The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

he has to have a strong health if he wants to continue living in the North Pole.. so he has to drink too much water and to eat many oranges if he doesnt want to get a cold)... ainss, you see, you dont know what you do just for love... well, it would be more true if I say "love" :D

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yay for my amiga Spaniola!! I wouldn't expect anyone else to appreciate oranges as much as we down here in the Mediterranean do! LOL Oranges and olive oil! The secret of beauty!! lol :D

Also, can't imagine how thrilled I am when people see the light AKA get to see who the real Lord of human perfection is... I'm sure Rob will be grinning like an idiot just like I am grinning right now!! :D :D :D
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yay for my amiga Spaniola!! I wouldn't expect anyone else to appreciate oranges as much as we down here in the Mediterranean do! LOL Oranges and olive oil! The secret of beauty!! lol :D

Also, can't imagine how thrilled I am when people see the light AKA get to see who the real Lord of human perfection is... I'm sure Rob will be grinning like an idiot just like I am grinning right now!! :D :D :D

Yes, you're alright.. mediterranean gastronomy is the best one. Go away chips and burguers, we dont want you!! You make us fat... look at our poor Mr Hahn... he doesnt know what the good food is and... well, if one day I've got the opportunity to meet him I'll give him as a present a big, BIG box of mediterranean fruit, vegetables, olive oil.. and I'll show him to cook nice meal (spanish omelette, umm, yammmy!! greek mousaka.... umm, delicious!!! french cousine... hahaha :D) and to Rob? well, I leave this hard work to you (I think I've enough with Mike), my "Van Gogh", but I'll give an advice... if he doesnt get warm with a nice Fasolada (although in my case I'll be mad with a tiropita or a... umm, what's the name? Oh, I cant rememeber it know...:confused: ...well, it's ok...) you know what the next step is... use the abdome dance!!:D Well, this isnt very traditional, but, never mind, who cares?;) The most important thing is he will be as hell soon!!

@By the way, I can understand now why you call "sis" to Rav. She has caught quickly about what I was talking when I've said "Pole North"...that's great, I can say everyone knows my spanish humour... you see, the spanish mischievousness (but not with bad intentions, just good and nice one)....:eek: :eek: .. Oh, God, it comes at the end!! Hitapodi!!!!:D
LMAO oh Lord bless ya I haven't laughed so hard in ages!!! HAHAHAHA how on earth do you know about fasolada, Greek mousaka and tiropita? You've been to Greece haven't you? LOL I agree, Mr Hahn needs to learn a few things about Mediterranean cuisine immediately!! Everyone should know it's the food we eat here that makes us so beautiful right? LOL And now my secret is revealed! I have been feeding Rob with all sorts of Greek dishes and lots of olive oil that's why he's such a hunk of human perfection! Plus the burritos he eats with you...LMAO

As for my sis, didn't you know we are twins? We think of the same thing at the same time!! My sis is great she is the bestest, anyone can tell you that!! :D :D
Oh, I'm glad you have this fantastic twin.. you're lucky, my friend (you see, I'm lucky too 'cos I can call you with different names and you know perfectly you're this person: Van Gogh, Jojo, Mrs Bourdon, My inspiration., my greatest greek friend... God!! you cant be unsatisfied!! ;)... about Greek cuisine.. well, I havent had the pleasure yet...(I hope you can catch what this "yet" means..LOL!!), I've eaten greek mousaka, but not with vegetables, with lamb... and about the others dishes, well, hahaha... I'm a "clever" girl, well not, maybe a smart one (you know, if I say "smart", I've got more qualities just if I say "clever" :p ) so I like to know a little bit about everything.. and I love to cook different kind of dishes from another countries...:D

