The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Wow, as tough as it would be to pare it down from literally thousands to 3 I have attempted to do just that...

Here's my choices for this very minute ;-)








My ultimate fav - and I cant even say why it just is!!

You know what I'm sure there's shitloads more - but I have to stop or it'll be a hundred pic post!! (I know you said three - Good thing I cant count!! haha)

Hope thats something ;-)
Soooo, I was looking at his divine face again as I always do and I discovered some lovely snaps that I think I haven't posted here (though my sis HAS them already due to the "express post" system I offer as a twin hehe :D) Therefore I thought it'd be a nice idea to post them for every Rob lover to admire, drool or anything else that this eye candy may cause...:spiteful: Also I think this will be a good stimulus for my amiga Spaniola Usiel to get inspired for the Rob-Jojo romance she's working on, huh? ;) Here you are...




Not so recent, but still droolworthy!! Enjoy <3

:eek: :eek: :eek:
:mad: :mad: :mad:
;) ;) ;)
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The moment has come... look at the sky and you'll see her, the moon; so beautiful, so proud of herself, as the most powerful queen who is followed by thousands and thousands of little and brilliants ladies... can you hear her?listen the silence of the night... listen the soft whisper of the air. It's her voice... listen it kindly 'cos there is something she can tell you... a story, a love story who nobody knows, 'cos she was the only witness in that night... near the sea. She was combing her long and soft silver hair when between the darkness two figures appeared: A man and a woman, both young. both in the line of the passion's life. they were laughing, they were joking one with the another, they were playing... they were in love. The dress of the young girl, was flying in the soft air while the man's hands run along her waist to her hip. His voice was a poem of love while his lips were caressed her neck so carefully, so soft as he was afraid to break her in a million of hearts of pure love, the most pure even known... the love they represent, the real and true love which nobody could never take away from them, and the moon knew it while she saw how the sea took them with it and dancing in the blue sea and mysterious, and always embraced, feeling one the heart of the other one, feeling the love they felt between kisses and caress, they made love along the all night without being careful of anything because they had everything what they needed. their eyes had only one way, their lips only one destiny, and their arms only one thing to protect...

Can you hear it? It's the moon that is telling you the most beautiful love story. Can you feel her words, can you know now what the real love is? 'Cos she knew it, since that night, when while she was combing her long and soft silver hair, she saw that the real love personified in two lovers came to dance to her...


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*Jaw drops* That was great!! OMG so that was actually describing a scene between me and Rob? And the picture...Awww you are such a romantic soul my dear friend, just as I am!! That was simply awesome...The moon, the sea...the whole atmosphere... *sighs* I wish huh? LOL Anyway, thank you so much, sincerely, I am touched that I was actually the inspiration for you to write! *hugs* Now all I can hope is that Rob will read this and come to find me so we can make it reality...LOL Thanks again! :D :D
hahaha :D , well, you dont need to thank to me anything at all; as a painter wants his receptors enjoy with his pics and they know what he has lived by his pics, as a poetic wants to show what he feels, what he thinks... I suppose a writer too. So, it's my honour (a big one) to know that all what I write, sad or happy, real or fictional, long or doesnt care the fact, if they have a mean for all of you, and specially for you,dear Jojo, 'cos you were the first receptor I wanted to show what a lovers felt that night, under the moonlight. Might it be you and Rob? It might be... you know. I'm a "writer" in some way, or at least I try to be one of them (some mates here call me "Shakespeare" :D ), so I cant say that these lovers were you and Rob... they can be anyone, just if there is love between them, BUT I've written this short story for you, just for you, so... well, for me this man and this woman had a face; in my mind I knew who they were... but just in my mind... I cant put "your face" in another mind who read this; At the end, we're free to think and to believe whatever we want...;)

But, anyway, the most important thing for me is you've enjoyed this. I hope one day this story would become true, but even more beautiful than this one :) . (although I hope not Rob or another LP boy read this :eek: ... I'd die!! Well, I know it's difficult or just impossible 'cos they never are here, in the forum... so THANKS MY GOD:D !!)
Hehe you are absolutely right that's quite smart actually! Not putting a face to the characters leaves one's options open, each person can identify them with any one and put any face he/she wants to them! On the other hand, you say you had ME and Rob in mind when writing it so in this sense I am more than flattered! Beautiful mental images!! :D Thanks again!

