The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
Re-white striped my profile. Am very pleased with myself. Very happy that they're back together now and rumours of a new album is in the air! If it's gonna be anything like their most recent album Icky Thump, it'll be well worth the wait.


New member
Anxious. I don't know why either. Usually it would be my writing that would usually frustrate me but I don't feel in the mood entirely today. Haven't talked to Matt. He got a job and I'm looking into some more serious business things with another guy that I know. Have to go to Beck's place tonight, to take care of her (she's sick as ****) and Huon at the same time while Josh goes out to some weird function. Dad's gone to Sydney for the day which I still think making it a day tripper back and forth from Sydney was a rather stupid idea, especially when he's gotta be in Blayney tomorrow. Already I feel like scrapping T:C I don't know why, I know I'm happy with a majority of it but Lord knows why I feel the way I do sometimes. Gotta clean up before Josh comes and picks me up. I gotta go ring my brother up today and see how he's doing...*coughaskformoneycough*. :)


New member
Am happier :) Ranted to my (real) mummy about everything under the sun and got closer to getting a new piercing with my (real) brother. Enlightened with my brother's antics as usual. I knew we had to be related. :)


New member
I just had a good laugh. I saw my godfather this morning, and just being around him makes me happy. This is actually...been a really good day. Huh.


New member
Feel bad. I was at work and I saw a friend but she said hi to all my other friends but not me. IDK. Made me wonder if friends now will ever be friends in the future. I felt bad every since that happened. Never did say bye to anyone when i left work. Just left without a word.


New member
Really down at the moment. Tensions between me and my (then) best friend have halted to the point where I have to trick Marie into inviting him over when I'm there despite the fact that he's sworn to never talk to me again. We've known each other and been best friends since kindy and this is how he treats me? *sigh*


New member
*hugs back* No probs :D
I was cranky (previous argument) but jokin' with mum now has cheered me up :D
Oh are you ok from the arguement? I'm sorry you got into an arguement.

Now I feel very sh!ty cuz i feel like everytime I'm at work i get slugish and i don't work the same as i used to. I hate this **** that I'm feeling. I always thinking negative of myself. I need to stop this.

I'm sorry to hear that Woody.



New member
I'm okay Sponge, thanks :)

On that note, I am annoyed. After an argument with my brother then my mother, two nights in a row, I got online to chill and got attitude from another. I was majorly ******; seemed like everyone around me was in a bad mood and looking to vent and I hate going to bed like that - never let the sun go down on an argument my mum says, but still...

I'm ****** that my biological dad has come back on the scene after 10 + years acting as always the eternal victim of his own bad choices.

I'm ****** at my brother for forcing said person into my life even when I told him not to, then after I confronted him with why he felt the need to do it, apologizes with the infuriating response; 'I don't know.'

I'm ****** at my mum for getting drunk two nights in a row (I mean rolling drunk) then ringing me up because she needs to vent after arguing with my brother (and I have to start work at 4:30 in teh morning). I'm also ****** she's gone back to being blase about her previous heart attack like it'll never happen again and keeps talking about her will and provisions about when she dies...

I'm ****** at my sister-in-law (only a little) for taking my brother back (as much as I love him) after he's walked out on her and the kids three times - and really ****** at her for falling for my biological dad's 'poor me' act (he walked out on both his families many times, apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it?)

And ****** at someone else for reasons they know. As much as I love this person's friendship (and they know who they are) after 5 odd years of depressive states, mood swings, emotional ups and downs and suicide attempts etc, I'm sick of the immature attitude. I've said all I can say and am going to say regarding your health too. You know not to go off your meds etc and you know the side effects. Don't dare ***** to me and hide behind the 'I don't know why I'm so angry line' - enough is enough. You remind me of someone else at the moment, and part of me can't help but wonder if this has always been a cry for attention. If it is cry somewhere else. I've simply had enough.

I was ****** at my boss for going off at me this morning over someone else not doing their job properly when I was supervising them (but she calmed down eventually which was good, and it ended up being a good day at least :)

And after all that you know what, I'm ****** at myself too. I hate letting other people's **** get to me like this. I'm usually extremely good at keeping everything at a safe distance but lately I'm feeling snowballed, and I hate this sense of vulnerability. With working, packing, getting the paperwork finalised, struggling with money paying rent in two places at once, paying bills and groceries and so on all on one wage, and hanging out to see if I've even been approved a government bond loan to finalise this new place, and now my family's ****, I really don't need anything else to tip me over the edge right now. My fuse has always been short but lately it's being severly tested. As for tolerance...

My jaw and stomach muscles however are getting an awesome workout from keeping both clenched in anger all the time. I guess when you stop and think about it there really is a silver lining to every dark cloud or so they say ;)



New member
*hugs @ Rav* :friends: <3 you still.

Warning: Rant ahead.

Me? Somewhat relieved but peeved off. I confronted Josh for the first time today in ages, and my ***, that boy had the guts to turn his back on me and the guts to lie to my face over certain subjects. I was really ready to lose it over him, but I said to myself "he's not worth it, and the last thing you need right now is to deal with ***** like him. Dealt with it with daniel for a while not gonna put up with it again. Just turn your back to him and walk away." Wait...I controlled my anger for once by doing that.

