The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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Black_Angel said:
I'm not too great... Everyone thinks I'm a selfish bitch who always wants what she can't have. And they're probably right.
Nawwwwwww you're not :0!

I feel.. tired.. wth.. school tomorrow *pukes*
I feel alright.. just went to first school day.. introduction.. twas quite boring.. I hope I'll make friends..
today was a very bad day. my mum as some of you know has a problem with alcohol. she lives with my gran and everytime my gran goes away she goes out drinking, well my gran is away and she went out last night and got hammered. this morning i got phone call, it was my mum, she told me that she wanted me and my sister to go and see her. when we got there she was in a terible state, she was talking about stuff and she wasn't making much sense. me and my sister decided to phone the doctor because my mum was talking about not wanting to be alive. the doctor thinks shes had a nervous breakdown and has sugested that she goes on anti-depressants and gets admitted to rehab or detox for a couple of weeks.

so today has been awful, but it seems like shes getting the help she needs at last.
allieking said:
she needs both mate, shes depressed and nees to come off the alcohol. the anti-depressants will help her with the depression while she waits for a place in rehab (wich will take about 4 weeks).
yea i know they need both im just sayin the drugs arent exactly pleasent..for some they work wonders and for my friends they are total disaster starters.

He gets so bad its insane he cuts himself so bad its just like damn
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