The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Aww in the second one he looks like a big teddy bear lol. Anyways I need something cleared up.


Somewhere told me he was Rob's brother. Does he have a younger bro and is that him? :p Cuz if so he looks mighty fine like his brother.

:eek: :eek: :eek: ... Oh, my God!!! He's sooo handsome (quite young but sweet) How old is he?
Well, you know. Nowadays things are very bad, (you know about I'm talking to... we've less men...and all men who are...(uauhhh) are gays or they're already married or... well.. they're actually blind and they dont realize their couple is actually a rock of ice. It's a maths certainty, believe me) so we have to take advantage of few resources that we still have!! well, Jojo is out of the list, she's already busy (thanks my dear friend... but without you, we've more chances of not to finish as a nun :p !!)
Rusu! *tackle hugs* omg been too long! and jealous as always you saw him live, some of us will only ever dream it *sigh*

Yes terribly naughty of us but we FORGOT the lord's birthday again. Damn. He's getting old now! Nearly the big 30! haha yay! (Then it's welcome to mid-life-crisis-club Mr B! *lol*) Anyway hope he had a great one. Obviously was quiet. Didn't see him on America's Most Wanted or ET or Enquirer so the man must have kept proceedings sedate again or something. Cool for him. Wonder what his friends, family, band mates and significant other buy someone like Rob? Would be interesting to take him on a shopping expedition to say the least.

Anyway as far as David goes yes that is him. As for older or younger I don't know. I remember reading ages ago that Rob started practicing drums on his brother's kit BUT I assumed that David was also younger - I don't know when the pics of him were circulated to reference. I assume David is younger - Maybe a higher Bourdon authority can clarify that for you. Rashell?

But make no mistake a damn fine bone structure runs in that gene pool - and TALENT! haha
hehe hey Ravyn! he was hot :) even though I wasn't that close but you could still tell he was! ESPECIALLY THE DRUM SOLO *Dies* a random email from you, but then another saying your email was hacked...random!

ooo I didn't forget his birthday! for you see, my friend has the same birthday as him, so in her card I wrote Happy Birthday Jill (and Rob!) :p All bases covered :)

Robs brother is just as hot as Rob :D more eye candy for Ruth = HAPPY!
Ravynlee said:
Anyway as far as David goes yes that is him. As for older or younger I don't know. I remember reading ages ago that Rob started practicing drums on his brother's kit BUT I assumed that David was also younger - I don't know when the pics of him were circulated to reference. I assume David is younger - Maybe a higher Bourdon authority can clarify that for you. Rashell?

Lol. Who claimed I knew anything about the Bourdon's? Just joking. Actually I don't know anything about Rob's brother age. Wish I could of helped though!
that picture has been circulating for a while but i feel compelled to tell you guys that the guy isn't rob's brother. He's an actor named Bret Harrison who was on Grounded For Life, this show that bombed called Reaper and a few other things. I dont know where that picture came about and who claimed it was Dave bourdon. The actor is from Oregon so there isn't really a way he could be dave bourdon unless Bret Harrison is his alias which i doubt. anyway the whole point is that the guy in the picture isnt Dave. sorry.
well there ya go, learn sth new everyday...
Thanks as always Chel, you always deliver. Bless ya. :D

As for Dave I guess he will remain in anonymity, probably the way he likes it I guess. Maybe one day we'll know, then again, maybe one day we won't. *shrugs*

And yes he still is cute Rusu, be he Bourdon or not ;)
Hey ladies! Got some new for you, which I now will make you all happy. Rob and Joe did a ichat and interview with Z100 and Rob reconfirmed that he is now single! You can here the interview your yourself here:

Oh blessed be whoever opened his eyes!! At last!! After so many years with the iceberg!! I mean, yeah people might think that we were jealous of his girlfriend because it was Rob's girlfriend, well, NO! The man has the right to have a girlfriend and be happy but gee, she looked and behaved like an iceberg, I felt sad just seeing them together, never touching or kissing or stuff... Brrr could you feel the draught?? Someone HAD TO close the window, we were freezin here!! Robbie deserves a sweet loving girl and I hope that this time he finds her!! He's too gorgeous to waste his youth below low temperature if you get my drift...;) THANKS FOR THE NEWS ANDREA!! :D
Oh lord I think I just wet myself...

