the keza journal


New member
cool...! if i dont like my new school im going to college after a yr then but got to be done really if i want to do what i want to (make sense?) lol

edit:eek:k then lmao



New member
ello ello faded blue!

*hugs and kisses back* thanks for coming by sweetheart!!!

why are u lost though?



New member
*hugs vash*

anytime my lovely, u deserve kind words...thanks for stopping by my quite dead at them moment journal lol^^

<3 u 2



New member
your journal isn't dead 0_o

mine is lol :p

*climbs on the roof and fixes it*

there.. now it won't rain here anymore :D

*wants to climb down but falls in staid*

ouch.. maybe i have to make a falling-down/through-roof-club :rolleyes:

anyway.. hope you're doind fine keza :)




New member
heya babes thanks for coming by, poor hybi, sorry u feel dont hon, thats not good lol *slaps journal for being mean and making hybi fall*

i'll join ur club, makes the coming intothe journal easier than using the door lol

*stalker hug* thanks for fixing my roop lol, maybe we should just put a hybi flap there, and ur journal isnt dead!!!

heya becks, im fine thanks hon, im ill but i'll live, sitting here with my quilt wrapped round me, so feeling snug lol ^^ thanks for coming by *hugs*

<3 u both!



New member
Lol, don't say your journal needs living up a bit, it'll be trashed like the day before from the "party" haha! Oh gosh Heathers puke all over the place and empty C2 bottles everywhere =P Anyway I hope you're doing well! I love that greenday shirt Cristina made for you <3 It's purty =P Take care byeeeeeeee ***


New member
wow, a short jen message wow...

riss~heya sweetie, thanks for stopping by, my journal missed u!

jen~thanks for stopping by, u wanna help me clear up heathers mess, lmao, oh and hybi keeps making holes in my journal, lol

thanks for coming by, hehe ^.^*hugs*



New member
Hehe hiii *Huggles!* I guess I only make long replies when there's a blog about but I'm just stopping to see how you were ^.^ Sure I'll help *Brings out the cleaning supplies and THE brush!...And perhaps a spork for the sake of it ;) * It'll be clean in no time trust me lol o_0 Got any plans for Saturday then? I gotta go work again *cries*!


New member
aww thanks sweetie!!!! *huggles back* whoa clean journal, hehe

im not doing anything again, im ill at the moment, recovering i guess lol, so lots of sleeping on the agenda lol

oh and im gonna go see charlie and the choc factory. sooooooooooo excited whoa johnny here i come husband...hehelike hed dump vanessa for chance but i can dream

hope u have a gd time at work hon...*wipes tears* that bad huh?

*pats u on the back* dont worry lovey!



New member
Lol *Huggles again*. Yeah I guess I picked up the tidying skills from work heh! It's not that it's really really bad, I have awesome friends who make it fun for me, it's just my boss who's always a ***** and doesn't even let us chat for a minute before she's on our back telling us to get back to work (Yet she stands there on the companys phone with her husband chatting for half an hour o_0). Awww I hope you feel better *Gives medicine and warm hugs!* Awww!!! Sleeping is great though lol! Jen prescribes at least 12 hours xD! Oh gosh Johnny Depp <3 I'm with you on that girl ;) I watched it just yesterday actually and I quite enjoyed it!!! Let us know what you think of it tomorrow then! Take care!!!! *** o0o I better go bed soon as well. Goodnight sleep tight my pretty friend =P


New member
aww goodnite hon *g-night huggle*

most bosses ive come intocontact with have been *******...*sighs* whats is that u do?

thanks for the meds...*whooooo more meds, feels high* hehe and thanks evern more for the warm hug^^ ur a sweetheart!

im really lking fprward to it! awesomeness of johnny, even if he does lk kinda weird in it lol...*huggles again* i love that word, huggles...anyway goodnight my pretty haired freind, i would say pretty but i dont know, please post a pic...!!!!!!!!!!

so goodnight, i know ur pretty though so it isnt an issue lol



New member
oh double post, bad me...but meh

have to update i guess even though nothing is really going on...

well, am tres bored at the moment, my msn is acting up more than usual and ive been getting more and more ****** off at it, not like me...hahahaha

well i dont know why but i can feel myself slowing pulling away from my family, i really dont know what im doing, everytime i find my mum/step-dad/brother, coming into the room i leave it, we had yet another bbq today and i spent it in my room watching father of the bride and as always, that film always makes me do that...

anyway, ever since i heard my dad maybe coming up to scotland, and not bothering to come see me, ive felt sort of an outsider on the whole family thing..i dunno, mayve im just nervous about school *shrugs*

went to see charlie and the chocolate factory today, loved the music, was really cool and the film was so awesome, johnny depp was so funny, slightly dorker, but hilarious hehe

and charlie was in finding neverland, thats 2 films hes done with johnny depp now

was funny, when we went, my brother was wearing a really similar shirt that mike tv was in the film...i thought it was funny anyway ^^

well thats really all there was to my day really, not really done anything, apart from eat a little bit too much ^.^

love u all, bubi XxXx



New member
Hey,keza.*hugs and kisses*

I feel like Im pulling away from my family too..I barely talk to them anymore.Meh.

I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory too. Johnny Depp was my favorite part.


Well,take care hun.*hugs*


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