The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Hey guys, prolly seen 'em all but saw these other day at LPT (where else? ;)) and thought I'd share them all together in the one place.







Source: The Linkin Park Times.
Gotta say, LOVE the man, NOT so much a fan of the new shaggy do. Oh well, he's allowed to reinvent himself. Not for us to say :D
<3 Yum.
OMG what looks!! Well, Rob is damn sexy even if he's covered in **** (sis says that often lol) and I agree! Still I have to make two comments. First and foremost WHERE IS THE DIVINE GOATEE??? Rob without a goatee is like Athens without the Acropolis!! That was a bit of a shock... Well, hope he grows it back :) Second comment is...haha it seems Rob is a Beatles fanatic like me! Compare his latest hairstyle with this:

Paul McCartney recording Let it Be in 1969

Can you see a resemblance?? Hahahaha GO ROBBIE!! :D Thanks as always my sweet sis <3
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Yeah it's weird huh? I was like more shocked at the hair on his head than even the lack of it on the face! :eek: Damn man... is he reverting back to his days of yore as a long-haired teen or sth?!
Yeah Mike had FM, Chas has DBS, and Rob's going to start a Beatles tribute band on the side too... why not damnit? haha awww. Well maybe not Beatles (yes I see the resemblance in the pic sis, you're two great loves are becoming one in the one body! omg! haha) But then he is mellow enough to join something like Ben Folds Five or sth... meh. Each to their own. He could join Disturbed and make ME happy ;) Muahahaha :spiteful:
We get so used to him one way he decides it's time for a change. I enjoy the scruff on dearest Rob and now... *snuffle* Oh well... at least he's still... wait... where's the smilie for droolworthy again? ;)
haha but still he looks good imo ;)

ohh btw Jojo... U'R GONNA TOUCH ROB OMG!!! And MIKE!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

lol... idk what to say.. just...

And dont wash your hand anymore!!!
Hahahahaha sis you crack me up!! <3

Thanks Andreia! Well I told Tomer I will give Chaz his love too so if you want me to say anything to Mike just tell me :D I'll try my best to convey the message :D
*crash* *bump*
Gotta interrupt you girls!!

Robs new look is freakin sweet!
When I first saw him on stage I was like "nah thats not Rob is it!?" but then I looked more closely and hell it was him!!
He looks damn cute with his longer hair ^_^
oh and the pic of McCartney LOL

*leaves cookies*
*munches on cookies*
Hi Jos! Thanks Jos!! :thumbsup: Bless ya!

Now Sis (crazy robster) sent me a pic last night on MSN of dear sweet Robbeh lookin' all hawt and serious... I was going to post it but seeing as how she gave it to me I was thinking maybe she should be the one to post it.
And um... maybe if we're lucky she can tell us here how her Meet & Greet went with the man himself!! *insert freaked out smilie* (Well I mean WE already discussed it, I just meant tell everyone here collectively! Can't have too much Robness)
Awww... :eek:
*munches on cookies*
Hi Jos! Thanks Jos!! :thumbsup: Bless ya!

Now Sis (crazy robster) sent me a pic last night on MSN of dear sweet Robbeh lookin' all hawt and serious... I was going to post it but seeing as how she gave it to me I was thinking maybe she should be the one to post it.
And um... maybe if we're lucky she can tell us here how her Meet & Greet went with the man himself!! *insert freaked out smilie* (Well I mean WE already discussed it, I just meant tell everyone here collectively! Can't have too much Robness)
Awww... :eek:

Ohhh, YES!!! (like the "yes" Mike says in "We made it"), I'm crazy of knowing how was everything.. I know they were soo sweet, and she gave a present... well, I wont say anything. That's something Jojo deserves... YAHOOO! OUR Crazy-robster got it, she made it!! SHE MADE IT... and could it something better that this????

EDIT: Yeah, I know it; I'm out of control!!!:mad: I dont know why but I just want to jump, to laugh, to cry...maybe, 'cos all I want to do is to celebrate our friend's luck, and all I want to get is everybody all over the world know it. Fortunately, you're some miles away from me, you dont have to stand me... whom will stand me if one day I've got her same luck??? :(
Awww you are all so sweet!! Well, I guess I should give you a detailed (as far as possible) account of what happend on the glorious day of the LP show in Terra Vibe, Athens, GR! Of course, since it's the Church of our beloved Bourdie here (CobB should be the name now that i think of it ;)) I will focus more on my impression of HIM but will give you a general idea too. Will talk a bit about Mike as well cause I know CoSers regularly visit here too :D Sooooo!

