The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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Bleck fat... My mom brought home ice cream. The woman is trying to eat healthy and she brings home ice cream! WTF. I only ate 1/2 cup but I still feel, idk... I suppose gross is the word I'm looking for.
I feel good.. Caught up on graphic projects & requests, not to mention that I'm extremly happy on how the one I did for Victim came out...
am alrighty nows...^^ made some happee bday piccies for mon friend on teh comp harr harr bit crappi realleh seeing as i cant work comes...woop for paint>.<
i'm feeling great :)

is my likkle girls birthday today, shes 8!!!!! we took her to andys mum and dads to get her cards, then we came home and i took her shopping, bought her a helium baloon with birthday girl on it and a h00ge badge with "i am 8" on it. shes with her dad and nana now but when she gets back were going to do her spongebob cake :)

all that pain i went through 8 years ago was worth it because shes gorgeous :) comp is being a big arse and wont do what i want it to >.<

take that back, my computer is teh best and i luff him ^^ yesh my comp is a he...*nods*
i feel weird..
like im nervous
about the Panic! at the disco concert.. i dunno why.. mayve im scared something bad will happen and stop me from going
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