The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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I feel so ****ing sick.
probably because I've had two litres of milk in the past hour
and I'm allergic to milk.

I haven't talked to smith in like 8 hours ;; -dies-
allieking said:
awww rav hun, you know what ya need........a hug!!!!! *hugs rav* there ya go hun :)
Awww thanks Allie! *a bit late but hugs Allie back* TY! :D
Hope things are better with Andy :)

And Fox - *squeeze hugs* Hope things get better for you too ASAP. Hang in there. :)

As for me, better now. Hit a slump today but am out of it again now. Meh, RL does that from time to time I guess. Monotony. Politics. *sigh* But had a chat to JoJo and Mel and feeling way better. Funny how just a simple hello from the right person (or anything at all) can turn things around. Hope tomorrow's better. Probably won't be. A week of lunch starts ahead. Yay, there goes my 'quality' time (to laze about and do nothing before work ;), lazy sod I am). Oh well, paycheck Tuesday. Tattoo on Thursday. Tax man on Friday. ******** Accountants ;) XD
Pissed off, damn neighbours are having an extension so there have been builders with huge great ****ing lorrys outside our house at 7:30AM all week >.<
Alison needs her sleep >:[
Ravynlee said:
Awww thanks Allie! *a bit late but hugs Allie back* TY! :D
Hope things are better with Andy :)

And Fox - *squeeze hugs* Hope things get better for you too ASAP. Hang in there. :)

As for me, better now. Hit a slump today but am out of it again now. Meh, RL does that from time to time I guess. Monotony. Politics. *sigh* But had a chat to JoJo and Mel and feeling way better. Funny how just a simple hello from the right person (or anything at all) can turn things around. Hope tomorrow's better. Probably won't be. A week of lunch starts ahead. Yay, there goes my 'quality' time (to laze about and do nothing before work ;), lazy sod I am). Oh well, paycheck Tuesday. Tattoo on Thursday. Tax man on Friday. ******** Accountants ;) XD

things are looking better rav, andys just finished his CV and sent it to a friend who professionaly finished it. andys going to send it to companys to apply for new jobs, also his mate has just emailed him about a new job wich pays twice what hes earning now and its what he wants to do :)

i'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed now...thanks for caring hun :)
Stenners said:
yesh ity would

thanks for answering teh question lmfao...
and keep yoor catteh thing away from me...><
and yoo have a tail---> yoo should ghet that checked out
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