The Death Penalty


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
Is the death penalty a good idea, or is it barbaric and inhumane? Why do you feel this way?

I am pro death penalty. Some criminals are just so sick and twisted, they don't deserve to live. Michael Ross, for example. Took over TEN years to execute him, but everyone around here feels a hell of a lot better now. That man was seriously ****ED in the head.
With the technology we have now, I am completely comfortable with killing these people. I think there should be stipulations on who is eligible. Serial killers, child molesters, people who kill for fun....but they should have to have a certain amount of physical evidence (I.E., DNA). Because let's face it. "Eyewitness accounts" can be very flawed. To err is human, and we have seen the evidence of it more than once.
I am a hypocrite. I am against the death penalty, but for abortion, isn't that funny? Allow me to explain my twisted view:

I feel that the death penalty is the easy way out. I am a Soc/Crim major, and over the summer I had a class that visited prisons all across the state. After seeing these places in detail, and speaking to panels of prisoners, I feel that living out a life sentence in a maximun security facility would be hell. When there is death, there is no real punishment, there is only revenge. Who knows if there is some greater punishment after death, it seems that is what a lot of people are hoping for.
I don't believe in the use of the death penalty for two reasons. One I don't think a human has the right to take the life of a human, simple as that. And two, because of my persoanl views on life and death and teh soul, I think death is getting off too easy. (I defer to my beliefe in using violent criminal for medical testing)
I'm not really for or against it. It depends on the crime. No, people do not have the right to take another human's life, but at the same time of there's a child rapist/murderer they don't deserve to live.
Some are too harsh, some aren't harsh enough.

Depends...on...everything really. :confused:

Wow, the one thing I don't have much to say about.
I personally believe that if you take from society your punishment shouldbe to give back. there is no REPLACING life but there is saving a life as punishment for taking. Mandatory organ donation, and testing for terminal illnesses. That way at least you are giving back. If you live, you get tested again, if you die, science has gotten that much closer to a cure. Human testing is the only real way to make strides in fighting various illnesses.
Ron White said it the best:

I'm from Texas and in Texas we have the death penalty and we use it. That's right, if you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. That's our policy. Right now there's a bill in the Texas legislature that would speed up the execution process of those convicted of a heinous crime with more than three credible witnesses. If more than three people saw you do what you did you don't sit on death row for 15 years Jack, you go straight to the front of the line. Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty. My state's puttin in an express lane.
8_BALL said:
Ron White said it the best:

I'm from Texas and in Texas we have the death penalty and we use it. That's right, if you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back.

Unless of course they make a deal with the courts...
Regardless of any studies as to whether the death penalty deters crime or not....

Regardless of any religious or spiritual considerations I may have or muse upon....

Regardless as to whether it's intrinsically murder, right, wrong, or in-between....

I am for the death penalty.

I don't want my tax dollars going to support such criminals, I don't want people in other states to be forced to support these "people" with tax dollars. Due to their actions, there are some people I just don't want to share the planet with. They've forfeited their rights by their actions.
8_BALL said:
Ron White said it the best:

I'm from Texas and in Texas we have the death penalty and we use it. That's right, if you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. That's our policy. Right now there's a bill in the Texas legislature that would speed up the execution process of those convicted of a heinous crime with more than three credible witnesses. If more than three people saw you do what you did you don't sit on death row for 15 years Jack, you go straight to the front of the line. Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty. My state's puttin in an express lane.

That quote is proof of why the state of Texas is to redneckified to have the death penalty.

As a personal belief, I dislike the death penalty. As a hater of terrorists, I am somewhat hypocritial on this point, because I feel that all of the Mullahs need to die.

I dunno ....

I think the death penalty is a risk because there are many cases where innocent people have been executed and later exhonerated. I think states like Texas are in too big a hurry to kill people.
That quote is proof of why the state of Texas is to redneckified to have the death penalty.

As a personal belief, I dislike the death penalty. As a hater of terrorists, I am somewhat hypocritial on this point, because I feel that all of the Mullahs need to die.

I dunno ....

I think the death penalty is a risk because there are many cases where innocent people have been executed and later exhonerated. I think states like Texas are in too big a hurry to kill people.

That's why I think there need to be stipulations.
And most of these death rowees that are being exonerated are crimes committed at least 10 years ago. When we didn't have the technology that we do today.
tizz said:
I personally believe that if you take from society your punishment shouldbe to give back. there is no REPLACING life but there is saving a life as punishment for taking. Mandatory organ donation, and testing for terminal illnesses. That way at least you are giving back. If you live, you get tested again, if you die, science has gotten that much closer to a cure. Human testing is the only real way to make strides in fighting various illnesses.

THese are good thoughts but this type of thing will never happen. The constitution clearly forbids cruel and unusual punishment and what you are suggesting is nothing less then cruel and unusual punishment.
Not cruel and unusual at all.. It's fair and just and gives one an oprotunity to give back what they took. At least it could balance their Karma. I can see teh unusual but cruel? Quite the opposite.
I think the death penalty is a risk because there are many cases where innocent people have been executed and later exhonerated. I think states like Texas are in too big a hurry to kill people.

No single proven case of an executed innocent post-Furman, plenty of studies proving the death penalty is a deterrent. Once again ADHD boy does not know his ass from a hole in the ground.
What gives twelve peole the right to value a single human's life? And unless there is undeniable proof (IE dna WITH video and ten witnesses and a confession) how do you REALLY know? You don't. You give permission to take a human life oyu are just as bad as the one who did so without permission
I think life in prision is a worst punishement than the death penalty, but seeing how overcrowded prisions are, I say just give them the death penalty. I also think that death penalty should be given to pedofiles in that I mean grown ass men that rape 5 yr. old little girls, violent rapes with DNA as evidence.
I didn't read the whole thread so if something of that sort was already bad :p
Vaness said:
I think life in prision is a worst punishement than the death penalty, but seeing how overcrowded prisions are, I say just give them the death penalty. I also think that death penalty should be given to pedofiles in that I mean grown ass men that rape 5 yr. old little girls, violent rapes with DNA as evidence.
I didn't read the whole thread so if something of that sort was already bad :p

Way to solve prison overcrowding: Let out the nonviolent offenders that are in there for minor crimes such as drug offenses.
Look at Me Chairman Mao and all you Brawl Hall Morons! I'm a Honorary Idiot Box Member and I can Post here...What a bunch of Crybabies! Whaaaaa! :p