So I backed off, until he left a nasty message on my facebook under his little sister's user account. Cos he's just that little bit lucky that if no one was at Marie's place today I would've lost it with him, I still have self-control issues on or off the meds. Which I'm back on them now. Kinda got sick of lectures and do and don'ts from a number of people, so I demanded to my doctor today that he gives me those stronger meds, and yes, I told him I was off them, and ******* boy, never seen Dr Sandra so **** ****** at me in my life. Sorry but the lecture of 'you need this for not only yourself but the people who care about you as well' went one ear and out the other, I'm a stubborn little **** at times when I want things go my way (****, it's a woody family trait). I told him that I didn't need them and that I'm okay at the moment, didn't convince him too well. Well, maybe it would ******* help if the doctor's psychologist got her ******* act together and booked me an appointment and stop stuffing me around. Of course my sister had something to say about my medication, knowing her.

I don't know what's more frustrating to hear - my friend bugging me to get back on my medication or my sister complaining that I'm on too much medication and I'm happier off them for the time being. ****'s sakes. I hate the inability to think for myself at times when I have so many people telling me to do the opposite to what everyone tells me to do. My sister's paranoid that's all, now that Mum has told me (a bit ******* late, woman) about anyone in the family being on anti-psychotics and is really skeptical of them (pfft hypocrite) and that every word should go through one ear and the other (again, a bit ******* late woman since sis had me convinced that I was fine and to get all my demons out I just needed to talk to someone, again, do I have to mention the psychologist?). I don't feel like I've done it for myself, and I know I haven't done it for myself, which is probs something I need to work on and I'll be treated like a child in the psychologist room, sorry, I spent most of my teen years in the councillor's office and I've got something against psychologists I don't know, Josh my bro in law is an exception, I DO trust that man with a lot of secrets and why the **** do I need to wait and pay for a psychologist when I go to Josh for free? Pfft. He came in uber drunk from a Buck's night the other night and he stopped and laughed at me saying "you stoned? you're on crack or something?" me "no..why? could you give me drug money to spend on smokes?"" josh "don't ******* lie..." as much as my best friend doesn't drink, well, Tabitha, I sure feel sorry for her when she has to be around anyone of our family, even sober, we're a bunch of loons.

Where was I again? Oh yeah.... And now I have found out the reason why Josh isn't talking to me - Matt. I was like wtf? Do you realise where he lives right now? A little town in England.....(we're both country people). He told me that he was angry that I hadn't told him. Which is a completely different reason what he gave Marie, so wtf am I supposed to think about him right now?

I basically said to him that my personal life was none of his business and that I didn't need to answer to him. I tell people who I want to tell about Matt and I and he wasn't one of them, because I felt like I didn't need to answer to his demands.

I'm not his sister nor am I family, and there are things that I don't tell Tabitha or Heather (oh on the subject of her, ran into her mother today, at the shops which was nice. By the way that she treated me today, i think heather had hinted to Carol that something had gone drastrically wrong with me and daniel and i was the one forced to leave wagga not the other way around, like she reckons it should've been that way...which now I'm hearing reports from Heather, that Daniel's giving **** atm cos she was there the night that I snapped for good).

Beck told me not to lose it at Josh when I left her place this morning, but man, I was trying so hard to control myself and top of the lies and the deciet he's hurt other people that I care about with. The fight's getting rather stupid to be honest - he's come down to insulting me behind my back, cos he doesn't have the guts to face me and say it to my face. I prefer people say it to my face than behind my back.

Anyway, I'm getting blonde streaks in my hair tomorrow which is good :) I just can't remain one colour, lol, it's merely impossible for me to remain one colour. I think I'm getting paranoid or something, but I can feel like an open cut down my wrist/arm for some odd reason. And I hate having cuts on my arms/wrists. Reminds me of the ol' cutting ways of woody and I've tried to avoid getting any part of my arm cut or if it happens, I want to get rid of it immediately.

Tabitha's moving to Broken Hill soon, cos of stupid James....grr... :(

Amen to Jack and his Girl, You Have No Faith in Medicine and every other song I'm daydreaming about him performing....Well, a girl can dream can't she? Woo, Blue Orchid, my not so happy song....but still, woo!

Can I take a breath now? *breathes*



New member
@Rav and Woody:

Ummm.......I'm like soo sorry about that happening to you. I don't think you deserve to go through all of this (excuse my laungage) ****. It's not right for all of this to happen. I just was I can just take all the problems that everyone has and make them......dissappear. But i can't....i can't do that cuz it's not possible.......I'm sorry for all those things happening to you two.


Oh almost forgot. I feel better now that i had like.....13 hours of sleep :D



New member
**** happens to everyone, period. But thanks Sponge, appreciated :D

Sarah; best of luck.

How am I feeling now? Had way too much coffee at work - strung out but... happy-ish?



New member
I'm feeling a bit happier now but feel ripped off. My blonde streaks didn't turn out the way I wanted them too. I feel like I've ranted myself out for the week.

Rav & Sponge, thanks, yeah, with you there Rav, **** does happen, the sad and angsty side of life.

YAY! One of my favourite WS songs came on, Same Boy You've Always Known.

p.s. is it just my eyes or does jack have a streak of white in his hair in my sig? o.0

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