Hahaha... you know, when I read your comment (about Rob) I've thought another thing which maybe you've forgotten... I dont know: let me to explain you, the problem is we have to get to keep Rob warm (you know, poor boy all the time living with a fridge, he has to be bored of so many ice) isnt it? That's perfect, so we can get it with the greek cousine which you're going to cook them for him (that would be very very nice. If I were him, I wouldnt have a doubt to say you: you have two options, to marry me or... to marry me. You choose). Besides, dear Jojo, you added to eat some burritos (with me? why with me? Burritos isnt a spanish food... is from Mexico) but anywall, I'll be pleasure to eat with him and Mike (dont forget him, please) if you promise me something: let me to cook them!! You know, we have to get that Rob goes warm... so what does he need? a magic sauce with a magic thing called chili :spiteful: ... I think it will be perfect to get him not just warm, if not HOTTT. With this he'll forget what to be cold means (to forget the cold, it means I LOVE YOU JOJO.. WHO IS THIS FRIGDE ALIVE? You have to be with the eskimoes!!) and after this, with your abdome dance... buff, I feel even the ambient too hot now!!!!:D
thanks my lovely angel (I'm glad to hear... well not, to read this from my funny angel!! :D), I Know you look at me with good eyes... how do you know my name? Well, never mind. But, although it's funny, if you think about it's quite a hard situation, can you imagine a relationship with a fridge? Seriously, I I prefer to have a love story with the oven, at least, it let me to be warm and besides, you know, I can cook and it's smaller than me so... I HAVE MORE SPACE IN THE BED!!!!:D
thanks my lovely angel (I'm glad to hear... well not, to read this from my funny angel!! :D), I Know you look at me with good eyes... how do you know my name? Well, never mind. But, although it's funny, if you think about it's quite a hard situation, can you imagine a relationship with a fridge? Seriously, I I prefer to have a love story with the oven, at least, it let me to be warm and besides, you know, I can cook and it's smaller than me so... I HAVE MORE SPACE IN THE BED!!!!:D

:lol: :lol: :lol: don't tell me more!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: but u'r right!! at least, things on the bed become hotter, if u know what i mean... :lol:

(i know ur name cause I've seen it around, don't know exactly where.. and btw, mine is Andreia, if u want to know)
Oh, I'm glad you have this fantastic twin.. you're lucky, my friend
Why thank you *bows* Dunno how fantastic I be but sis and I are twin souls she and I, very rare connection to have with anyone in this day and age let alone someone from another country half way across the world that I havent met yet (but will be in 19 days!! OMG!!:clap: ) But anyway, I'm lucky too! Just had to share that. I know it's Rob's temple here (gawd I wish 8P ) so I'll stop hijacking this thread with talk about my sis... but anyway she's my apprentice-ranter and next-in-line for the COB Priestessship 0_o
Yeah, I made that word up. Sue me. Haha. :yes:

Besides, dear Jojo, you added to eat some burritos (with me? why with me? Burritos isnt a spanish food... is from Mexico)
Not sure exactly but she may have been thinkin me - I work as a cook at a Mexican restuarant *shrugs* That and we know that Robiliciousness loves burritos anyway, so... yeah, I guess dont matter who cooks it provides he gets to eat it. You know what they say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach! (Remember Frat Party, where does Rob like to hang out besides bed and drums? The fridge!! :-| hahaha). "Not much to eat," he said, "Thank god for catering." :lol: Maybe an ice pick too perhaps? *rolls eyes*

Again sis and I (and my daught Woody ;)) have a solution to this issue = To get rid of the fridge we simply pair her up with another... um... equal? Haha. Well I dunno how to even classify this paramour but its Brian *puke* Molko from Placebo that Sarah's always trying to convert me to. Sis called this pairing Briannessa, which makes me think its like how Brad and Anglelina are Brangelina or Tom and Katie are Tomkat... I know Brian and Vanessa arent the ultimate power couple but hey, it frees up her other half, the gorgeously dim-witted and utterly unobtainable rock god that is Mr Bourdon...

