The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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A bit out of it.
My boyfriend's gone for the weekend, and isn't showing a slight indication that he misses me.
But, he's with his Dad&friends from Spokane, so I shouldn't complain I guess.
feeling shitty.i put andys pants in the washing machine not knowing his wallet with £100 was in the pocket. i soon found out when he asked me if i had washed them. that lead to him being angry and telling me i **** everything up and i'm dumb. its kinds true because this is the 2nd time i have washed a wallet of his, i also washed my ipod and daughetrs phone.
aw come now allie, **** happens.... some more than other like i keep losing my ID and driver license (in fact if any of you know where it is PLEASE tell me). so dont be harsh on yourself. just make sure you check the clothes next time. Put a note at the machine "Have you checked the pockets?". i did that with my dad, he kept forgetting his lights on in his car then we had to push it so i made a note next the the lights switch "Lights off?" and its working.
anyway i feel good, going to do some exercise now
A bit nostalgic.
Feeling a tad dumb, too.
Whenever my boyfriend's gone, I get paranoid, and feel that he's not thinking about me.
So, I know when I asked him is everything alright, it made him upset.
It just pushes him away.

But the tone to his voice was so peculiar.

Not looking forward to work.
I really need a new job.
They gave me 4 hours this week.
Efff that.
feeling shitty.i put andys pants in the washing machine not knowing his wallet with £100 was in the pocket. i soon found out when he asked me if i had washed them. that lead to him being angry and telling me i **** everything up and i'm dumb. its kinds true because this is the 2nd time i have washed a wallet of his, i also washed my ipod and daughetrs phone.
aww **** happens, you are only human you can't do everything perfect right:)
Not looking forward to work.
I really need a new job.
They gave me 4 hours this week.
Efff that.
Gah, I totally know how you feel, my workplace gave me 1 shift this week and sent me home after 2.5 hours because there was nothing to do.. I need the fricking money n'all!

Feel better Allie, you're not dumb, everyone makes mistakes! :]

Now, I'm alright really, actually looking forward to college tomorrow! ^^
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