The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
pretty good...just had some cookies
i want a cookie but im not allowed bc of my diet gayness!

i feel lke this :mad: . if that makes sense, i just dont feel good today, my hair is being anying, im in smelly clothes bc most of my stuff has been packed and i feel really bloated.



New member

My tonsils have swollen well loads and are all red and gay and I can't eat anything except yoghurt and mashed potato but they still hurt meee =[

School was **** too.

Yeah Alison's in a bad mood.



New member
Feeling quite ****; my aunts in hospital due to a kidney/heart failure...I saw her today and that might be the last time I ever see her too :(

crazy robster

New member
I am happy! Yes I AM! Life is great, I have kick *** friends whom I love so much, my kick *** friends love me too and happen to be in a brilliant mood so that makes me even happier! I took up writing (bless ya sista you and your encouragement mmmuuuaaaahhh! <3 <3 <3) and it's going great too, I'm inspired, I'm creative, I'm well paid, I'm loved I just am...yeah i'm SUPER! :D :D :D


New member
I'm feeling better now that I've watched American Psycho (again) and repetedly watched the scene where Patrick Bateman smashes Paul Allen's head in with an axe, whilst wearing a raincoat and listening to Huey Lewis' 'Hip To Be Square'.


New member
I'm good but still calm, I don't like to express happiness and such,

I just like to keep a striaght face all the time =\

So I guess I'm just fine right now but kinda hungry too.



New member
I think I am getting worse.. It feels like my throat is closing up from coughing so much..
Hergh I think we have the same illness.... It's not nice :(

I managed to convince my mum that I was ill enough to stay off school today.

Which I was.

yeah Alison = still in a bad mood.



New member
im pretty good... just had 6h sleep and still feel sick but hey... i not tired w00t!
You and me both, I feel so sick and tired,

And I'm craving for a drink >_<also bored T_T wish ome firends would get onto MSN or Y!

You and me both, I feel so sick and tired,And I'm craving for a drink >_<also bored T_T wish ome firends would get onto MSN or Y!
oh cool

hi then "sicka and tired" buddy lol

im back again from school and my throat feels so raw =S I don't even want to open my mouth and say something bc it feels like: talkin=death lol

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