The Death Penalty

Hugo, there is a HUGE amount of information online and in the library that can prove to you that the death penalty is NOT a deterrent. You need to find a new source.
skategreen said:
Hugo's a Scientologist? Cooooool. All the more reason to like him and continue to be disgusted by you.

I'm pretty sick of your yelling - d'ya have a hearing problem, is this why you yell so much? Ignored as a child? Got a bee in yer ear? Quiet down, will ya? Other people are having conversations here. We don't need your huge yelling font. REALLY.

What's with all the bigotry? You seem to like to rank on folks for their origin of birth, religion, color of skin... how is that debating? It's name calling. Save that for the piss pot hey? A bit of GOOD name calling here and there - fine! I've seen some wickedly good slams - but yours are just schoolyard.

Or do you just fancy yourself to be a Darn Good Mud Slinger? Look again. It's not wit. Does anyone post rep for you, awed by your ability to use large font and shout? I doubt it muchly.

You need to prove yourself by screaming? ... what does that say about you? I bet YOU'VE got some dirty little secrets, now don'tcha? What are you hiding? Beat your spouse? Children? Hurt little animals? Got some nasty little habits that wouldn't bear the light of day.....? yeah.

That's my take. You're one sick puppy, here to vent your evil petty bigoted wrath, hiding your pathetic little secrets that gnaw at the craw of your yellow belly.

Your manner of expression reveals your character, and it is found wanting.

Writhe in it.

Yeah, well, I don't see you castagating your assclown scientologist butt buddy for his insults. You are just another conservative asshole who should remain quiet.

The death penalty is lame. This has been repeatedly proven. It's sad that the republinazis cannot seem to grasp that

I will not be called a coward by a ***** like you. I served my country. I was in the military. Unlike your lame Salvation Army Ass, I actually saw death on a DAILY BASIS. I would try to explain it to you, but worthless pukes like you lack a common frame of reference and are unable to understand.

**** you for making light of the sacrifice I made. **** you for calling me, one of the many brave Americans that fought for the freedoms you enjoy, a coward.

**** you and all the republican scum in this world.
DizzyME said:
Hugo, there is a HUGE amount of information online and in the library that can prove to you that the death penalty is NOT a deterrent. You need to find a new source.

Huge is an idiot republican asswipe. Don't bother trying to reason with his worthless ass.
Gray~Gal said:
This is what i have to say about the death penalty. I am posting this w/o reading others post first because i feel strongly about this.
I think we should have the death penatly. Old saying eye for eye...well i believe it! I think any person who is a pedifile (sp) who has been proven to have raped/killed a minor 16 and under (17 is another story) or has sexually hurt them they should be sent to prison for life w. no chance of parole or death. I think they should be put to sleep just like a mad dog. I think if a person kills another and it can be proven with 100% forensic evidence and some sort of witness....straight to the chair. I think if a person can take a life w/o remorse such as BTK i think he should go straight to death row. I dont think those are even people anymore, they are bodies that have no soul.
I cant STAND that people who can kill kids and hurt people for NO ****ing reason are even left alive to breathe even if it is in a Prison. A lot of people say let them suffer for what they did...**** THAT enough people are gonna suffer who give a **** about the killer. I think Peterson got what was coming to him for what he did to his baby and wife. What scum....that is not human that is barbaric.
Thats what i think: :mad:

Grey, that eye for an eye theory went out with the old testiment. We have to be strive to be more evolved then a caveman. We cannot allow ourselves to take revenge.

The death penalty is nothing more then an old school revenge tactic. Peopel are sick. People do disgusting things and they should be punished for them. However, killing them to gain revenge doesn't solve anything.

I am tired of conservatives thinking it's ok to commit murder to punish murders.
hugo said:
The ignorance of ADHD boy never ceases to amaze me. The law of Moses is contained in the Old Testament, you could have an argument that the law of Moses went out with the New Testament, of course for certain that would not be true if you are Jewish. I guess us Texan's missed that memo that only a moron would believe.

Most Texans missed that memo because MOST TEXANS AREN'T EDUCATED ENOUGH TO READ IT.

Grey, that eye for an eye theory went out with the old testiment. We have to be strive to be more evolved then a caveman. We cannot allow ourselves to take revenge.

