the how you feelin thread

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Damm still tired, even tho I napped a bit...gonna go to a sleepover which means I won't be sleeping >< hmmm not looking good.
twilightcrimson7 said:
aww *gives you cookies and milk* :) *reads you a bedtimes story* lol :p
I feel good cuz of vash ^^

aww thanks twi thats cute!
*hugs and falls promtly asleep* lol whooo to vash for making u feel good, (dunno what he did but yey!)

im hungry but i dotn wanna eat? u know what i mean...dont feel like any of the food we ahve in the kitchen...oh well lol
*hugs all futrated and unhappy people and hands out cake and chocolate*

god what id do for a personality change right about now...>_<
keza said:
*hugs all futrated and unhappy people and hands out cake and chocolate*

god what id do for a personality change right about now...>_<

Hmmmm i'll pass on that stuff and figure out another way to be less frustrated.

I think my knees falling off.
i'm pretty happy cause i just saw my bf but i'm scared cause my bf's cousin is my sister's CLOSE friend and my bf's sister told his cousin and now i'm scared the cousin is going to tell my sister and i'm not allowed to have a bf!! i'm sooo deadd
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