*dreamy sigh*

Okay... back to reality now. Dagnammit :confused:
Hahaha OMG this thread is such a pleasure to read (and post of course)!! Hahaha I bet the fridge doesn't cook much, in order to cook you need heat and a fridge is always...COLD! LMAO So yeah if the way to Rob's heart is through his stomach then I guess we will have to make a plan. Step one: Pair the fridge with the undecided (Vanessa and Brian that is) so that both my sis and Rob are freed respectively! Step two: Since Rob will be free we can organise the "attack". My sis will cook him burritos, I will cook him mousaka and Lorena will cook him Spanish omelete and BANG! That's it, Robbie is down at our feet!! :D :D :D

PS: My twin sis...awwww... I second what you said!! *squeeze smothering hugs* 19 DAYS!!!! And then we'll join forces and conquer the Rob fortress once and for all! ;)
OMG, my Jojo (well, not actually you're, or you'll be soon Rob's Jojo.. I hope Rob and your sis let me to share you a little bit.:eek: ) but anyway... you're absolutely great...tell me, who are you? are you a genius's daughter? or are you Da Vinci's reincarnation? You can do everything!! You can cook delicious mousaka as everyone cannot do it (well, I'vent eaten your dishes... but I've got a developed female intuition!), you can paint (and in this case, I'm sure about it ;) ) and now, you've showed me, you're a great strategist!! And I'll be pleasure to take part in this plot!!!:yahoo: you see, angel Usiel is here!! and I'll be glad to cook the best and the greatest spanish omelette (although I'll ask to my mum for some help; she is a master making them). For my part, I think is better if I hypnotize him with a flamenco dance. I think I can do it better and I know, foreign people (I dont know europeans as you, but I know than americans and even more the japaneses love flamenco, so... why not???)... ohh, I cant wait more, so, when do we start?:D
Haha awww you ARE sweet huh? That made me smile and blush too! But haha NO I'm not a genius's daughter, nor Da Vinci's reincarnation (I don't hide messages in my drawings :p) nor do I cook mousaka...yeah I must admit I can't cook that well... My sis is the cook, not me! Lol As for a great strategist...hehe I CAN be that as long as the target is interesting and the target in THIS case (Rob) is DROOLWORTHY if anything! Haha and thanks so much for your willingness to help with the plan!! I'm sure if we all put our minds together we can make this happen!! LOL :D

PS: friendly advice: the maximum size allowed for sigs is 500x175 I think you should make it a bit smaller huh? Make sure the height is no more than 175 pixels. :) *hugs*
oH, Thanks, my friend!! You've said that I'm sweet, but I think I've learnt this quality from you!!! Sure...:D You know, I can understand you, maybe you dont want to tell me you're a Da Vinci's reincarnation (well, it's quite normal, mybe you dont know it, but I have a perception about it... and you should know this: I'm not a normal girl... you see, I'm a strange mix of powerful powers, 'cos from the other hand, you know I'm an "angel" (more or less :D ) but besides I'm a little bit witch (although I'vent studied in Harry Potter's school or I'm not Sabrina's cousin or something like this, you know). But I've a six sense quite developed (actually, most of the women have one of this) and for this reason I know the plot will work perfect!!

After all, I dont know the others, but we have with us something very useful against Pole North: yes, of course, the mediterranean sun and if this sun was able to break my fridge (not the ALIVE ONE, you know, my home fridge) last summer (a nightmare, believe me. In these days I didnt meet (yet) the mum from all the fridges in the world... do you know it? her best friend is the White witch from "The Chronicles of Narnia"... hahaha, you see, you can judge a man (in this case a fridge) by the company he... well, in this case, it-she keeps!!:lol: but, anyway, for the next time my fridge die, I'll call her, maybe she can arrange it.. and if not, well my fridge's mum needs to be in his funeral... isnt it? ainss poor woman-fridge... so cold and with so many sons. do you think Rob knows this? Well, it's a hard job to have thousands and thousands of sons... but, well, he can support the whole water that wants cold!!8P Ok, ok, I think I've been a little bit naughty... but you know, I cant resist it!! Well, from now on, I'll be a good girl, (until tomorro morning), I promise you. Meanwhile, here you have, a nice present, 'cos if I cant be a good girl, at least I know you can be it by me...


