The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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crazy robster said:
I feel weird... more like sad I think...:(

oh no *huggles* sorre=[

ima tiredly...took teh blobby dog for a walk and now feel like ima collapse...he looks kinda deadish too actuallee *prods doggeh*
I cryed twice today.... on the forums that is.

Cyro said:
I know *crys*

Everyday I wake up, the poor unfortunate boy I still am... I exclaim "WHEN LORD, WHEN!! When will these people stop being so ignorant!! Why can't they just stop! Please God, please, show me you're there."

Then I cry for 3 hours or so, and watch some soap opera's. Followed by my daily LP listening session.

And thats a day in the life of Cyro.

Cyro said:
No, you're probably right... the mystery will never be solved. *crys*

.. I've cryed twice today on this forum and I'm an 18 year-old male... I have got to take my meds...
ima watching teh truman show *strkies cool pose*
yea ima just too cool
yea anyway...i have a sore head...:p
keza said:
ima watching teh truman show *strkies cool pose*
yea ima just too cool
yea anyway...i have a sore head...:p

The Truman Show is the mad movie girl!!! Created by God himself, and handed down to Andrew Niccol, who distributed it through Paramount Pictures!!

As for your head, feel better. :)
Cyro said:
The Truman Show is the mad movie girl!!! Created by God himself, and handed down to Andrew Niccol, who distributed it through Paramount Pictures!!

As for your head, feel better. :)

why thankies bobbeh>.<
and yesh it is...*cough* i lyke jim carrey..people thin hes abit weirdo but i like that in someone:Dwell ima big ass weirdo so thats prb whys
keza said:
why thankies bobbeh>.<
and yesh it is...*cough* i lyke jim carrey..people thin hes abit weirdo but i like that in someone:Dwell ima big ass weirdo so thats prb whys

Jim Carrey is a genious, plain and simple.

I hope yall feel better, this is my first good day in awhile.
Phranka said:
maybe your username should be.. Cryo :)


The idea's are flooding into my head all at once... Cyro makes no sense... its short for Cyrokenesis (the power over ice) but since when could I control ice? I have more control over my tears than anything else, so Cryo makes perfect sense!! :D
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