The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0

Jos - I was bored! Lol.

Ugh, need to do something productive today. That means writing a new family story and already it's proving to be a challenge because I'm not used to writing these family dramas.
Tell me bout it! Though I have started I have to admit it's not as easy as it once was. Probably because our 'family' has drifted somewhat and we're not as into it as we used to be. It's also changed (not such a bad thing) the family dynamic I mean. Challenge is taking something that's already there and changing it enough to make it 'new' without losing sight of where you started... heavy. But true. After a page and a bit I'm sitting here thinking 'what the hell have I started?! Someone should have slapped me...'
No matter.
I've got a few ideas up my sleeve. Now all I need is time to pen it. Damn work.

Oh and I seem to recall you penned a few family versions so... it's not that you're not used to it. You're overqualified. You're just out of practice. Makes two of us ;)

I have a knot in my stomach the size of... well, it's big. Why? Who knows. But I don't want to go to work and never do. Once I get there I'm okay. It's the getting there that's painful. Kinda like giving birth 0.0
Not really.
The holiday didn't last long enough. I feel I didn't get enough rest. Not as much as I would have liked. But no point lamenting it's gone now. And now I'm somewhat motivated to do something semi-constructive I just want to stay home and write while the allegorical iron is hot (or tepid). At least I have tomorrow off. We'll see what comes of it then.
I hate it when mother's wake you up/attempt to wake you up. Ugh. Another productive day! Writing, sleeping, eating, listening to music and watering the garden. Goodie. I like the ones where you stay in bed and do nothing, I like those very much.

My love for Jack White has stepped up another notch. After watching Another Way to Die film clip on youtube, I was literally drooling and how hot (and did I say talented? *shifty eyes*) he is. I'm still half asleep and haven't had my Jack White dose for the hour (yes I need hourly doses of Jack White in order to maintain sanity...what's sanity again? 0.o). I should finish the rest of this half-written chapter of Stricken and post it asap. Where the hell is my other step-sibling? Should see her around more often than this. *shrugs* And Rav, where the hell is your first chapter of your version of this ****ed up family ("****ed"? I think that's an understatement)?

My Dad got a "Sasha Plant" for our dead dog and on the weekend we're going to plant it on top of my dead dog's grave (Sasha), when my sister comes over. The cat's are driving me nuts lol, but I still love them a lot.
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I'm so exhausted. I had way more to pack then I thought! I managed it tho so its all closed and won't be opened untill I'm back home in germany!
So no more buying for me although Anthony mentioned some last minute shopping for tomorrow lol!
**** >_<
And Rav, where the hell is your first chapter of your version of this ****ed up family ("****ed"? I think that's an understatement)?
I have it. All 4 / 5 pages of it. But seeing as how I don't as yet have a name for it... I haven't posted ^^

Me - feeling angsty. One day off and trying to cram a lot into it so I don't 'waste' it... and the fact I stayed up til like 2am this morning writing didn't help. Guess who woke up like a bear with a sore head? *grumbles* Damn you sleep deprivation, you'll be the death of me!
just got back form my dance class....and I'm tiiiiiired...we're doing this new coreography (sp?) ...a new style...raggaeton....and I can assure get tired pretty quick xD but I like's fun xD
good. just got home and eating ice cream and fruit salad again. I'm like seriously craving this lately. tired and feet are sore from work. other than that no biggie. gonna go write soon, that ought to keep me preoccupied til bed ;)
good. just got home and eating ice cream and fruit salad again. I'm like seriously craving this lately. tired and feet are sore from work. other than that no biggie. gonna go write soon, that ought to keep me preoccupied til bed ;)
I could pretty much say this whole thing again, it's relevant today as well. Woot for me. Tired and sore, but other than that, not bad :)