I'm ok I guess...but my cat has a wound...and I'm a little worried....
aww hope he / she gets better! you have my sympathy and best wishes on that score. good luck!
am good, tired, naturally, but have 2 days of early starts so feeling a bit anxious at the mo, I'm working with the boss's kids and I am essentially the manager of sorts and yeah... freaky...
Actually am pretty happy. I remember back to this morning on the way to work I came across a dead possum on the road. It had a baby and the baby was so tiny, had crawled out of the pouch and was lying on the road beside it's mother. It was so cold, it's so small it has no fur, it's pink, eyes are still closed, was just gorgeous. So I put it straight in my pocket and took it to work. Rang RSPCA and local Wildlife Carers and while waiting for them to arrive to pick it up - so I stood in front of the huge ovens with it in my pocket to keep it warm. It was still alive but very dehydrated. The carer came and picked it up and took it away - she said it didn't look great, but having said that it had more of a chance than it would have had I left it there to starve to death or freeze on the side of the road. So after losing my fish yesterday I can't help but feel it was the universe's way of showing me what I'd forgotten, one door closes, another opens. I took a life that was suffering and fought to save one in the same 24 / 48 hours... now that makes me smile.
Life's still good. Hope he's okay. I should call the carer, but part of me doesn't want to think it might not have made it... Was soooo tiny and helpless but it was clawing and trying to suck my shirt... awww... am feeling all fuzzy now... I better call...