The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Don't worry my beloved, when you can't rant I'm here to do it for you! The Church of Bourdon is always alive and thriving no matter what! *squeeze hugs*
Lmao see? Rob should hire me as his personal image maker! Since I was able to make the "duh" look look sexy, I could make the whole world devoted Robsters in NO TIME I reckon! LOL Hahahaha
Preaching to the converted here my sweet - and as for the sexy 'duh' thing he got goin on there *faints*
I love the lumberjack thing but Duh comes in close to that most probably... that and the intellectual thing with the glasses... put glasses and lumberjack together *faints gets up dusts self off and faints again* haha
And anyway we know why he's frustrated sis and it aint got nothing to do with any of us here :rofl:

Now forgive me, I need to get into a shower myself (I dont care if its winter here, I NEED some... ahem... cleanliness... mind is dirtier than... um... this is still a public forum aint it?? haha Oops, shut up Rav, shut up! keep it to yourself, keep it together, breathe, just breathe girl! haha - sis, catch me I feel faint here...oooh)

And that's all I have to say (temporarily) on the matter :rolleyes:
*Runs and catches you before you collapse on the floor* My poor sweet sis... I can relate... *fans sis and gives her some Au De Rob* Inhale my sweet...Deeper!! Good girl! :D
Awww thanks Jos! Haha Rob and his water... You know I wonder...does he ever drink anything else besides water? Not that it's a bad thing mind you! Drinkin lots of water is the best thing to do! Lord knows better... ;) But wow those security men don't even let you give LP the things you want signed yourself? I noticed that big man took the hat from that fan and gave it to Rob to sign it... Meh... They won't even let the fans enjoy even a few seconds of intimacy with the guys...Unfair... OK if I went to a Meet and Greet I'd try to seduce Rob through eye contact...LOL Then he'd give me his phone number through sign language!! LMAO Who's afraid of the big security guy? NOT ME, that's for sure!! LOL :D

well done!! I couldnt say it better than you!! Why dont they let the fans to have a unforgettable time with their stars?? Well, maybe the own LP boys decided to pay for some (and stupid) security guards, dont you think this? I can understand it in a way... you know, it can be some "dangerous" fans (I'd be one of them probably... I'd give to Mike a huge hug so nobody could separate me from him... hahaha :lol: ... oh, God, this situation would be very funny... but too unreal, I'm too shy to do that... I think ;) ) but anyway, I hope one day (when you get some free time, of course) you can show me the exotic eye's skill... and I'll show you others. We need to get their phone number over everything!! then "the shower's scene, can come!!" :rolleyes:

littleblackstone said:
damnit jojo!!!!!!
now i can't get this image out of my mind!!!!!!
jesus!!!!!!!! ur mind can be even more dirty than mine..

:D :D :D Oh, God, this scene would be... ainsss!! or what about this one? You're his couple and you have a stupid argue with him (choose one, dont care about it, 'cos the most important thing in the plot comes now:D ) he goes out, he leaves you and you dont know where he goes... the time comes, and he hasnt return..its raining quite hard in the night... you're worried so you go to the garden, under the covered terrace. Everything is in silence, but suddenly when you return to the house, he's here.. behind you, he's wet and as you were the most beautiful and delicate jewel, he starts to caress you, under the rain, and he kiss you, so soft and his words become to your ears while you feel his heart in your chest, his lips in your neck and his hands in your waist:
"Dont leave please... You're my love, you're my life, without you my life has no sense, has no mean... I'll be always with you 'cos you're the only one who has showed me what love is... you've always had my heart, since the first moment I met you, so, please, my love, dont go away with it..."

