The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo drunk! hahaha woohoo!! woooo-hooooo!! If I'm not back by a few days someone call the paramedics! Been hanging out with a band and havin an awesome time... weee...............!! Oh so drunk I cant even lay down, too afraid I'll choke on bodily fluids or some **** *shakes head* have to stay awake, have to stay vertical... omg... hahaha weeee!!
feeling shitty, one of our cats has got out (they are all indoor cats) and shes not come back yet.
i hope she'll come back, know what its like if one is missing.. our cat was missing for 4 days and we found him on the other side of a river in an inlet from a building, he had nowhere to go, glad we found him..poor animal, was starved as hell..

feeling good today though, very tired, gonna sleep in an hour or so
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo drunk! hahaha woohoo!! woooo-hooooo!! If I'm not back by a few days someone call the paramedics! Been hanging out with a band and havin an awesome time... weee...............!! Oh so drunk I cant even lay down, too afraid I'll choke on bodily fluids or some **** *shakes head* have to stay awake, have to stay vertical... omg... hahaha weeee!!

I'm fine...just woke up and stuff...and I'm also kinda sad cuz I see this forum is pretty dead (again)...
Good. Tired. My eyes I mean. Physically awake but spent most of the day (aside from the few hours at work) staring at a computer screen. Brain's going haywire. Butt's asleep (it's usual state of being) *shakes head*
Going out again tomorrow for a few drinks with friends - yes, again. Drinking heaps lately. Shed a tear for the braincells I choose to murder rather than sit here and pare them down with boring repetition. Oh and the crap they show on TV too, that also kills brain cells ;)
Should get some sleep but Static X is keeping good company. So it's all good :D
feeling good, had a bit of drama at work today, i lost my engagement ring but i found it. i'm now thinking its a bad omen because i'm getting married on saturday!!!
OMG so close!! Must be sooo excited! Look at it this way, you're nervous, of course things will starting taking on grander importance. Just don't lose sight of the bigger picture, rings after all can be replaced. And Frib's is right. Look at what you have not what you almost didn't. Don't panic. Enjoy the ride. Even bumps in the road make the journey more memorable, huh?
All the best for you hon, sincerely <3
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