ end of the world, also known as Australia, as I've said, this thing about originality of names and so forth had me wondering is all. Speaking of which, a name contest? *raises brow curiously* Who'd jugde it, most of us hate our names (well, most ppl do) so we're all biased to start with... And it's not like we can dial Rob and ask him his preference *rolls eyes* I'd like to say I have his number on speed dial but that's a crock... His lawyer perhaps, or mine, I'm not sure anymore, this whole obsessive stalking issue I wish I could persue *laughs* it's just befuddled me and I was somewhat befuddled to begin with!

Okay, gonna ping-off again. Time to go eat and maybe watch the Simpsons for a bit before I get my evening dose of Sims (see how I spend my day off? Fun huh?) So will catch y'all again later soon. Maybe later on tonight (it's 6:00pm right at this very minute here) see how I feel,

Take care guys and talk to you later, my fellow Bourdie-Buddies.

*Big Bourdie Bear Hugs*


(Aka: Bourdie's. That's all there is to it.) :cool:

BTW, Ruth is Jewish and means 'Compassionate and beautiful.' I consulted a name book I happen to have right here on my lap, so there y'go. It is Ruth right, Rusu?

Anyone else want me to give the meanings/origins to their names? :cool:



New member
My name's Thelea...which really doesn't have a specific meaning, but my mom always says: "If someone asks you what it means, just make up something like 'goddess of beauty' or something" lol I'm from Curacao...which is close to Aruba. That's the best way I can explain it. Atlantic Ocean-ish, right? **** haha...I don't even know where I live. Possibly because I don't give a tiny rat's *** either. *nods proudly*'s like 4.36 AM here and it's 6.36 PM where you're at :confused: Really cool.

Anyway, I guess I better go to sleep now :) before I slam my head against this keyboard.

Take care everyone! (and Rav...lay off the Sims for a lill' bit lol...with Chester's baby)



New member
My name's Thelea...which really doesn't have a specific meaning, but my mom always says: "If someone asks you what it means, just make up something like 'goddess of beauty' or something" lol I'm from Curacao...which is close to Aruba. That's the best way I can explain it. Atlantic Ocean-ish, right? **** haha...I don't even know where I live. Possibly because I don't give a tiny rat's *** either. *nods proudly*'s like 4.36 AM here and it's 6.36 PM where you're at :confused: Really cool.

Anyway, I guess I better go to sleep now :) before I slam my head against this keyboard.

Take care everyone! (and Rav...lay off the Sims for a lill' bit lol...with Chester's baby)
That's a beautiful name... :thumbsup:

Actually, I did find something in here on said name; as follows;

Variation of Thalia.

Greek; 'Blooming, Luxuriant.' In Greek myths Thalia was one of the 3 Graces and the Muse of Comedy. See also Thelma/Thele.

Greek; 'A nursling.'

Generally many names with the 'The' beginning is Grecian/Greek-inspired. Hope that helps!

And wow, Aruba??? That's awesome... blows my mind we're like worlds apart literally but still... ain't modern technology grand? *chuckles* And what's the deal about still being awake at such an ungodly hour? (Not like I'm ever one to talk) Can't sleep huh? Well, hope you can now! Pleasant dreams, dude. *hugs*

Edit: As for the Sims? Meh... I make no promise! *evil cackle*

Edit#2: Hey SS1 *hugs* And why is Fiona rejected again today? I have no clue what you're talking about save to say you'll never be rejected wherever I may be... :thumbsup: WB to the CoB, or... should I be referring that internally to myself? Did you return or never leave? *looks vague* Ahh, don't matter... Glad to see you about again anyhoo. Have a Bourdie-bickie.

*hands SS1 a Rob-shaped biscuit*



New member
haha *hugs* thanks rav

sure has been a while *hugs* glad to see you are alive

how come you never update your journal anymore?



New member
Short answer: Time constraints. While I'm not complaining that I don't have enough to do anymore, there just doesn't seem like enough hours in the day to do what I want let alone what I have to... *shrug* Besides, I don't think my life is really any more exciting than what it was way-back-when I was updating regularly, it's just monotanous now. And having the gift of the gab (at least online) I am prone to waffle on a bit for no apparent reason (... see?) so I thought I'd channel my efforts where I thought it would be more appreciated, here in my beloved old thread. That, and the fact I'm here more than I am anywhere else online (besides MTS2 - shameless plug :D ) so *shrug* hopefully that explains it.

PLUS who doesn't adore this face... I mean place, place... hehehe...


BTW, it's nice to be missed, but it's even nicer to be back/WB! *hugs*


Yes Rav, my name is ruth...hehe thanks for telling me the meaning of my name...I don't think it fits my character though >< lol...Rusu is the japanese version of Ruth...well its actually Ruusu...but the double u just looks strange so I rejected it...hmm and thats the story of my life...well actually my name but ne ways...

