The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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I'm thrilled!!! I'm in Athens and in a few hours I'm heading to the concert venue YES!! Just letting you know :D Kisses, more news tomorrow when I'm back home ;)
I'm thrilled!!! I'm in Athens and in a few hours I'm heading to the concert venue YES!! Just letting you know :D Kisses, more news tomorrow when I'm back home ;)

ohhh Jojo i'm happy for you!! :D

btw, tell Mike that i love him and that i wanna hear No Roads Left live soon cause it's the best song ever with him singing!!! :D
OMG people yesterday was the most freakin awesome (and also tiring) day of my life! I SAW THEM LIVE!! I said hello, I had my M2M cd signed, I handed Rob a gift, I saw them play live, I screamed I...IT WAS GREAT!! Oh they are all such sweet guys, Chaz and Mike in particular gave me a BEAMING smile when they saw me awww *hugs hugs hugs all around* As for Rob...haha he couldn't believe I was giving him a gift and when I gave it to him he stared at it for a few seconds all "huh??" LOL and then he was like *blush* "thanks" Anyway I could go on and on about this! The point is I FEEL GREAT! :D
"I feel good!"

OMG people yesterday was the most freakin awesome (and also tiring) day of my life! I SAW THEM LIVE!! I said hello, I had my M2M cd signed, I handed Rob a gift, I saw them play live, I screamed I...IT WAS GREAT!! Oh they are all such sweet guys, Chaz and Mike in particular gave me a BEAMING smile when they saw me awww *hugs hugs hugs all around* As for Rob...haha he couldn't believe I was giving him a gift and when I gave it to him he stared at it for a few seconds all "huh??" LOL and then he was like *blush* "thanks" Anyway I could go on and on about this! The point is I FEEL GREAT! :D

omg that's freakin great!
i'm so happy for you :D

and Rob omg heheh
I'm sleepy cause I had like 2hrs sleep last night because I was at a party and when we all tried to get to sleep we couldn't becuase JJ was snoring reeeeeeally loud and we threw cushions at him but he wouldn't shut up! =(
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