The death penalty is nothing more then an old school revenge tactic. Peopel are sick. People do disgusting things and they should be punished for them. However, killing them to gain revenge doesn't solve anything.

I am tired of conservatives thinking it's ok to commit murder to punish murders.



What EXACTLY is LIFE IMPRISIONMENT WITHOUT PAROLE then? Would you also define that as revenge? Are you advocating no punishments at all and if not, then where do you draw the line between what is punishment and what is revenge?

I find it far less disgusting to execute a criminal than to leave him in a jail cell for the rest of his life.

If I had to choose between the two, I would always choose execution. I could not live 50+ years locked up in prison; for what purpose?
"If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call."

John McAdams - Marquette University/Department of Political Science, on deterrence
Cogito Ergo Sum said:


What EXACTLY is LIFE IMPRISIONMENT WITHOUT PAROLE then? Would you also define that as revenge? Are you advocating no punishments at all and if not, then where do you draw the line between what is punishment and what is revenge?

I find it far less disgusting to execute a criminal than to leave him in a jail cell for the rest of his life.

If I had to choose between the two, I would always choose execution. I could not live 50+ years locked up in prison; for what purpose?

Life imprisonment is a far worse punishment then they death penalty. It also allows for the wrongly convicted person to have a second chance at life. With the death penalty... there is not second chance.

I think life in prison (i.e. hell on earth) is a better punishment then a needle full of Sodium Pentathol.
You can't deter someone who is in prison w/o parol from stealing from a mini-mart. Why? NO MINI-MARTS IN JAIL! With the death penalty, you don't have to deter them. You kill them, you don't have to worry about them anymore. No more stolen donuts...
Life imprisonment is a far worse punishment then they death penalty. It also allows for the wrongly convicted person to have a second chance at life. With the death penalty... there is not second chance.

I think life in prison (i.e. hell on earth) is a better punishment then a needle full of Sodium Pentathol.

Okay. But you didn't really answer the question I asked.

"What EXACTLY is LIFE IMPRISIONMENT WITHOUT PAROLE then? Would you also define that as revenge? "

This is an important concept that tells me where you are coming from and allows me to understand you.

Also, don't you find it unusual at the bare minimum, that you consider execution to be barbaric, but would much rather implement what you refer to as "a far worse punishment" and "hell on Earth"? :eek: I'm really confused here. Are you saying that you are more sadistic?
jokersarewild said:
You can't deter someone who is in prison w/o parol from stealing from a mini-mart. Why? NO MINI-MARTS IN JAIL! With the death penalty, you don't have to deter them. You kill them, you don't have to worry about them anymore. No more stolen donuts...

I see you point, however, I cannot agree.

I think it's barbaric.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Okay. But you didn't really answer the question I asked.

"What EXACTLY is LIFE IMPRISIONMENT WITHOUT PAROLE then? Would you also define that as revenge? "

This is an important concept that tells me where you are coming from and allows me to understand you.

Also, don't you find it unusual at the bare minimum, that you consider execution to be barbaric, but would much rather implement what you refer to as "a far worse punishment" and "hell on Earth"? :eek: I'm really confused here. Are you saying that you are more sadistic?

Sorry. :)

Life imprisonment with or without parole is punishment. It's not the same as killing a man because he killed someone else.

Sorry. :)

Life imprisonment with or without parole is punishment. It's not the same as killing a man because he killed someone else.


Okay. We're getting somewhere, albeit slowly.

So it's punishment. You stated it is a WORSE punishment than execution. Do you believe this?
Yeah, well, I don't see you castagating your assclown scientologist butt buddy for his insults. You are just another conservative asshole who should remain quiet.

The death penalty is lame. This has been repeatedly proven. It's sad that the republinazis cannot seem to grasp that

I will not be called a coward by a ***** like you. I served my country. I was in the military. Unlike your lame Salvation Army Ass, I actually saw death on a DAILY BASIS. I would try to explain it to you, but worthless pukes like you lack a common frame of reference and are unable to understand.

**** you for making light of the sacrifice I made. **** you for calling me, one of the many brave Americans that fought for the freedoms you enjoy, a coward.

**** you and all the republican scum in this world.

TH - let's get a few thing straight here.

If you served our country, then I do thank you for this. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the dedication and sacrifices you made on my behalf. - and I sincerely believe that this was done on behalf of not only my country, but me personally. While I may not necessarily agree with all wars/conflicts our country has been involved in over the past 200 years, this does not detract from the gratitude and appreciation which I extend to our soldiers, vets, police, firefighters and so forth.