I'm kidding of course :p BUT on a serious note, I agree with you sis. While it isn't for us fans to have a say on who he dates or what he does with any facet of his life be it professional or otherwise I am sincerely hoping the man just finds some happiness regardless who he's with. I do have to say that I am genuinely surprised (if it is true, no offense intended, but nothing's technically confirmed of sorts), they were together for a fair while and despite the fact as sis puts it they were not openly 'affectionate' towards each other (to each their own) she did seem like a permanent fixture on his arm. I would have thought her being there for so long as he rode this rocky incline towards fame that it would have made the bonds between them closer. Maybe I was wrong.
Well anyway, while I make no bones about the fact I'm not a huge fan of hers I do hope she too finds some happiness in all this. Lets not forget there's two sides to every story and she's still a person with thoughts and feelings like the rest of us... and lets face it over here in Australia I know practically nothing about her so... hard to empathize with someone you don't know even on a fan level *shrug* Here's to them both moving on I guess.

Now that the PC version is disposed of let me revert back a moment to my usual depraved and self-indulgent persona...


We still love ya Robbie. Chin up. Plenty more fish in the sea over there big guy. LA is a big place. Here's to hoping you find someone that will give you back your old smiling self again. Miss that grin :D

And thanks Rashell. As always you give us the best intel. You're truly an angel in these forums, along with a select few others. Thanks again.
No problem girls.

Umm..It came straight out of Rob's mouth in the video I posted in my previous post.

I saw it and I heard it but... the skeptic in me is never convinced... mind you waiting for official confirmation (if ever, and part of me wonders if that's even a possibility cause they love their privacy naturally) could be a long wait too. The rest of the world will circulate news months before they draft up a statement so... yeah. I heard. I saw. Believe? :confused:

Oh and the fact he's there with Joe Hahn probably doesn't help matters. Joe makes me laugh but he can't answer a straight question. Maybe I'm transferring skepticism from Mr Hahn here? ;) haha
I don't think the fact that Rob himself said "I was in a relationship but I'm not in one any more" can leave any room for scepticism, my sweet. What does Mr Hahn have to do with it? He answered for himself and Rob answered for himself. And how much more official could a statement be? It came from Rob himself! It's as if I MYSELF told you "I broke up with the hardcore" (for those who wonder, hardcore is what I call my boyfriend ^^) and you told me "I don't believe you, I'm waiting for an official statement". Don't expect Rob to go out in public and say "May I have your attention Ladies and Gentlemen?? I have officially broken up with my girlfriend." I think the statement we heard was as official as it could be. And I insist it was about time!! Call it a cultural whim but for us Greeks a couple who don't show affection or the least kind of spark towards each other is already a "dead" one. That's my opinion anyway :)
Well regardless I'm still happy about it. Sounds cruel I know. But only because like you said sis he deserves to be happy and body language says a lot esp. in a relationship. Lets hope he finds someone who gives him the love he deserves (while the rest of us dream it was us)
Damn you reality
haha ;)
Oh blessed be whoever opened his eyes!! At last!! After so many years with the iceberg!! I mean, yeah people might think that we were jealous of his girlfriend because it was Rob's girlfriend, well, NO! The man has the right to have a girlfriend and be happy but gee, she looked and behaved like an iceberg, I felt sad just seeing them together, never touching or kissing or stuff... Brrr could you feel the draught?? Someone HAD TO close the window, we were freezin here!! Robbie deserves a sweet loving girl and I hope that this time he finds her!! He's too gorgeous to waste his youth below low temperature if you get my drift...;) THANKS FOR THE NEWS ANDREA!! :D

HOLY NEWS!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: ALELUYA!!! ICE AGE has already finished!!! The lovely Sun comes to our lifes at the end!! Go away Mink coats, wool scarves... I cant believe Rob has already opened his mind to understand that there is more than just ice in this world... but, this episody hasnt finished... yet... now, we've to wait for whom will be the new one. I hope Rob isnt the guy who jump from one extreme to another one; 'cos I dont know what would be worst if a piece of Ige or the same hell as a partner!! Uff, I only can see I hope Rob will have a good eye when He choose...
Sis you just made me cheat on my boyfriend, mentally at least... I can't describe the emotions right now... He is GORGEOUS look at that smile those arms...damn...I'll never get over him...:(