First of all I gotta tell you about the Meet and Greet! We all waited there for over 2 hours (cause apparently they arrived at the venue somewhat late) but it was worth it!! A big typical American guy (you can see him in Live in Texas at some point, he is blonde with a beard and stuff standing near the door as they were all entering an elevator) told us to stand there in one single line and be good. No handshakes, no flash, we could only take pics OF the band, not WITH the band (idiot) and we could (oh how generous!!) give them gifts! Well, as we approached the signing table I saw our wonderful LP guys sitting as follows: Chester, then Brad, Mike, Phoenix, Rob *droolage* and Joe. My first impression was...:eek: They look so human and well, JUST like on tv and pictures!! As cute and lovely as we all know them to be! The security was being a dick, rushing things as they HAD to go onstage soon, so we didn't have the opportunity to stand in front of every member for too long and talk to them. I just stood in front of Chaz and looked at him like..."ok what can I say now?" But gotta admit he was awwwness. He looked back at me with a warm smile (awww didn't expect that) and we just said hi. Then it was Brad, who was looking down at what he was signing so I just didn't say anything to him (busy Brad meh...). Mike was THE AWESOMEST!! He gave me a BEAMING smile and in a way encouraged me to talk to him! Not to mention his smile was so infectious, awww he's a total sweety! Same as Phe! Phe reminded me of a puppy! Fox terrier to be more precise. With the beard and all and two blue eyes looking so sweet and innocent...awww I'm telling you I just LOVED how accessible and loving these guys were! Anyway I just didn't have time to register what was happening with the rest of them, really, cause the moment I looked at Rob that was IT for me!! I stood there looking at him like this :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: MY F***ING GOODNESS HE IS GOD WALKING ON EARTH!! That gorgeous smile, those perfect features...Ok his hairstyle is a bit weird lately PLUS the absence of the divine goatee kinda upset me but oh well... When I saw him there was just nothing else for me! I stood there in awe...I have to say he hadn't really seen me, he was busy looking at the desk like Brad but I talked to him first like "Hi Rob!" Then he decided to look up at me *insert hyperventilating, almost fainting smiley here* he said "Hi" Oh how talkative huh?? :rolleyes:Well I extended my hand with the rolled paper towards him (it was a drawing of him I made 2 years ago saying "God created the world in 6 days and on the 7th he joined Linkin Park" for those who don't know what my gift was) and told him "this is for you..." I'm telling you, my hands were shaking big time! When he saw that, he looked at my hand with a "Huh??" kinda surprised, kinda "what the hell" look in his eyes and stared at it for a few seconds without taking it! I thought...hey is he shocked or sth?? I said "Oh, I hope you accept gifts...*gulp*" Then he blushed and took it and said "Thank you" or so I thought I heard anyway cause he said it with a voice lower that whisper haha :D Anyway yeah I think poor babiness didn't expect to be given anything, he's not used to getting gifts, it's usually a Mike and Chester priviledge. But awww I just wanted to make him feel special. He IS special to me! My number one *flashing hearts in abundance*:D I was so carried away after that encounter that I didn't even notice Joe who was sitting at the end of the row and didn't even speak to him!!! :eek: Haha ooops...poor Joe...Sowwy about that! But hey I had my M2M cd signed PLUS I know Rob now has a gift BY ME and KNOWS what he means TO ME!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::clap:Aww I bet he loved the attention! And by the way, because the M&G was late and it was almost dark outside there wasn't enough light for proper pics so I didn't take any...:( BUT I will post a pic of him from a Meet and Greet of 4 days prior to ours and you'll get the idea. Rob looked JUST like on this pic, I think he even wore the same tee shirt! The only difference is that in OUR case, he was not so serious, he was actually smiling!! Here is the link

Source:Rob Bourdon Fansite

Now as for the show itself there's only one way to describe it: KICKASS!! I wanted to record Rob's drum solo on Bleed it Out but ran out of phone memory dammit! LOL Oh and one more thing! We at the LPU gave the guys a Greek flag signed by all of us and Mike was kind enough to hang it on the keyboard during the show!! (See my avatar?) LINKIN PARK RULEEEEES!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Wow sis, just :eek: wow! :yahoo: The way you described it all so... ahh! OMGOMGOMFG haha Just wow. Doesn't matter how many times you tell me, doesn't matter what details you divulge or leave out, I still go crazy (mentally) just thinking about it! Not that long ago this would have seemed so inaccessable to you. I mean you had yourself convinced they were never going to play in Greece let alone you'd ever be so fortunate to meet the band (omg again!) and yet there you were, you got both, and you met the man himself in person!

I know as I said in MSN, it's not like your eyes met across a room kindog scenario, there's no romantic overtones in this at all (rather unfortunate the way we like to paint dear Rob in an... 'endearing' light ;)) But realistically sis you at least got within arm's reach of the guy. It wasn't you stuck in a crowd of hundreds (though you did that too), but you were right there in front of him. You may never get that oppertunity again, you know? Some fans in even far more remote places than you (and they have to exist somewhere) will almost NEVER get to go to an LP show let alone meet them! You were so privelaged sis, privelaged in an all encompassing way. I know over the last 10 or so years there are literally hundreds of thousands of people that have met the guys, some even got hugs and personal pics too, but there are easily twice that many that haven't had that experience and many never will.

