The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

you never say "never".. who knows what the future has prepared for us, my great friend!! but, yeah, you're alright: Rob looks pretty nice now. I think he is much better since he is bachelor... and then, people say that the best thing is to be in love. Well not for him XD. Now, if one day we meet him, we can give to him a HUGEEEE embraceif one day we meet him, we can give to him a HUGEEEE embrace, without thinking that there is someone who doesnt like this XD
Hey, long time no see, anyone catch the interview at LPT from last year I think that features Rob on FM102.1 ?? Call me late but I only heard it tonight and I haveto say as short as it is it's one of his best! The man actually sounds happy! He has pep to his voice! He's even cracking jokes in it! OMG when I heard it I had to verify it actually was him, am so used to his brooding or monotoned front as of late that it really is a great change! If you haven't heard it go to LPT here:

Will really make you smile! :D :thumbsup::eek:k:

Seen the clips on the new vid? Am trying to upload some choice Rob ones as we speak. Give me a day or two, see what I can manage.

AND: I think they may be somewhere else here on site, not sure, but check out the new portraits! (Again at Linkin Park Times)


What's NOT to love about that?! haha woo!
Can't get enough of this awesomeness...Could you give us a link to that site please Andrea? Thanks in advance :)
If this is the one she was thinking of;


And thanks Rashell for the heads up.
Just miffed that there were only 2 profile pics without watermarks (Dave and Mike) but the rest of the band was forgotten about *snuffle* But def some lovely ones there - HUGE thanks!
If this is the one she was thinking of;


And thanks Rashell for the heads up.
Just miffed that there were only 2 profile pics without watermarks (Dave and Mike) but the rest of the band was forgotten about *snuffle* But def some lovely ones there - HUGE thanks!

Yes. That's the site!

I'm surprise that you didn't find the huge collection of HQ picture of Rob. Here the link that collection I really wanted you girls to see.
Sorry for the DP but thought this needed it's own post.
I know the quality sucks but for now at least until someone else rips a decent version of them here's a few images from Leave Out All The Rest and the ones we all love of Rob... 'waking up' ;)








Now keep in mind in this last one I am not 100% sure that IS Rob (left) but OMG I just love the arms so I had to include it! Haha - for the record I think it is. Could be wrong, quality truly sucks. And if you watch the vid and compare the group pics of them staring at the sun you'll notice their positions alter with each pic, not everyone, but go frame-for-frame and see what I mean ;)
Anyway, as I promised. Should tide you over until someone (probably Rashell ;)) gets HQ pics.

Edit: Thanks Rashell !! Actually sis and I already have those pics, at some point she was making walls and sigs out of them (*Rob Special*) but there was a few pics on that site I didn't have - so again another HUGE thanks from me!! Bless ya <3
Rav, that last picture is actually, Phoenix, Chester, and Brad (going from left to right). As for the HQ's for the music video, haha, I wish.

EDIT: Usually I never do HQ music videos caps, but put up a hi-res version of LOATR some I made so cap. There not that sharp but it's the best I can do. Enjoy!

Rav, that last picture is actually, Phoenix, Chester, and Brad (going from left to right). As for the HQ's for the music video, haha, I wish.

EDIT: Usually I never do HQ music videos caps, but put up a hi-res version of LOATR some I made so cap. There not that sharp but it's the best I can do. Enjoy!

Thanks so much!! *does happy dance*
The only reason I posted my crappy ones because so far no one else had (at least here where Rob's fancied most) - kinda knew at some point you'd get them to me (us, here) just didn't think it would be that fast! I'm stoked! As for I don't really go there anymore. LPT is my hub of choice. I googled (LOATR) but came up blank. But no matter. Anyway THRILLED you posted them here! Thanks so much!! *could squeeze hug you * :D

