The Death Penalty

Exactly why my reasons for being against it have nothing to do with the severity of punishment (accept I think it is a easy out) Punish the ****ers hard. MAKE them a deterrent. Give am all aids and cancer then experiment on their asses. That might make a few idiots think twice before comiting a serious violent act.

Personally I believe in a Karma of sorts and if you are a ****er in this life you will simply GET ****ed in the next. Life is our punishment and you can either take it likea perverbial man or whine like a little bitch through the whole thing
You have a valid point. I will strive to be a better debater. My apologies for offending you. I tend to go off the deep end sometimes.

If you would be so kind as to repeat your point, I will do my best to answer accordingly.

Thanks :)

Thank you. This answer is actually a relief. Some good Rip-Snorting Pissed Off is all fine and dandy - but the giant screaming bigot rants I've been seeing from you tend to degenerate into the non-sequitur and are simply upsetting.

From what I'm seeing on the boards, you've either upped your meds, had a nice roll or simply have taken a deep breath. Thank you for this! :)

My point was just my protest of the above and your post puts it to rest.

Now...about that death penalty... :)
tizz said:
Face it. How you view the death penalty, abortion, murder, or assisted suicide all ties into one thing. How you view life AFTER death and the soul. If oyu can't agree on that, you will NEVER agree on life/death issues

Tizz baby, you're missing the whole point here to which TH is SOOOOOO Close.

I am not looking to win him over, nor be convinced of his position, but rather I am trying to understand what is the glue that holds his position together. What makes him tick on this topic. Not to try and assault it, but rather to understand it so that I can contrast and compare it with my own thoughts.

By learning this, I can critically expose myself to ideas other than my own, and to me, that is where the real CRITICAL thought process lies.

Besides, I used to feel EXACTLY as he does now, but I changed. I want to remember why I felt that way and perhaps he can show me.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Alright now... WE are making progress... It's starting to get good.

So, we've established that you believe that:

1. Execution is Barbaric.

2. Life imprisonment is a more desirable alternative than execution.

3. Life imprisonment is WORSE than execution and "Hell on Earth".

4. You believe this punishement better fits the crime.

But, isn't your punishement MORE BARBARIC and CRUEL than mine?

Forget the economic argument, the moral argument, and the threat to society argument for a moment and just focus on which is truly MORE BARBARIC... :confused:

It's far worse, but not really more barbaric. While it certainly has the potential to be gruesome and nasty it also serves to punish the guilty in a fashion, which is far more effective then just executing them.

What lesson does a killer learn if you kill him? (Nobody except god can answer this one)

A killer who has to sit in a 10X10 cell for the rest of his life learns what a truly horrible place prison is. He wishes he was not in prison. Sometimes he/she blames society, but secrety knows that he got himself there. He doesn't get a life. Nor does he get a quick death. He gets to spend his the rest of his years trapped in limbo between life and death.

Perhaps that is cruel, but I still believe it's better then the death penalty.
CES>>>I agree there, but if you are gonna argue or discuss a topic like this, the only way you will truly know where they stand or why is to get out of them exactly what they believe as far as after life. Same thing with abortion or death with dignity. Might aas well skip all teh bullshit and get right down to WHY we believe one or the other. Keep it simple. (cuts down on the dizzines associated with running in circles ;) )
It's far worse, but not really more barbaric. While it certainly has the potential to be gruesome and nasty it also serves to punish the guilty in a fashion, which is far more effective then just executing them.

What lesson does a killer learn if you kill him? (Nobody except god can answer this one)

A killer who has to sit in a 10X10 cell for the rest of his life learns what a truly horrible place prison is. He wishes he was not in prison. Sometimes he/she blames society, but secrety knows that he got himself there. He doesn't get a life. Nor does he get a quick death. He gets to spend his the rest of his years trapped in limbo between life and death.

Perhaps that is cruel, but I still believe it's better then the death penalty.

Ah....Now, the crux of the matter...

What we really have here, is a difference in positions which boils down to the following.

I favor execution, (Barbarisim) and you favor life imprisonment (Cruelty).

Which is truly the worse of the two evils? Barbarism or Cruelty? Perhaps they are the same thing.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Ah....Now, the crux of the matter...

What we really have here, is a difference in positions which boils down to the following.

I favor execution, (Barbarisim) and you favor life imprisonment (Cruelty).

Which is truly the worse of the two evils? Barbarism or Cruelty? Perhaps they are the same thing.

Perhaps so. Of course, cruelty can end in a release and compensation if the accused is later exhonorated. Barbarisim on the other hand .... not so much. :)
Here's my problem with all this....

If someone raped and murdered my daughter or one of my younger sisters (I'm not quite sure about the big sis) :) ...I would want to see them fry. I wouldn't want to know that they still get to suck air every day.

I just know this in my heart, that I wouldn't want them to have this privilege. I would just want them gone.

Whether they cease to exist, go to a heaven or hell, or come back in another life would be moot. I would just want to know they have been deprived of their body.

Now if that's truly the way I feel... then I must extend this to other's who have suffered that loss I would never want to endure.

