The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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I have an idea allie, bring a laptop and a wireless adapter and then join the LPF chat and type out the entire wedding ceremony on it XD
I have a headache but otherwise pretty stoked
started a drone musical project today, as a joke though, to prove that anyone can play drone...

band #2 getting a good epic start, feeling great about that :D
and I got a whole bunch of sigur rós live stuff
could the day get any better???

oh yeah, I could loose the headache, haha
I'm pretty good.
Daniel's having one of his emo days.
I've been feeling pretty sick these couple of mornings. Not good signs.
Daniel chucked a skitz over that fact.
Didnt go to uni today. Assignment due in today but I couldn't have been ****ed waking up at 8 am to catch the bus. I've done it but I haven't bothered turning it in. I'll do it tomorrow.
Daniel and I have decided to have some time apart.
Been seeing eachother too much lately. A couple of days to a week should do it.
Flat broke. But remaining hopeful.
I'm fine, I guess...gotta study now a bit cuz I have an exam tomorrow...and in the afternoon today I'm going to a picnic and then to this festival here in Maribor (called Lampiončki:D)...I'm gonna get wasted so bad...haven't been now for Idk how many really is time, lol...xD
she came back!!! we left the back door open and i sat on the sofa, she just waltzed back in as if she had done nothijng wrong.
glad to hear that^^

feeling good, had a bit of drama at work today, i lost my engagement ring but i found it. i'm now thinking its a bad omen because i'm getting married on saturday!!!
wanna see the pics asap haha

feeling good, still nice weather here, i'm tired and a bit burned though
Glad the kitties back. Sorry, meant to say that earlier. It's all good :D

Am tired as all hell. Went out today and hit the turps again (got drunk) which was fun, but by god was I sick when I came home. Not literally just really off. Made for great writing though. My butt's now melded to the chair. Looks like I aint going anywhere anymore ;)
Just kiddin'
Naw all's pretty good actually. Nothing to complain about. That's always nice.

And yay Allie - so close now!!
thankies you two. rav you need detoxing hun, just water for at least 24 hrs, its amazing how it makes you feel better. also the butt welding to the chair thing, don't worry about that, its comfortable and it feels goooood, the chair is goooood, sit there for a looong time lol
thankies you two. rav you need detoxing hun, just water for at least 24 hrs, its amazing how it makes you feel better. also the butt welding to the chair thing, don't worry about that, its comfortable and it feels goooood, the chair is goooood, sit there for a looong time lol
Hahaha aww thanks!
Just woke up - My butt's back here in the chair so it's all good now! :D
Thanks Allie :friends:
I'm a total emotional wreck today.
I felt so bad ringing up my dad to ask for some money.
I didn't get paid for that stupid article I wrote.....I'm down to $4 and I'm even considering skipping uni today to save on expenses. I can't borrow any more cash off Daniel. I already owe him a whole $50 +
VIS101 notes have cost me over $50.
Feeling great! Went out in my new car to pick up my brother, sister, other sister and her boyfriend! :D Love my new car!!! <3
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