The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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I have hives - or chicken pox, itching like hell. Feel like crap. Someone must have been kneeling on my chest when I was asleep or something. Oh well, the cold's approaching so it is that time of year again... better get used to it *sigh and takes antihistamines*
Been feeling a bit low again lately. Prefer to think maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit under the weather and the stress from work is certainly not helping matters... Just feel like I'm stuck in a rut again, like what's the purpose to it all? Every day it's exactly the same thing. My life has no point to it. I can't even write as easily as I usually do. Studies are slipping. Health going to ****. Damn... I need... I dunno... decent sleep would be a great place to start - if I could get it. 4 years of shift work my body won't let me.
I'm sorry... just needed to vent was all *shrugs*

i felt exactly like you a year ago and i decided to change the things i hated one at a time, i started with my job, found a new one and now i love my job. then my appearance, i have now changed that and i've been amazed by how much better i feel. the next thing is my home, were moving soon wich will make me feel soooo much better.

hope your feeling better soon hunni xxx
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