Heya Phe and other Delson-hounds! *hugs*
Wow, quite an informative post there hon, but tell me where did you get your source? I've just been over to CoS where Woody has posted a similar well, post regarding Mike and they read alike... just wondering is all. Makes me feel kinda bad that I've never done a post like that for dear Bourdie yet *sob* But I'll get around to it eventually... when he's old and grey most likely! *laughs*
Yeah, that thing about him being married - even supplies date and all so it has me intrigued! I may have to snoop myself and see what I can find to back this theory up, surely there's gotta be
some kind of proof out there in WWW land? *looks perplexed*
Well, take care, keep going with your little devotional here (hey, there's a name for ya! Delson's devotional! Now just need another word to add the final 'D' and you'll have DDD rather than BBB! *rolls eyes* Don't worry, I just need more sleep I think! *chuckles* I'm sure I'll get over it...)
TTYL, as usual,
2IC at FoC, 2IC at CoS and Head of CoB! I rock! *laughs*
Edit: Just been wading through the net and came up with this;
http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/B/Brad-Delson.htm. According to this link (though it's vague) it says Monica isn't his wife but his daughter! (huh?) I've never heard
that rumour before so that's a new one on me, but still... *shrugs* I'll keep looking for ya and update where I can. Peace out.
Edit#2: Also found this site;
http://www.angelfire.com/stars/hottieheaven/anniversaries.html. Has a list of star/celebrity aniversaries and Brad and Monica are listed there in September directly below John Travolta and Kelly Preston. (Mike and Anna are also on the list as are Chas and Sam *sob*). I'm still looking, but as I've searched so far that whole Brad's daughter story appears just that; bogus. Figured, but keeping y'all updated cause I feel like playing around on the net (and there's like hardly anything out there on Rob! *screams in frustration!*) Oh well, later peoples.