However, the fact that you served our country does not give you license to constantly shout bigoted flaming hatred all over these boards - without being called to carpet for it. I'm not glued to these boards and don't read all posts but your propensity for truly bigoted nastiness is simply blasted all over the place. I called you out on it on another thread, but you didn't respond. This time you do and you do so with neg rep. (my first! I'm no longer a Neg Rep Virgin!)

You have taken the time to fling insults my way now, but you're not defending the point I am making - why must you attempt to make your point by screaming foul ****-encrusted epithets decrying and defiling race, creed and religion?

Just what were you fighting for with your military service anyway? Got it on the first amendment - any others ...perhaps?

Oh...and'd you know I once flopped in a Sally Ann when I was a teen out seeing the country by boxcar?
skategreen said:
TH - let's get a few thing straight here.

If you served our country, then I do thank you for this. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the dedication and sacrifices you made on my behalf. - and I sincerely believe that this was done on behalf of not only my country, but me personally. While I may not necessarily agree with all wars/conflicts our country has been involved in over the past 200 years, this does not detract from the gratitude and appreciation which I extend to our soldiers, vets, police, firefighters and so forth.

However, the fact that you served our country does not give you license to constantly shout bigoted flaming hatred all over these boards - without being called to carpet for it. I'm not glued to these boards and don't read all posts but your propensity for truly bigoted nastiness is simply blasted all over the place. I called you out on it on another thread, but you didn't respond. This time your do and you do so with neg rep. (my first! I'm no longer a Neg Rep Virgin!)

You have taken the time to fling insults my way now, but you're not defending the point I am making - why must you attempt to make your point by screaming foul ****-encrusted epithets decrying and defiling race, creed and religion?

Just what were you fighting for with your military service anyway? Got it on the first amendment - any others ...perhaps?

Oh...and'd you know I once flopped in a Sally Ann when I was a teen out seeing the country by boxcar?

You have a valid point. I will strive to be a better debater. My apologies for offending you. I tend to go off the deep end sometimes.

If you would be so kind as to repeat your point, I will do my best to answer accordingly.

Thanks :)
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Okay. We're getting somewhere, albeit slowly.

So it's punishment. You stated it is a WORSE punishment than execution. Do you believe this?

Yeah, I do. The death penalty is an easy out. If these people have to spend thier life in prison, which is much the same as hell or so I am told, then they actually pay for thier crime. If we kill them them they get an easy out. They never have to really pay for thier crimes.

My thinking on this matter comes from an old saying that reads "Everybody dies, not everybody truly lives" ...

Basically, I figure we can take thier life away from them without killing them. That is far worse then death because they will be unable to do more then watch from a far.

It's kind of like hiding a glass of water from a man who is dying of thirst.


Face it. How you view the death penalty, abortion, murder, or assisted suicide all ties into one thing. How you view life AFTER death and the soul. If oyu can't agree on that, you will NEVER agree on life/death issues
Yeah, I do. The death penalty is an easy out. If these people have to spend thier life in prison, which is much the same as hell or so I am told, then they actually pay for thier crime. If we kill them them they get an easy out. They never have to really pay for thier crimes.

My thinking on this matter comes from an old saying that reads "Everybody dies, not everybody truly lives"


Alright now... WE are making progress... It's starting to get good.

So, we've established that you believe that:

1. Execution is Barbaric.

2. Life imprisonment is a more desirable alternative than execution.

3. Life imprisonment is WORSE than execution and "Hell on Earth" and "a far worse death".

4. You believe this punishement better fits the crime.

But, isn't your punishement MORE BARBARIC and CRUEL than mine?

Forget the economic argument, the moral argument, and the threat to society argument for a moment and just focus on which is truly MORE BARBARIC... :confused:
tizz said:
Face it. How you view the death penalty, abortion, murder, or assisted suicide all ties into one thing. How you view life AFTER death and the soul. If oyu can't agree on that, you will NEVER agree on life/death issues

I do agree with that. I know that those who have done these horrible things will be judged by god and punished accordingly once they cross the veil between this life and the next.

I just don't think it's right to kill them. The law of moses hasn't applied for thosands of years.