Buff, I'm sorry I've to take an ice shower ... it will continue!!:D
OH Lord I would so TOTALLY give you some reputation for this but i can't give you more until I spread some around...LPF rules I'm afraid...:( Anyway...THIS WAS AWESOME!! Wait till my sister reads this, she's the best writer in the world she'll definitely tell you you have talent and you should write some fanfic, some Linkin Park fan story you know...But I'm telling you this was awesome! *drools* So passionate... That's an image of Rob I wanna keep... Thank you SO much!! :D
OH Lord I would so TOTALLY give you some reputation for this but i can't give you more until I spread some around...LPF rules I'm afraid...:( Anyway...THIS WAS AWESOME!! Wait till my sister reads this, she's the best writer in the world she'll definitely tell you you have talent and you should write some fanfic, some Linkin Park fan story you know...But I'm telling you this was awesome! *drools* So passionate... That's an image of Rob I wanna keep... Thank you SO much!! :D

Thanks darling, you're awesome, not what I write.. but you know, I did it quite quick, so I dont like too much the last result. It should be more AWESOME, more romantic, more everything, but I hope you can get an idea about what I tried to transmit... after all, I'm a amateur writer :D , I'm always writing, not romantic things as this one (I've my mind for, I dont need paper) but actually I'm writing a history novel about Columbus, so to write this short story was as a game if I compare it with what I have as a personal project!!(It does not mean that I'm not glad about your personal opinion. I could not be more happy... and believe me, I did not it to get more reputation. For me the reputation has not importance if I'm happy here and the mates are happy with me :))

Anyway, If you want to make it more real, see "In the end" vid and you'll see Rob (and for me Mike) quite wet, so it's good for you inspiration!!

By the way, I Know this is not the perfect moment and less the perfect place, but thank you for your opinion about my pics... i'll try to put some of them in the member's picture thread. thanks, dear ;)
Haha awwww I knew you were into writing anyway, it shows! :D I really enjoyed that scene you described there honestly!! Thanks again!! Oh I have pictured Rob in any possible way and any possible weather in my mind, believe me! lol I am too As for your pics, can't wait to see more of you!! :D :D :D
:D :D :D Oh, God, this scene would be... ainsss!! or what about this one? You're his couple and you have a stupid argue with him (choose one, dont care about it, 'cos the most important thing in the plot comes now:D ) he goes out, he leaves you and you dont know where he goes... the time comes, and he hasnt return..its raining quite hard in the night... you're worried so you go to the garden, under the covered terrace. Everything is in silence, but suddenly when you return to the house, he's here.. behind you, he's wet and as you were the most beautiful and delicate jewel, he starts to caress you, under the rain, and he kiss you, so soft and his words become to your ears while you feel his heart in your chest, his lips in your neck and his hands in your waist:
"Dont leave please... You're my love, you're my life, without you my life has no sense, has no mean... I'll be always with you 'cos you're the only one who has showed me what love is... you've always had my heart, since the first moment I met you, so, please, my love, dont go away with it..."

Buff, I'm sorry I've to take an ice shower ... it will continue!!:D

absollutely GREAT!!!
My God, i cant even imagine this could happen with me and... Rob (or Mike!!), but...
i keep dreaming!! :mad:

btw Jojo.... LOVE UR SIG!!!!!! GORGEOUS! :D
absollutely GREAT!!!
My God, i cant even imagine this could happen with me and... Rob (or Mike!!), but...
i keep dreaming!! :mad:

btw Jojo.... LOVE UR SIG!!!!!! GORGEOUS! :D

Thanks, dear... your opinion makes me very happy, well not, it makes absolutely GLAD (although, today it has been a nightmare for me, and I quite sad...:( ) but, anyway, thanks again and well, as I said ("it will continue"), I'm creating another story... it's still in production, but, I'll give you a clue (this story is going to dedicated to crazy-robster, my great greek friend :thumbsup: ) I'vent finished it yet... (well, my mind is full of images and words) but anyway the clue is this one: it would a lovely scene, very romantic, in the beach, under the most beautiful and full white moon you can ever imagine and with the soft sound of the sea wrapped you two as if you were only one person. Just the moon and the brilliant stars will be the only witness of your, ok, what do you think about the context? you like it? Now, I've to put orden in them and, of course, I've to choose the music for it... afther this, I think it will be ready!!:D

