The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
lets see here

i havent had much sleep for the past two days, and now im in school,,,,,,so i'm about to fall asleep while doing research! yay



Scotty B

New member
ur in school and the forum is not blocked well blow me away i want to go to ur school my old one blocked everything lil *******


New member
Kinda ****** off, got exams in 2 weeks and I need to get my act together and revise. But I can't actually get into the swing of it, this is my entrance into 6th form as well.


Active Members
Umm.. I am excited, tomorrow is my birthday., but a bit bummed that tomorrow is my birthday at the same time.. I unno. Plus, I am supposed to go to the Zoo tomorrow, but of course its supposed to rain. Ugh.


New member
Umm.. I am excited, tomorrow is my birthday., but a bit bummed that tomorrow is my birthday at the same time.. I unno. Plus, I am supposed to go to the Zoo tomorrow, but of course its supposed to rain. Ugh.
Well..Happy Birthday:)

It's raining here 2..mid summer come on:p



New member
Kinda ****** off, got exams in 2 weeks and I need to get my act together and revise. But I can't actually get into the swing of it, this is my entrance into 6th form as well.
I know how you feel.

I have my French oral exam in like 2 weeks.

And I was supposed to learn my presentation and conversation stuff over the holidays.

I didn't :(



New member
i'm gooooooooooood....i did a driver's licence test..and i got all the points.... :D ...the only thing that i have to do now is ..... drive a car..... :D
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