The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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kinda pissed off and excited at the same time. just ironed all of andys clothes for his job interview today and i thought he was making me breakfast in the kitchen, i went to tell him everything was ironed to find that he had made himself breakfast and not me!!!!

excited because i really want him to get the job :)
I'm gewd.. lil nervous about upcoming school still.. but 'm hyped about LP again ^_^
and I cann't wait for my friends to get online..
I suck I keep dissapointing my parents -.-
but I'm not feeling guilty enough.. and I feel guilty about that XD
I'm a bit pissed because some ******* I don't know has been calling me on my mobile phone all night and I just had to turn it off because of him... ******* loser....
still excited, andy went to his interview and he thinks he impressed them, so looks like he might have the job. hopefully this time tomorrow we will know.

franka how could you possibly dissapoint your parents, i'd be proud to have a daughter like you :)
allieking said:
franka how could you possibly dissapoint your parents, i'd be proud to have a daughter like you :)
It's true.. I dissapoint them way too much >.> :(
I forgot about an important appointment..
gah I hate myself
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