oh double post, bad me...but meh
have to update i guess even though nothing is really going on...
well, am tres bored at the moment, my msn is acting up more than usual and ive been getting more and more ****** off at it, not like me...hahahaha
well i dont know why but i can feel myself slowing pulling away from my family, i really dont know what im doing, everytime i find my mum/step-dad/brother, coming into the room i leave it, we had yet another bbq today and i spent it in my room watching father of the bride and crying...lol as always, that film always makes me do that...
anyway, ever since i heard my dad maybe coming up to scotland, and not bothering to come see me, ive felt sort of an outsider on the whole family thing..i dunno, mayve im just nervous about school *shrugs*
went to see charlie and the chocolate factory today, loved the music, was really cool and the film was so awesome, johnny depp was so funny, slightly dorker, but hilarious hehe
and charlie was in finding neverland, thats 2 films hes done with johnny depp now
was funny, when we went, my brother was wearing a really similar shirt that mike tv was in the film...i thought it was funny anyway ^^
well thats really all there was to my day really, not really done anything, apart from eat a little bit too much ^.^
love u all, bubi XxXx