The Death Penalty

I'm torn on this issue. I used to think the death penalty was the right thing to do. But is it really barbaric to slip a needle in someone's arm and let them quickly fall asleep? How fair is it that they get to know how they will die and it will not be a violent death?
I think prisons, from what I know of them, should be changed. I dont think they should get tv or computer access. Prisoners should be forced to do hard labor from waking till bed time. They shouldnt be able to smuggle anything in, like drugs for example. Particularly murderers, serial killers...shouldnt be allowed to get mail from obsessed "fans" or from anyone for that matter. They should not get anything that's nice or comforting like tv or dessert, make them eat brussel sprouts and liver. If we are christians, arent we not supposed to kill? It's funny how sometimes the bible is the be all end all and sometimes it's thrown out the window.
I say keep em locked up and make their lives miserable. Force them to get an education. What if the only books they had access to were textbooks?
Make them clean hospital bedpans, clean up crime scenes, pick up after dogs, all the gross stuff that people who never killed anyone dont want to do.
I really dont know what to say except, with a little imagination, I bet there are other options.
I think that movie, The Green Mile, sums it up for me.

The power of death-dealing can harm the dealer just as effectively as those they kill.

In various regions in the north of Australia, some indigenes facing serious charges, like rape and murder, are released back into their own community for "pay-back" from their own people. This usually entails having the offender
speared repeatedly with heavy hardwood spears, in the thighs only, by the men, and bashed severely about the head and upper body with short lumps of hardwood, called nulla-nulla, by the women.

Sounds a bit brutal. Yep. They still get to go before the courts anyway.

This seemingly strange practice was brought in by our courts, because if it doesn't happen this way, the "pay-back" is wrought on the next-of-kin, leading to more court appearances, and more "pay-backs".
I think we should bring back the electric chair and put the executions on TV for everyone to see, if anyone thinks this wouldnt make people think twice about killing someone your crazy!
TWorld PoliceA said:
I think we should bring back the electric chair and put the executions on TV for everyone to see, if anyone thinks this wouldnt make people think twice about killing someone your crazy!

It's been proven over and over again that the death penalty is not a deterant.

You need to be less violent.

It's been proven over and over again that the death penalty is not a deterant.

You need to be less violent.

It has been proven over and over again that TERRORIST-HATER is complete moron.

You need to be less stupid.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
It has been proven over and over again that TERRORIST-HATER is complete moron.

You need to be less stupid.


You need to stop being an asshole. I realize that you are not a real american so you are jealous of everything we have here, but that is no excuse for your contstant anal retintive behavior.

Please stop being such a *****.

Furthermore, the fact that you are nazi conservative who does not agree with what I say doesn't make me a moron. It makes you a neoconseravtive cretin.
As such, I think you should keep your mouth shut and take your welfare-ass to the store and buy your children some food. Better yet, why not go get some government cheese.

In any event, you can just stop being such an asshole.

