Ain't it a bit early yet for one of those? Jeez.
I'm entertained. I suppose.
Considering that I'm going away in a few weeks, that soon many businesses have a lot of staff parties to have in what 5 weeks or so and that there's not 1000 places to choose from in this city, and considering that it's really not that far away, then no. I didn't organise it, the bosses do. They pay for it too, who am I to argue?Staff Xmas parties are like Xmas shopping, the sooner you get it out of the way the better it is for everyone. Try getting a store of workers and their families together at the same place at the same time that's not inconvenient or clashes for anyone else, then tell me it's too early.
You'll see when you get there.
How I'm feeling? I don't want to go to work today. Just... tired. Not even just that, dunno, feeling lazy. Actually feeling kinda miffed. Just spent $500 in bills and hate seeing my pay go like that. Sucks. It's frustrating, but... oh well. Such is life, innit?
So how am I feeling? This about sums it up... >