@By the way, thanks for you advise. You are very kind (as always). As you can see, I've changed it a little bit, although I hope the essence is the same...:)
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Haha Usiel you always crack me up! Hahaha thanks so much for everything and the little present too!

Alright CoBers, here's the portrait of Lord Bourdie!! I made it myself and I'm very proud of it although I scanned it to post it here and it doesn't look as good as the original but you'll get an idea! :D OMG I wanna make out with it!! LOL Enjoy! :D :D :D

PS I'll post it in my gallery's been a while...

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Oh, Jojo... that's marvellous!! Please, take care of it, 'cos it's a very nice pic... well, actually, you know what my opinion is about your drawings, but if you dont remember it, ok, I'll refresh your mind one more time: Sincerey, I'm going to give a friendly call to Dan Brown 'cos I think I've a good idea for a new best-seller... after all, I've the fantastic honour to meet the new Da Vinci of the century XXI... Yes, the plot will be something like this (of course, I'll include your Mr Bourdon. All story needs a love fact, if not, I can say the story is "lame"), so, this story would begin like this:

Joanna (she is known as Jojo between her friends) is a beautiful, clever... well, in just one word: smart girl who lives in Paris, the city of the love. She has a special talent, very special talent to paint. One of her pictures it is exposed in a great gallery of art and one day, a visitor (you can guess whom) fell in love with it. But this paint, has something very special and very strange too: there are some elements which you can find in different Da Vinci's pic. Since then, the boy (a young professional of pictures) and Jojo will try to find out the relationship between Da Vinci and her, her pics and her past. But this mission wont be easy, 'cos another woman (with a cold look 8P ) will try to break down their plans with some help (a military power which has a secret place of government in the middle of the Pole North... or something like this... you know, I'm improvising on the step :eek: )

The world'll know soon the real story, and the secrets around Da Vinci will be known for everybody by a girl who try to guess what her real and deep past is and what the relation with Da Vinci has with it.... a interesting mystery to resolve, is not it?;)
One photo found from the Live Earth Show

Thanks so much for your kind words Lorena!! :D I just don't know what to say thanks again!

Andrea!! I think others would agree we can officially declare you CoB's most significant photo provider!! THANKS!!
Oh, my great friend, "Roberina" (you see, I dont forget the things easily; even more when they're nice things) dont have to thank me anything. You know, I'm a dreamer, poetic, imaginary girl and if with this qualities I can make all of you a little bit happier or I can give a short but funny time, dont have a doubt I'll do it and very pleasant too. And, well, talking about pleasant, I've to congratulate everyone here 'cos I think this thread (without forget COS, of course :D) is one, or even the most topic with more activities here: comment, pics.. everything... SO, CONGRATULATIONS ROB'S FANS (If I were him, I'd the proudest guy 'cos I'd know I've a great fans with me ;)!!)

Well, I dont want to be less, or feel less. I want to be a participative fan (although I'm a little bit more fan of Mike, but, believe me, my second one is Rob, the healthy boy... you see, Chester should follow the example: too much smoking is going to leave his voice as the daughter of the exorcist, but in male version) so, I've found these for you: (a short but intense vid... ainsss)

And well, I think one more than a girl here will faint with this pic... I'm sorry dear, but you know, I saw it and if I dont post it here, Virgen Mary will be furious with me (she loves Rob too ;)


Ehh, Jojo! Look at this, I think he loves the meal you've cooked to him!!!

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Here's a HQ of one photo from the Minutes to Midnight Party. I apologies for making you girls upset by who's in the photo, just thought you would like this photo because 1) Rob's in it and 2) it's in HQ. Anyways enough talking here's the photo.

Other HQ that's been posted before, but now it's in it's original size. Hope this balances that other photo out, :p.

uuuhhh haven't been here for some time... hehe :D

thanks for the pics everyone!!

wait ain't that Vanessa?? -.- Rob I told you that hunderts of times... *shakes head*

oh but look! He's smilin!! w00t!! Go Rob!!

I just hope that this smile came bc he thought of Jojo and not bc of this guy next to him XD lol