The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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wow... was I that funny o_O (no I wasn't)
or are you in a laughing mood ^^'

i'm okay now
a bit uncomfy every guy friend im tlking to atm is tlking about their penis's
why do guys do this to me all teh time 0.o
Cold! My mom loves air conditioning to much! Holy cow... I'm wearing long pants and a sweater in August for god's sake!
*hugs Gemma*

Tired. My myspace decided to hate me last night so I'm up tonight trying like hell to fix it. My contacts are really dried out. My eyes hurt.
keza said:
a bit uncomfy every guy friend im tlking to atm is tlking about their penis's
why do guys do this to me all teh time 0.o
lmao aww poor kezy.. talk to the non-penis-based boys xD lol that sounded wrong.. but most of my (internet) male friends never talk about stuff like that haha

Good news: school is only in 2 hours.. (school at 1:30pm o.o)
Bad news: my foot is being sleepy :mad:
Phranka said:
lmao aww poor kezy.. talk to the non-penis-based boys xD lol that sounded wrong.. but most of my (internet) male friends never talk about stuff like that haha

Good news: school is only in 2 hours.. (school at 1:30pm o.o)
Bad news: my foot is being sleepy :mad:

Have fun at school :p

I need to go to sleep soon... lol.
hehe can you remember them?
put em in the dream journal :p

I'm fine.. blehhhhh school in a few horus..
and I miss my friends like way :(
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