Each person murdered, raped and murdered...was someone's son or daughter, husband, wife, child... mother father..etc. The deliberate and wanton disregard for the devastation created must be answered for..and if I answer it one way for myself, I must answer it the same for the other flows - happening to other people - regardless of any other consideration I may hold.
skategreen said:
Here's my problem with all this....

If someone raped and murdered my daughter or one of my younger sisters (I'm not quite sure about the big sis) :) ...I would want to see them fry. I wouldn't want to know that they still get to suck air every day.

I just know this in my heart, that I wouldn't want them to have this privilege. I would just want them gone.

Whether they cease to exist, go to a heaven or hell, or come back in another life would be moot. I would just want to know they have been deprived of their body.

Now if that's truly the way I feel... then I must extend this to other's who have suffered that loss I would never want to endure.

Each person murdered, raped and murdered...was someone's son or daughter, husband, wife, child... mother father..etc. The deliberate and wanton disregard for the devastation created must be answered for..and if I answer it one way for myself, I must answer it the same for the other flows - happening to other people - regardless of any other consideration I may hold.

I understand how you feel and I admire the courage of your convictions (that was an accidental pun). However, I wonder, wouldn't you rather see the offender who did that thing deprived of both life and death?

Life imprisonment is the absence of life and the denial of a quick and easy death. It's an eternal limbo from which there is no escape. It's really a horrible half-life.

Isn't that even better punishment then death?


P.S. Nobody uses the chiar anymore (that I know of)
So, like me, Skategreen favors Barbarism over Cruelty.

I don't believe for a moment, that one is better than the other. To me they are the two sides of the SAME coin.

So, then, one has the other aspects to deal with. Namely economic, moral and threat to society arguments.

Herein lies the good stuff... :p
There is some really scary stuff on that page. :)

Makes me glad I am not on death row. :)

Yeah, the State by State stuff at the bottom of the page is interesting to me. So many have CHOICES?!?
I understand how you feel and I admire the courage of your convictions (that was an accidental pun). However, I wonder, wouldn't you rather see the offender who did that thing deprived of both life and death?

Life imprisonment is the absence of life and the denial of a quick and easy death. It's an eternal limbo from which there is no escape. It's really a horrible half-life.

Isn't that even better punishment then death?


P.S. Nobody uses the chiar anymore (that I know of)

Make that "proverbial fry"

I can theoretically ponder your concept and can see it's validity. It doesn't handle it for me though. I would want the person, "gone". I could then take my attention off of them. I wouldn't want to wonder, "what are they doing right now? ... are they eating lousy grub? getting assaulted by an inmate? watching TV? writing a letter home to a loved one? Staring at walls wishing? surfing the web looking at pictures of kittens in baby clothes falling out of baskets?? (yes, I would worry they had it soft and had been allowed computer privileges!) I wouldn't want them to have one happy moment, and would waste my thoughts in twisted anger, wishing them evil. This wouldn't be good for me.

I KNOW I would "think of them". I KNOW I would "picture them". This is why I don't want them around anymore. If someone had done such an evil thing to someone I knew and loved, I wouldn't want to waste one thought on them. I wouldn't want to invite them further into my life and future in that way. To have them still alive would put them out there somewhere, and they would suck my attention to whatever degree.

If they were executed, then it would be OVER. I could relegate them to the past and could get on with dealing with my own personal loss - I've been to a dozen funerals. (none caused another) ...this gives me an inkling as to how one gets over it - lives with it.
skategreen said:
Make that "proverbial fry"

I can theoretically ponder your concept and can see it's validity. It doesn't handle it for me though. I would want the person, "gone". I could then take my attention off of them. I wouldn't want to wonder, "what are they doing right now? ... are they eating lousy grub? getting assaulted by an inmate? watching TV? writing a letter home to a loved one? Staring at walls wishing? surfing the web looking at pictures of kittens in baby clothes falling out of baskets?? (yes, I would worry they had it soft and had been allowed computer privileges!) I wouldn't want them to have one happy moment, and would waste my thoughts in twisted anger, wishing them evil. This wouldn't be good for me.

I KNOW I would "think of them". I KNOW I would "picture them". This is why I don't want them around anymore. If someone had done such an evil thing to someone I knew and loved, I wouldn't want to waste one thought on them. I wouldn't want to invite them further into my life and future in that way. To have them still alive would put them out there somewhere, and they would suck my attention to whatever degree.

If they were executed, then it would be OVER. I could relegate them to the past and could get on with dealing with my own personal loss - I've been to a dozen funerals. (none caused another) ...this gives me an inkling as to how one gets over it - lives with it.

I see your point. I guess it does bring closure. I never thought of that. :)
I think people who gain personal relief from someone's execution is rather pathetic. I really don't see how that makes someone BETTER than the murderer.

I support the death penalty because it's cheaper to execute the ****er, oh, and yeah. Population control.
TheJenn88 said:
I think people who gain personal relief from someone's execution is rather pathetic. I really don't see how that makes someone BETTER than the murderer.

I support the death penalty because it's cheaper to execute the ****er, oh, and yeah. Population control.

The death penalty as it stands today has an EXTREME minimual effect on the human population. I mean it is so miniscule, more people have been killed by pissed off goats than the death penalty.