The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
feeling ******......
Now why didn't I just say that instead of rattling on? Cuz that sums it up rather well.

Well, at least I'm not starving to death. Pizza should improve my mood, a little. But it hasn't yet.



New member
Well I'm hungover but not in a bad way, I did the smart thing and came home before I got too trashed. Smart move. Not headachy just a bit seedy in the belly. We did mix a lot, but oh well, for all intents and purposes am good for someone who has to work in like 3 hours. Could be worse. Could be WAY worse, so in that way am good, yeah.

Except my fish is dead. Well one of them. I had to put him out of his misery, the medication I'd been giving them the last week or so apparently didn't do diddly, or was administered too late. Woke up and saw his eye bulging out of his head and all ******, poor thing was suffering... he isn't anymore. But still... *sigh* I hate feeling like this - this is what a conscience feels like and it sucks!

RIP Bourdie (Fishie's name, Shinodagasm has already passed, and Bennington is hanging in there, him and all his little feeder-fish groupies... so far ;) )



New member
I feel good :) I think I know what I want to go study...I mean I knew already (psychology) but now I know what direction :) ..I don't know how to explain it :D


New member
^ maybe.

I'm feeling lousy and alone. I don't really appreciate male friends hitting on me right after I came out of a relationship that I wish I was still in right now.



New member
Solution: All of my male friends are too old for me.

A bit more cheerful. Guess my brother is good for something, he makes me laugh.



New member
Lol he's older than me and I have a shitload of male friends who are older than me.

Am depressed now. I just need a ******* hug from him and be told that everything is going to be okay, only him, nobody else, not Imogen and not Liam, just him! I can't stop thinking about him today. He's a drug in my mind. I can't contact him right now which ****** me off, cos I wanna speak to him so badly, just speak to him. No sexual things, just talk to him. Just to hear the his voice, again. Yes, I ****** our relationship over, but it's still ******* hurting.



New member
^ Wish I could help. Pity I'm on the other side of the planet. "It's a small world"...what idiot said that, anyway?

Pft...stupid people on writingforums get under my skin...caaaaaalm dooooooown...



New member
papertank huh? I got referred to it too. Didn't like how it was set up, though. And some people really did go crazy at Tourniquet; they did the same thing with my play-like format, so I just didn't post any more of it. Sucks to have people focusing sheerly on what they dislike. Meh.

*Sigh* Loud music helps better when I've got space and the privacy to sing and dance.



New member
I know, I've stopped posting Tourniquet on there, well, almost.

Am getting a bit better. Listening to Nightwish and it's cheering me up a bit.

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