The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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Tired but trying to make the most of my day off by staying awake... getting dizzy though... should really go to bed and not let the rebellious side of me win. If it does that it'll try and take over all the time, then nothing will ever get done...
Nite all
Ok. I got a basketball today for five bucks at rebel sport. It didn't scan in. Had to wait fifteen minutes for another one. I nearly missed the uni bus because of those stupid stupid retards.
Attended only one class today, outta two. So instead of a 9 am start I had a 1 pm start. Shot a couple of hoops with Daniel. Was a MAJOR pain in the ass for my lecturer today, deliberately, again, lol he loves it. Had pizza for dinner. Yummmmmmmmmm. Nearly finished my assignments. Did my shopping. Not happy about my overrall cigarette leftover pile from today. I have like less then ten left.
So overall okay!
hot hot hot!! been in work today and let me tell you its no fun being stood infront of huge ovens in this heat!!!

day off tomorrow, going to have my last dress fitting, only 9 days to go and i will officially be allie king!!!

starting to get nervous now tho!!!
lol allie no need to be nervous.... is not like you've just met him :p
im sure it will be an awesome wedding, just the way you'd like it. And i want some wedding cake if i may :D

im awesome, just awesome, no more no less
I raced around uni today trying to print out **** after finding out that I've got two assignments due nxt week which one, I haven't really started and the damn lecturer now has my art book for over a month and she hasn't marked it!! Now I have to go in on my spare day and do my **** at uni. Grr...why didn't someone tell me we had to reference all of our pictures for the art assignment?? I can't find one which means I cannot use it cos I can't reference it.
Uni's been a bitch for me today.
But overrall. I'm good. I'm currently in the process of replacing my yellow/orange bits of my hair (except my tips) with BRIGHT red. Couldn't find pink :(
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