I know you felt a bit bad because security was being such a dick (surprise, surprise) and rushed it, sort of putting a dampener on your experience, but wow sis, when you really stop and think about it, this time last year Rob Bourdon (and the rest of the guys) was just a pretty face on a page generally speaking. NOW you saw him in the living flesh! OMG I envy you for even seeing him! (and envy your composure, I reckon I'd have been so nervous I'd about wet myself let alone speak, you did so well!)
And yeah he's shy. I never would have picked him being THAT shy, that was a surprise sort of, but in some ways expected. Bless him. He really is like a big gorgeous teddy-bear isn't he? *gets giddy just thinking about it* As for his new look... well, I think I just grew accustommed to OLD Rob (I miss the facial hair! *sobs*) but well, I guess there's more awesomeness you got to see in that case then huh? haha

And Mike sounded adorable! Just... wow... haha wow... *insert dumbass groupie-itis here*

You did so damn well sis just to stay that calm and composed (and to take in detail for us, bless ya lil cotton socks!). Proud of ya my sweet. *flashing hearts and flying lips, MSN style* <3

Thanks for that! We've been waiting for years! hahaha :eek:k:
hahahaha, this is the most funny, lovely, amazing story I've read in many days, weeks, months.. and believe me, it isnt easy when my mind is always working, creating new stories... YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY GREAT, Jojo. You know if you were like Homer when you had Rob in front of you (dear Cobbers, you see it; You have now a new competitor:;) XD) you must be glad when you know that Rob wasnt less shocked than you!! Oh, I would pay for seeing both faces!! Could it the beginning of something new?? woww.. that would be so, so, so (look it seems I have an orgasm or something like this... well,I follow with it) so, so, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo romantic... what a pity you're already "caught". You know that's not good. You need organize: when one is free, the other one is not free and vice versa, PLEASE, ORGANIZE 'cos if not, I will become mad and... you know, I really like weddings, I really enjoy them, and I think it's time for one of it. I can even see it...uff, it's much better if I dont imagine it. You know, today we have under near 40 degrees and if I think about that, my body temperature can overcome the average... not good, even more when "ice shower" isnt invented yet...¿?... Oh, no, no no.. I think I'm fine. I dont want any ice shower. It gives me bad memories. (you know: ice + fridge = barbi-fridge= :scary:=:shoot: = RIP) not, thanks!!

Anyway, as Ravylee has said before me, we dont care if you explain each detail, and when I say "each" is each. If you want to say the colour of pants you wore that day, we will be glad to listen you (even more, if with that detail you add Rob's shorts colour... or Mike's.. you know, I dont care, and I dont say Chaz' shorts 'cos I think we already know how they are)... all what you want to tell us, at least in my case, I will be so, so, so, so (another orgasm XD) glad to listen you..

BTW, thank you very much, my lovely Cobber, for thinking in all us, your neighbours (Cosers) we are very grateful you have thought in us... and we're even happier when you said that Mike was the awesomenst :)'( :'( ). THANKS DEAR; You've made my day, sure. You have showed us that sometimes, dreams can be true (if you believe in them)

(The biggest kiss is just for you. I know it doesnt come from Rob, but you know, something es something...)
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Haha, funny you said that about weddings. When sis and I first talked about this on MSN I was telling her something similar to what you just said. I know, it's over-the-top but its entertaining to let our imaginations go once in a while (or often as is the case with thsoe of us who 'dwell' in these holiest of houses ;))
Ahhh yes... and for the record I told her to get organised. I was already planning my bridesmaid dress ;) I told her I was looking forward to the day she made me an aunt and him well... I guess brother-in-law would have to do. He's way out of bounds then but at least he's still family, and friendly hugs are better than none at all. I could live with that. Hahaha.
NOW the hard part is, convincing the prospective Groom-to-be to get on board.
Oh and um sis's real life other half... he might not like this either. And he does seem like a catch too from what I hear of it... *sigh* Poor sis.
Well she could always move to somwhere where Polygamy is legal, yeah? awesome!