@littleblackstone; dont be angry with me; the next story (dont worry, I've imagination for thousand and thousand's love stories... although I dont like too much in movies :)) will be for you ;)
OMG is that a story about me and Rob?????!!! On the beach?? Under the moonlight??? Oh I'm like... speechless, dunno what to say except I'm thrilled!!! Oh thank you SO MUCH! *hugs*
hahaha... be patient... I'vent it finished... yet XD, but it will be ready soon... so, are you ready to dream? You just need to use a little bit your imagination...the other things, leave them to me... and tonight, maybe you've got another surprise, just wait that "your witnesses" come one more time ;)
Thanks, dear... your opinion makes me very happy, well not, it makes absolutely GLAD (although, today it has been a nightmare for me, and I quite sad...:( ) but, anyway, thanks again and well, as I said ("it will continue"), I'm creating another story... it's still in production, but, I'll give you a clue (this story is going to dedicated to crazy-robster, my great greek friend :thumbsup: ) I'vent finished it yet... (well, my mind is full of images and words) but anyway the clue is this one: it would a lovely scene, very romantic, in the beach, under the most beautiful and full white moon you can ever imagine and with the soft sound of the sea wrapped you two as if you were only one person. Just the moon and the brilliant stars will be the only witness of your, ok, what do you think about the context? you like it? Now, I've to put orden in them and, of course, I've to choose the music for it... afther this, I think it will be ready!!:D

@littleblackstone; dont be angry with me; the next story (dont worry, I've imagination for thousand and thousand's love stories... although I dont like too much in movies :)) will be for you ;)

Ohhh, thankzz sweety!!! that's a honor!!:D

And i hope u're better.... forget the nightmares!!!;)
Soooo, I was looking at his divine face again as I always do and I discovered some lovely snaps that I think I haven't posted here (though my sis HAS them already due to the "express post" system I offer as a twin hehe :D) Therefore I thought it'd be a nice idea to post them for every Rob lover to admire, drool or anything else that this eye candy may cause...:spiteful: Also I think this will be a good stimulus for my amiga Spaniola Usiel to get inspired for the Rob-Jojo romance she's working on, huh? ;) Here you are...




Not so recent, but still droolworthy!! Enjoy <3
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Oh, my Godness' sake!! OMG, OMG,OMG :eek: :eek: !! Dear, crazy-robster, your words cant be more kind, so thank you very much!! You've made me this morning two lovely presents, and sincerely, for me I dont know what is better: Rob's pics are really, REALLY AWESOME... but my inspiration!! Oh, God!! I dont know what you've put with this pics, but, now my mind is full of images, words, songs... SAINT INSPIRATION!! (what a pity is that I dont know who my associate, Columbus, looked like... but something tell he wasnt as handsome as Rob or Mike :D ... after all, many investigations say he was red-haired and with blue eyes...:confused: I'd really love to know it certaninly. I think is a good way to get the inspirations) but anyway... dont worry 'cos your story is tailwind to all candle :D

oh, look at this, I've got something it can inspirate you too... or well, I dont know it, but I'm sure it will make you to have a happy day. :)


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oooohhh ^^ noce pics ^^

could you girls do me a favour? I wanna do sigs for each LP member, like I already did for Brad + Chaz, but I deleted all my Rob, Joe, Mike and Phi pics some days ago bc I'm not really using them :( and my computer was ****in around so I had to delete them...
Now I need your favourite pics from Rob; 1-3 max (I know its hard to choose but yeh ^^)
that'd be so nice from you!
Awww my friend Usiel, you are so sweet aren't you? Haha I'm glad I make you so happy!! You make me too! Oh and as for calling me Jojo (what you asked me in the CoS) that's what I want my friends in here to call me it's far more intimate than crazy robster don't you agree? lol And thanks for the pics!!!

Josi my sweet as far as I'm concerned my current favourite pics of Rob are those andrea posted a couple of days ago (the ones I used for my sig) so you can find them in the previous pages of the CoB. Good luck with the sigs!! *hugs*