EDIT: Oh I found this picture, it's actually a little old but it's Rob so that's enough of an excuse for me to post it in here...

And of course my song of the day dedicated to him...

"Pardon the way that I stare
there's nothing else to compare
the thought of you leaves me weak
there are no words left to speak..."

Bourdie bless y'all!! :D
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Hehe you are absolutely right that's quite smart actually! Not putting a face to the characters leaves one's options open, each person can identify them with any one and put any face he/she wants to them! On the other hand, you say you had ME and Rob in mind when writing it so in this sense I am more than flattered! Beautiful mental images!! :D Thanks again!

EDIT: Oh I found this picture, it's actually a little old but it's Rob so that's enough of an excuse for me to post it in here...

And of course my song of the day dedicated to him...

"Pardon the way that I stare
there's nothing else to compare
the thought of you leaves me weak
there are no words left to speak..."

Bourdie bless y'all!! :D
OMG!! *faints* Seems like some personal invitation (or dare) doesnt it?? :clap: I WISH!!

Wow sis thanks SO MUCH!
*insert droolage smilie*

And well said on the lyrics mind you... for all the rants in the world I couldnt have put that better myself ^^
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EDIT: Oh I found this picture, it's actually a little old but it's Rob so that's enough of an excuse for me to post it in here...

hahaha, my dear Jojo, if you think this pic is a little bit old... what can you think about this one??8P


yes, although it can seem incredible, this boy is your lovely Rob.:)
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Oh, my God, Andrea, You dont know how I LOOOOOVEEEE YOUUUU!! Seriously, if I've to pass away before, I'll reserve you a place in the Heaven (peace, soft music, relax, nice and romantic boys)... or in the hell (loudly music, sexy and a few boys, parties...) wherever you prefer, you know, I've some contacts there so... ;)
OMG new pictures!! <3 <3 <3 Thank you thank you thank you SO much Andrea for keeping us updated!! *hugs* One question: Why does Robbie look up at the sky in some of them? Hmm... He must have seen the flying banner I sent him saying "I love you Rob" and is wondering "How much more of a nutcase can she be?" LOL
OMG new pictures!! <3 <3 <3 Thank you thank you thank you SO much Andrea for keeping us updated!! *hugs* One question: Why does Robbie look up at the sky in some of them? Hmm... He must have seen the flying banner I sent him saying "I love you Rob" and is wondering "How much more of a nutcase can she be?" LOL

hahaha LOL, I wondered myself the same question as you, dear Jojo... and do you know? I've got the answer for it!! He was looking up at the sky 'cos his mind was in another thing, far away from that moment... he was thinking in someone who is quite far away from him, but, his heart was with her, with her love, with her life... the person, the nice lady from Greece who took him his heart and he 's glad of this because now, since that moment, his life, his actions, everything he does has a mean, has a sense... the sense, just one word, four letters but a full of synonymous of love: she is the Sun for him, the day and the night, she is just who you're thinking to, she is just YOU!!!:D
I'm sorry for spoiling your thoughts girl about what he was looking at but I think I have the real answer to your question Jojo.

I hope this photo tells you (behind them):

and here is another photo:
I'm sorry for spoiling your thoughts girl about what he was looking at but I think I have the real answer to your question Jojo.

I hope this photo tells you (behind them):

and here is another photo:

sorry but I have to say that: THERES TAL!!!!!!!!! TALINDA!!!!!!!!!!! W000000T!!!!!! :clap:
and one of Chesters sons!!! (prolly :p)

OMG!! thank you so much for these pics!!

and of course Rob looks hot ^.^
I'm sorry for spoiling your thoughts girl about what he was looking at but I think I have the real answer to your question Jojo.

I hope this photo tells you (behind them):


well, we can know what the truth is but we can continue dreaming, can't we, dear Jojo? At least, it's something free and nice for a time, short time...that's the problem!!:(
I think he was looking to the big machine... the same one you can see in "Reanimation" album... well, that was what I've supposed
Haha thanks for answering my question girls!! :D :D Andrea you are the picture queen aren't you? Hey people... Just because I love to keep you busy, look closely and tell me... don't you think Robbie is heavily dressed compared to the other two? He's the only one wearing a jacket... There is something or someone near him giving him chills... Can you tell? ;) :D :D