Oh and LOVED the homer/Rob pic. That made me *lol* actually! hahaha Yeah. Who among you has NOT felt like that from time to time?? 0_0 Well done.
...:( BUT I will post a pic of him from a Meet and Greet of 4 days prior to ours and you'll get the idea. Rob looked JUST like on this pic, I think he even wore the same tee shirt! The only difference is that in OUR case, he was not so serious, he was actually smiling!! Here is the link

Source:Rob Bourdon Fansite

I think that..that picture is from the concert I went to *____* and met rob :D
Oooh Thanks so much Rashell! How did I miss this earlier? 0_o

Call me crazy but these days I enjoy his interviews a bit more than I ever used to. It's weird, in being I'm not a musician and know nothing at all about drums, that once upon a time my eyes would like 'glaze over' during any interview where Rob would talk about his art. Silly I know, that's what he's known for. But recently, since M2M I've come to appreciate it more. True, he still has a hard time answering questions directly or has anything at all to do with him as a person away from the kit (that first question in that interview being the perfect case in point - man dodged that one like a politician) but his passion is still there and you know he actually sounds far more mature now in his responses (which may sound somewhat prerehersed or 'well constructed' but again, can understand why, in this day and age it's too easy for the media to mistconstrue what you say) and you know what - he actually sounds freakin' intelligent! Sometimes you can sit back and look at the big guy and think 'are you actually focussed at all because you look a little spacey' and then when he 'speaks' you realise he was paying attention and absorbing everything all along, just wasn't about to show anyone he was. The element of surprise. Truly, the quiet ones ARE the ones to watch... and watch... and watch over and over until the DVD wears out ;)

That line of his where he says something about playing a real professional kit in the studio the first time with all the exuberance of a kid at Christmas was just downright funny! Such a sweetie.

Thanks again Rashell! *hugs* Yay! :D:D:D

And Maya, congrats! Am jealous! Everyone's going to see LP but me! :'( No matter... stoked for y'as :)
Girls!!! OMG I am so very much in love right now that I can barely speak!! Rooooob! Saying his name a thousand times and fainting another thousand doesn't capture this awesomeness my eyes are relishing in right now!! And since I'm on a kind of internet that doesn't allow for much downloading-uploading (yeah I'm charged according to that...:( ) I will just post a link instead of uploading them to photobucket and you can all go to the site of origin and enjoy these wonderful pictures yourselves! Here:
OMG sis THANKS! Those are AWESOME!! *fans self*
He's looking way better, I thought for a while there after Vanessa he was slipping but now he's back on his feet and looking better for it...
Oh and checked that site out for first time really and had to laugh at the quotes... was like a walk down memory lane somewhat, blessed Bourdie...

Rob Bourdon and Interviewer said:
Interviewer: What is your bathroom reading material of choice?
Rob: I just kind of crap and get off the pot...I don't really read

Kinda says it all right there - he's a visual man ;)
Girls!!! OMG I am so very much in love right now that I can barely speak!! Rooooob! Saying his name a thousand times and fainting another thousand doesn't capture this awesomeness my eyes are relishing in right now!! And since I'm on a kind of internet that doesn't allow for much downloading-uploading (yeah I'm charged according to that...:( ) I will just post a link instead of uploading them to photobucket and you can all go to the site of origin and enjoy these wonderful pictures yourselves! Here:


OMG!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:.... (*FAINT*)...
Well, while I try to recover from this shock, I think I should salute to everyone. Oh, yeah, I've been lost for many weeks, but well, I missed all you too much, so I've come back (yeah, I know it. You're going to stand me again, but I will try to be the most sweet and nice and funny girl- you know it. that's my speciality- you have ever known) Promise you!!
Well, now that I feel much better :)-P ) thank you very much, my lovely friend (almost a sister). You have made my day. Well, Rob is perfect. I think nobody would mind to make him a favour in a corner. Not me, at least. But dear, the fact that Mike was with him in some pics... OMG!! That's definitively kill me. Oh, God!! That's amazing. As soon as I come here, you're already killing me with those surprises, but a sweet death, sure!!
You know it girls?? have you know that news about a girl who has 200 orgasms per day?? welll, it obvious. I know her secret: whom cannot have thousands of orgasms on this forum??? You know it, if someone would count the numbers of orgasms (virtual orgasms... which costs twice as much, btw)...uuuff, I can't imagine the total sum... even more if we join COB's orgasms and COS's ones
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You know it girls?? have you know that news about a girl who has 200 orgasms per day?? welll, it obvious. I know her secret: whom cannot have thousands of orgasms on this forum??? You know it, if someone would count the numbers of orgasms (virtual orgasms... which costs twice as much, btw)...uuuff, I can't imagine the total sum... even more if we join COB's orgasms and COS's ones
OMG that cracked me up :lol: Imagine!
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Wow. Just simply... wow. Welcome back my irregular heartbeat is all I can say :eek:
Love Mike's face on this one, when he laughs / smiles, he really means it ;)
(Source: Leslie Shepherd from the LPU &

Just wanted to SEE them here is all... yeah, I'm paying for it, but you know what IT'S WORTH IT! :clap:
Thanks again sis, Usiel, ladies at RBF and LPU etc... <3
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Jeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God bless this thread and all its members (Melusine takes a sit in the church and dreams about Rob please don't wake me up) :happy:...