The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Awww - he looks so... serious. Maybe it's his 'I am mature now, this is my grown up face' or sth... maybe with this newer 'edge' the guys have taken with M2M he's playing to some specific role, be damned if I know what it's all about - his other half is the actor in the family (sorry, actress) so maybe she could shed some light on the situation...?

*thinks about it*

*thinks about it some more*

*watches a tumbleweed roll by*

*laughs hysterically*

(Note to self Rav - retract them claws!! haha Meow!! haha)

SIS!! *smothering hugs* Thanks for the visual masterpiece!!! As always you're earning your wings in your place of higher learning ;) <3

Oh but anyway yeah, regardless he's still a fine piece of a- I mean art ;) Haha. Good thing he's talented too, always nice to have a fallback incase being a total dropdead gorgeous piece of eyecandy ever fell through for ya... Tough luck Mr Bourdon, wonder what you really have to be so grave-faced about??? *bawls*

Oh and hi there Usiel, welcome to the House 'o Love (even if it is overwhelmingly one-sided in this relationship, being Rob and the rest of us in this establishment collectively. Not what you would call a mutually exclusive relationship, but hey, if we all alternate weeks I'm sure we could get a fairly even share of Bourdiliciousness throughout the average year? XD) Enjoy your stay ;)

And to Jos - 0_0 Me wants in on this kidnapping plot!! I mean... no... just... whatever plan you have, evil or not, I'm eager here... want answers! Dont keep us in the dark!!! :eek: haha
And to Jos - 0_0 Me wants in on this kidnapping plot!! I mean... no... just... whatever plan you have, evil or not, I'm eager here... want answers! Dont keep us in the dark!!! :eek: haha

well as I said im my (and not to forget Pete's bc you can just have us in a double pack- random XD) Journal I first need to talk to my associates... lmao

But Jojo can tell you what's up :)
LMAO Yay my sis' rants have returned! YAY! No problem about the pic my beloved, any time ^^ Yeah I'm actually thinking that his smile has frozen or something due to extreme freezing conditions he has to deal with every day...*ahem* If you don't know what I mean people ask my sis, I'm not gonna elaborate in public cause I just CAN'T! lol And sis... THE UNBEARABLE HOTNESS OF ROB! Come on now you know you wanna do it! Start writing! Please! That'll be the CoB book, the official one! Distributed along with a CoB shirt to all new members...LMAO So what do you say? <3

Oh as for the plot... Yeah I'll let her know about it in detail Jos ;)
HAHAHAHA you crack me up! +Rep for that! Yes...hmmm maybe he's thinking that... We'll tell sis (who as you all know is a wonderful writer) to write a book entitled: "The Unbearable Hotness of Rob" :spiteful:
Aww my sweet - thanks for the free publicity! haha awww <3<3<3 I'm not even sure I could do justice to such a man, it would be like mankind in general trying to write about God or sth (not that Rob is God, he is A god, but in being I am pagan he isn't THE ONLY god... he's just really high up there on the chain of command is all haha Well okay, we call him The Lord, so maybe he aint God he's Jesus, sorta a Los Angelican modern day messiah of sorts, saving all our souls and the souls of the willing with his apostles Mike, Chester, Brad, Joe and the flaming bird Phoenix ;) *lmfao* (of so yeah, from a band of musicans to a band of evangelists??? hahaha Oh God I really AM having a Bourdonemic crisis!! Sis, Holy Water! Holy Water! Some of whatever that man's carrying around in that bottle of his I'll take, and if he's not looking steal me a quick smooch too ;) haha awww... Perversion and piety, only in the CoB folks... let the madness ensue hahaha)

So like... what was I raving on about again?? Oh yeah, the book! The Unbearable Hotness of Rob!!
Well the world is all focused on climate change innit?? Unbearable hotness defines this man! HE must be the reason the polar ice caps are melting! The hotness of Rob has taken this planet over, the evidence is everywhere! Sure, I could write a book, I could write an epic, a saga, a factual account of the awesomestness *giggles* of this tall hunk of a man... even if he looks pissed off half the time nowadays. BUT it would only be a tiny spark, a fleeting ember trying to capture the essence, neigh the blistering intensity, the bonfire of Bourdon (oh brother! *rolls eyes*) There arent enough words! There isn't enough comprehension in the span of human existence to grasp the essence, the heart of what makes this man so... really really really ridiculously good looking XD (thanks Zoolander) :rofl:

UHR - sounds like a grunt when you say it like that. I think that was almost deliberate, was it sis?? Very... appropriate. RAWR! haha awww... The wild lands of Bourdon... *dreamy sigh* Make a good spin-off tv series too by the sounds of that. haha

So yeah, hey, sign me up for the tee-shirt too! I want the whole deal! I want the lifetime membership, the book, the shirt, the tattoo, microchip implant and 24hr satalite tracking thingy too, cruise control, ABS brakes, and a BASS sound system that 'Bumps'... hahaha In fact I want THAT man! *points to avatar* *snuffle* Damnit Robbeh cheer up!!
If it makes the man smile again I will dagnammit!! But first I'm gonna need to have a sit down interview with his hawtness to get the scoop... and I aint gonna make a good first impression passed out in a puddle wearing an adult-sized diaper with drool dripping off the chin... kinds sets the wrong mood I reckon. Think I'll need some help. Any volunteers?? Hahaha

Ooooh Lordie!!! :rofl:
ROFLMAO!! Ain't my sis the bestest??? OMG that was the best rant I've read in years!!! I bet even Rob who likes to pout so much these days would giggle uncontrollably reading this! My supertalented sista! If you DID write that book sis it would easily become a best seller I'm telling you...You GOT SKILL!! As for the shirt and membership and all, I CAN promise you a shirt, same as the one I have..;) Once you're here we'll go nuts! LMAO *muahahahaha* *hugs hugs hugs*
Ok, ok, everyone who is here... and who isnt here anyway :D ... we're going to play to a new game, a guess game... can you tell me who this nice and sweet boy... I repeat BOY!!;) is??


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Hahaha Robbie!!! Classic pictures of young Robbie ^_^ Playful lil darling... Look at him there holding the camera! How I adore him... Thanks for that Usiel! :D
Aww.... look at that cute thing in the sweater ^^ And I never thought that was a camera o.o I thought it was a toy car box or something... Well it's cute anyways :]
Do you know what? :eek: idk why I think that but my bro looks a bit like Rob :eek: idk I was also thinkin that when I've been to the m&g... I looked at the pic and was like: hey he looks like your bro :eek:
Who has told you that the game is already finished?? :D


If you can sleep tonight without remember this pic... you've definitively a memory problem


Jos, who knows? Maybe you've in your house a Rob's clon...:p (anyway, if your brother looks like Rob when he was a kid... congratulation, dear... you've a nice brother!)
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He's taken huh? Yeah I figured... Guys are like parking spaces (that's what sis says) All good ones are taken... the only free ones are those for the handicapped... lol Aww Usiel, making me snuffle and awww and drool with all your pics again! Thank you!!