BTW, your sim "family" sounds so interesting lol and fun. No wonder you are adicted. Lol @ "Wonder does Rob want a cord from me... I can think of a few other things I'd like to give him" hehe

Thelea I think your name is beautiful even if doesn't have a meaning...but I can't vote because I think that all the names in here have good qualities to them...hmm hmmmm



New member
awwww rav you know we love your journal entries =)
ruth!! you are so mean *pets rejected u*
*Awwww* That's so sweet of you to say! *Dashes over and pulls Fiona into a squeeze-hug*

But still don't feel I have anything 'intelligent' to add there (question is, 'do I ever, anywhere?') But as I consider that, here's a pic from my game to do with my confused 'family' (LP hybrid as it were, Rob 'raising' Chester's daughter with some chick he's shacked up with, occasionally 'bangs' for kicks but doesn't actually have any committments to) *rolls eyes at that notion*

Yes I love Sims... how 'days of our lives' is THAT?

BTW, the baby's name is 'Bethany Lee', being because even Chaz himself has never laid eyes on her, let alone met, so she's not 'Bennington'. And she's not 'Bourdon' even though both Rav and Beth live in Rob's house (and it's a flash house, let me tell you! He's a high school band teacher on the moment, :rolleyes: following his dream to become, what else, a musician! Well, that's the life in Sim-land I guess.) Yeah, I'm sad I know.

Work tomorrow, fun-fun. Well hope you guys are all well. Now I'm gonna post a legitimate Rob pic - this is a young pic of him when he's still looking all young and innocent *s******s* (Uh hu) What more can I say, it's Rob, so it's all good!

Prepare to drool...

(Source: Buggered if I know anymore, huh? *laughs*)

Take care fellow Bourdonites! (Yeah, I just made that up, clever huh? :rolleyes: ) Bourdie-buddies, Bourdie-Boppers... ahhh... gotta love it!

See THAT'S why we're an institution, we take worship/obsession to a whole new level! (well... at least I do Hehehe)

*Big Bourdie bear hugs*


(aka; Bourdie's Bear Buddy Bourdanite! Uhhhh... okay!) :thumbsup:



New member
Hey guys... wow I've missed loads 0_0. **** art homework talking up all my free time *grumbles*

Awesome pics as always! The Sims rocks! I once attempted to make an LP family but I can't control families if they have more than 2 people in them... too high maintaince lol.

Names names names... I think I can remember all your names now. My name is Scottish.. I think 0_o.. though it does sound quite American.



New member
Thanks. And thanks... for the virtual hug. *awww*

Just sittin here, watchin' the clock. Have 3 and a half hours before I gotta go to work and have already excused myself out of going to gym today (lazy!) so I thought I'd jump back in here and see what y'all been up to overnight while I (pretend) to sleep. Munchin' on carob too (unsweetened chocolate minus the dairy) and drinking hot Milo which is also a treat, it's a hard life *grins*. It's raining here so I'm feeling all relaxed and reflective (as one does) just wondering which of my pix to upload next. Also wondering why there doesn't seem to be any 'new' Rob pics anywhere at the moment... what, has he gone on Sabatical to the Moon or something? *grumbles irately under her breath* We all know he's relatively 'quiet' when it comes to being in the public eye, but it's like the rest of the band (aside from the two front men, being Mike and Chaz) have all dropped off the face of the planet or something while they record this latest masterpiece (as we all know it's going to be). :thumbsup:

*shrugs* Just b*tchen. So, what's everyone up to? Gorging ourselves from our Rob-feast earlier, full of Bourdaroni, Bourdaccinos and Rob-shaped/Bourdie-Bickies (to name a few). Man, I wonder has the creative kitchen staff (would that be black_angel and Hilary?? Sorry, terrible memory) ever thought about patenting a few of these ideas and making a fortune? *lol* Should open up a string of coffee-shops and have Rob endorse it, wouldn't that be ironic; from waiter to CEO? *rolls eyes*

Black_angel, when Sims EP1 Uni came out I purposefully created the entire band as young adults and had them all going through college together (and yes, in a band as well, go figure) and though it takes a lot of work, it's amusing and can be done. Just takes a loooong time, that's all. (BTW, I used all their real life accreditations as bases, so Rob graduated with an accounting degree, Mike and Joe as artists and so on, but Chaz I gave a drama degree, cause let's face it he's a showman... *grins* That's just Chaz for ya!)

Well, pic time, as always. Let's see what I can come up with... here, get the buckets mops and towels ready while I upload something. Brb...

*Laughs* I love this expression... it's very... Rob, I think. Never know when he's contemplating breaking the camera man's legs or just merely being 'polite' *laughs again* Very Bourdie. :p

(Source: The Linkin Park Times, I think)

(Source: read it, like, d'uh! *grins*)

Okay guys, outta here yet again. May be back on tonight, who the **** knows anymore? Depends on whether or not it's a late shift at the restaurant. Take care, huge Back-breaking Bourdie-bear hugs (though I'd like to think he's more of a gentle giant... unless provoked, in which case you'd wanna fly like the wind! *laughs*) talk to y'all later,


(this is the part where I usually just type something that has to do with me being terribly besotted with the notion of Bourdie and all his manly wiles *huh?* but seeing as how I'm running out of such blurbs, or am simply too lazy right now to think of anything, will just say nothing and end this now. *laughs*) I'm such an imbecile!

P.S. Bourdie's B*tch! :D

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