The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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Sore. Chest feels like someone's been kneeling on it. Pnuemonia. Had it for a week or so, tough cookie I am. But screwing with my lungs. So sore, so tired. Sound like an 80yr old woman after she's run up a flight of stairs... naw, just kiddin' - 65 at least ;)
I'll try to. Despite the fact I started throwing up my garlic bread (Daniel insisted that I go out to pizza for him for dinner and all I did was end up eating two pieces of garlic bread) last night and holy mother****er thank god I had some empty bowls in my room and when i did run to the bathroom i didn't make it, so I ended up spilling my guts in the my landlords office sink. This stupid headache, I've gone through almost two headache packets and it still hasn't stayed away for good. Elise & Daniel have been sending me txts telling me what to do with myself....I've never been this sick and living on my own :(
Sick too. That time of year. Pnuemonia's a bitch. I misbehaved in a bad bad way last night. Haven't been so stupid since my 21st all those years ago. Went out to lunch and had a few drinks with a friend and then we came home, drank ourselves paralytic, then went to her f-buddy's place. I don't even remember going there just one minute I was on the couch in their studio (he's in a band) and the next I was on their front lawn. Woke up in the hospital about midnight. Man it was a bad bad night. Feeling very sore and sorry for myself, but the pain to my pride is the worst...
I'm tired as ****. Heat is awful and I had to go deal with some paperwork today and same thing is gonna happen tomorrow, plus I have a private soon. More time on the road, more traffic...meh...
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