The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member

Melbourne Cup day is like Christmas almost at my workplace. We got excited for about two minutes (the lasting of the race), yelling at the TV in the board room, for my horse to come last. I betted two bucks on that stupid animal :( But we had awards and stuff, an excuse to dress up I suppose.



New member
Annoyed. All my leads went cold today so I'm forced to look for leads at home before another workday. Queensland Universities have the rudest PAs who ask too many question and TNT gets me nowhere near the ******* IT department. And I hate "Prime Time" in our office on the phones, no one is ever in the freaking office! They either haven't arrived or they've gone home and not answering their mobiles. Ugh!


New member
Happy. But back is on fire! Got my tat finished earlier so still pretty raw. Will (I hope) upload pic tomorrow when the redness has subsided. Going out tomorrow. Dinner, movies, meeting up with a few mates. Life's good!


New member
I am sooooo happy! I did the best sales pitch to a General Manager of a big Australian company in Western Australia (I didnt get anywhere with it) but I got highly praised for it from my team leader for being the best pitch she's heard from me all week!

Feeling a bit naughty though, I'm on LPF at work.



New member
Okay, what is it with guys and me? I already know our IT guy likes me (I know this because I'm not the only one that's been noticing his winks and not to mention the present he gave me today), and I've got a feeling that another guy who sits behind me at work likes me.

*sigh* Sorry guys, but I've pledged a life of singleness for the next year.

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