The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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I feel quite good.. I hope school's gonna work out the way I want it to..

though I'm tired just cause this one day of school.. ouch.. it was barely school..
I been stayin up too long this summer :rolleyes:
Phranka said:
I feel quite good.. I hope school's gonna work out the way I want it to..

though I'm tired just cause this one day of school.. ouch.. it was barely school..
I been stayin up too long this summer :rolleyes:

have unp gd day at school sweetie!

well ima go to bed i have to be up at 7ish eeeekkk
dum dum duuummmm
I'm excited. I can't wait for school. Mostly because I'll get to see all of my friends again and I got some cool classes this trimester.

1. Drama
2. Adv. English
3. Interior Design
4. Biology (I'm scared for this one. Someone hold me.)
5. Geometry (Scared for this too)
6. Global Perspect.

I didn't get any music or art classes this trimester. Maybe in Decemeber. :[
Bleh school today (opposite of taylor :rolleyes: )
Pics today too o.ô

meh I don't know anybody.. they better talk to me :p
I feel glad school is over again and I get to sleep in tomorrow.. nice class schedule I guess..
i'm tired. got a phone call last night at 7pm, it was my sister telling me i had to go back to my mums. my mum had got worse and was crying and making no sense again, i decided it was best if my sister and i stay with her for the night. we had to check on her every 5 minutes and we ended up sat with her trying to clam her down most of the night. she finally settled down at 5am and i came home. i thought she would be better this morning but shes the same, we have left her on her own while we came home to spend time with our kids and husbands but we have to go back later.
allieking said:
i'm tired. got a phone call last night at 7pm, it was my sister telling me i had to go back to my mums. my mum had got worse and was crying and making no sense again, i decided it was best if my sister and i stay with her for the night. we had to check on her every 5 minutes and we ended up sat with her trying to clam her down most of the night. she finally settled down at 5am and i came home. i thought she would be better this morning but shes the same, we have left her on her own while we came home to spend time with our kids and husbands but we have to go back later.

ohh no allie
*huggles yoo*

ima fabby
i smell like hair dye and my hands are teh same colour as my hair now but meh *shrugs shoulders* what can yoo do:D:D
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