The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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Get well soon Allie! :]

I feel fricking awesome.
Exams are ****ing over... yesss!!
Only had to go in for my History exam today.
Went Neils for a wee bit which was really fun.
Then we went to see I Am Legend which was a well good film.
Now I'm going to drag him to see Sweeney Todd soon haha.
And I'm now sat at home all warm.
Silently raving to a chavvy tune by PENDULUM. haha.
I'm overtired because of this job. Nikki, my boss, got me smashed off my face on tequila slushy and creaming soda mixed with strong vodka last night, so I got to work to today with a hang over. I am also very happy as well. Ravyn sent me a cute pic of her on my phone of her in her work clothes, as I had sent her a pic of me in my work clothes. She thought I was funny and dorky at the same time ^__^. But I am also annoyed. Because I didnt make any sales today, I don't get paid. All the two people that I got interested in with Austar's new cable deal, in the end, had outstounding debts to pay and I don't get paid unless I get a verification code. :( But I've already made ove $500 worth of sales to people and I don't work tomorrow as well, so I'm happy about my paycheque next week :)
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