Oh and the last one I did say I wasn't sure it was him but I have to be honest, I don't care who it s, I LOVE those arms... something about well-toned arms, on any man, make me all gaa-gaa...
Thanks again. Hehe. :eek:
That profile there... as Rob opens his eyes...OMG the most absofreakinlutely perfect human features I've ever seen! He IS gorgeous!! Thanks for all the caps :D
Thanks so much!! *does happy dance*
The only reason I posted my crappy ones because so far no one else had (at least here where Rob's fancied most) - kinda knew at some point you'd get them to me (us, here) just didn't think it would be that fast! I'm stoked! As for I don't really go there anymore. LPT is my hub of choice. I googled (LOATR) but came up blank. But no matter. Anyway THRILLED you posted them here! Thanks so much!! *could squeeze hug you * :D

Oh and the last one I did say I wasn't sure it was him but I have to be honest, I don't care who it s, I LOVE those arms... something about well-toned arms, on any man, make me all gaa-gaa...
Thanks again. Hehe. :eek:

No problem. I don't either go on the official site, LPT was the one that posted about it so I was like why not? And, haha, I know you weren't sure about the last cap, I just wanted to tell you would it really was, haha.
*gasp* Check this out

If there was a freakout smiley on the list I'd use it. :( What happened? Is Rob getting anorexic or sth?? Or is it just MY impression?? *snuffle* Mind you, this pic is from a meet and greet in 2008 so it's recent...

Source: Rob Bourdon Fansite
Wow he does look rather... small in that pic. I mean, he almost doesn't look like himself? Maybe he's taken the breakup harder than we all thought? :confused: New look, new hair, new specs (well both recent not quite new), new attitude... now this? 0_o What's up I wonder?

Thanks as always sis <3
Dunno if anyone's seen this but spotted it Yahooing imagery a few hours ago and there it was;

(source: Genghis Connie @ Flickr I think, may be wrong on that)
Aww Robbiness. Looks happy. Lucky woman *sigh*
I can only hope I get a pic with him too now that they're coming to Greece. *crosses fingers* OMG imagine!!! *faints*

Thanks as always sis <3
Hey, totally unrelated, but trauling LP sites last night and heard on the grapevine Rob's got a new girlfriend again. If he has he's keeping this one in the closet too for the time being... I didn't know anything about it either.
Source - unsure.
Anyone heard anything similar? Just wondering.

Probably borders on invasive, but it's not like it alters my life or anything. Way over that teenage-groupie stage *cough*bullshit*cough* haha - I was just wondering is all... Man deserves to be happy like anyone else and lets face it - what's not to love huh? He's almost the whole package.
Well, unlike most other religions, I accept the fact our 'lord' IS infaliable. Dude makes mistakes. He's practically human (hahahaha), so no one's perfect. But dang he sure comes close! Wow, the days of extoling His virtues are long gone huh? ;) It happens. Passed the ranting reigns on to my sis a while back and what the heck happened? We both lost our faith... temporarily. But like any good Shephard I found my way back from the dark and here I am. Back to my usual... crap ;)
Poor man. As if there'snot enough creepy fans out there wanting their piece of him. Speaking of, maybe you can ask him when you see him sis, yeah?

Aaawwwsome :)
If he's got a new girlfriend and if it where true it be confirmed on Linkin Lady. And if you don't mind me asking but what website heard this?
If he's got a new girlfriend and if it where true it be confirmed on Linkin Lady. And if you don't mind me asking but what website heard this?
Funnily enough I was sort of awaiting confirmation from you on that score, being you're something of an unofficial officianado when it comes to the guys, him and Vanessa good case in point ;)

As for site - I don't even remember now. I cleared my history and cookies after logging off last night. I just remember I read it somewhere and thought 'hmm, better see if anyone else has heard that and get some other pov's' so I posted it here, that's all. Not trying to start rumours just... well, okay, spreading them I guess ;) Wasn't intentionally causing dramas just good old fashioned curiosity.

I take it nothing from Linkin Park Lady yet then? That's a good sign. Not really. Means no new pics of him then! haha :eek: Dang. Oh well, thanks as always, Rashell!
Ravynlee said:
Funnily enough I was sort of awaiting confirmation from you on that score, being you're something of an unofficial officianado when it comes to the guys, him and Vanessa good case in point ;)

Me? I get confirmations for Linkin Lady when it come to the ladies as well, lol.