the keza journal


New member
Hi hun

I feel the same way about my family too... they sort of annoy me a lot and I don't really enjoy their company much anymore. I think for a lot of us it is just a part of growing up (not to say we should go off our families, but it's natural to want to find your own way in life.)

I really want to see that movie, I like Deppo ^^




New member
hey Keza :)

ow i hope that you feel better hun!

i saw charlie and the chocolat factory too! :)

it's great! and Johnny Depp was great!

glad you enjoyed it

take care




New member
fadedblue~heya babe, thanks for coming by! ^^ *hugs and kisses* aww well thats horrid that ur pulling away from your family, but yeah, i tried really ahrd with my mum today only had like one fight which is quite good, maybe thats due to the fact i tried to spend as little time in the same room as possible lol...

omg yeah charlie and the chocolate factory was really amazing, johnny depp has this kind of weird thing about him, no way could you say he was hot in that get up, but in all of the shots it was like o0o0o0o0o0o0o

lol, maybe thats just me, hehe

well thanks for stopping by the wornderful home of me...!*hugs* tata

becks, u should really see it hun its really amazing, i want to see it again, why dont you come with me, lol

they annoy you, mine too, sometimes i find my brother giving me funny looks, like, 'you're-an'*******' kinda thing, yey my 7 yr old brother thinks im a *****, isnt life grand!

but yeah i understand totally what your saying, you think your family is amazing, then grow up to see their only human and not as amazing as you once thought

*hugs* thanks for dropping by sweetie, take care!

hybi~heya sweetheart, you saw it too! think its probably really popular this time round, well when we went to see it the cinema was nearly empty, half full/empty whether you want to be a pessimist or not^^

thanks hon, i'll be more perky *bares teeth in scary 'happy' grin*

*stalker hug and normal hug* see you later!!! and thanks for coming, take care


my brother woke me up today. my dog went outside and hurt his paw somehow, we were really worried, he went all shaky and wouldnt let my brother near him, we were going to take him to the vet, but we left him for a while and slowly he got perky...nowhes ok, walking without a limp but it was really scary, he looked so pityful and sad >.<

didnt really do much else today, watched tv and read random things i found in my room, its school in just about 2 weeks, really nervous!!!!

well thats really all, my day was too boring to comment on ^^

see yous laters!



New member
Hey girl,while I´m talking to you on msn,I decided to drop by into your journal 2 say hi.

Aww I´m sorry to hear that about your doggy,good to know it´s fine now tho^_^.

U know for a moment you scared me lol, thought you were having some sort of crush on me o_O ,hehehehe I guess I´ll have to get used to your journal and your personality as well:p.

Btw,I hope your journal is pleased with my presence o_O (talking about being weird,who is the weird now huh? :eek: :p )

Well I´m out for now,cya around girl



New member
whatcha mean get used to my personality, lmao, ur not used to it already lol...*hugs*

dont worry i dont fancy you, only <3 u, mwhahahahahahahahahaha *smiles* in the non dodgy way of course hon...

yup my doggis fine thanks ***, wouldve been so upset if something had happened to him! lol

my journal is very pleased with ur presence, look its smiling and everything, thats not easy to make a computer smile (especially my computer)

well thanks for blessing this, ermmm journal and im gonna go and...well talk to you actually!




New member
u visited my journal, thats the first time ever!

and i did notice...thanks for coming and saying hi, and im glad your happy, and writing in normal sized font, really hard to read the other one *hugs*

see you later sweetie!

EDIT!!! HEY TWI HAVENT SEEN YOU HERE IN AGES..opps sorry about the *hugs* your not weird lol, you just like school better than i do terrified

**** i forgot to go to your journal hon!!! *runs out*



New member
whatcha mean get used to my personality, lmao, ur not used to it already lol...*hugs*dont worry i dont fancy you, only <3 u, mwhahahahahahahahahaha *smiles* in the non dodgy way of course hon...

yup my doggis fine thanks ***, wouldve been so upset if something had happened to him! lol

my journal is very pleased with ur presence, look its smiling and everything, thats not easy to make a computer smile (especially my computer)

well thanks for blessing this, ermmm journal and im gonna go and...well talk to you actually!

Of course I´m already used to your personality,but may be it took me a lil bit to get used...Nevermind me I don´t even know what I´m writting lol o_O .

I know u don´t fancy about me,I was playing with ya:p

I´m glad your journal is pleased with my presence,btw I didn´t know that computers smiles o_O ,I have never seen mine doing it,may be it does when I´m sleeping or I´m not near it? o_O .

Anyways,I´m gonna keep talking to you on msn,bye bye.



New member
:p I dunna..this summer has just been unbearable

:\ *hugs* I'm sure you'll be fine! :D

lol you don't have to be bothered by commenting on my journal :p



New member
u visited my journal, thats the first time ever!and i did notice...thanks for coming and saying hi, and im glad your happy, and writing in normal sized font, really hard to read the other one *hugs*

see you later sweetie!
lol. :p *hugs* Okies.



New member
lmao vero, yeah my personality is wacked, im not like this in person so if our lives ever cross i wont jump on u i actually

*hugs* talk to you on msn hon, thanks for dropping by twice!

twi~i posted in it just to say hi, sorry about my spaziness lol ^^ <3 u little heather *hugs*

numblover~yey *hugs again so i can reply to u* see you around hon!



New member
*starts to dance, falls but picks self up again*

yey, ur cute as well sweetie!!! lol



New member
Hey Keza!

Lmao I'm shy as well... but that doesn't neccessarily come across online :p

*huggles* *gives you a goldfish*

Take care!



New member
oh poor doggie =(

*hugs your dog*

your school starts soon huh?

mine starts in 3 weeks.. 1 week after you..

i'm shy too!.. i hate it to meet new people..

well i also like it.. but i dunno what to say..

well i hope you're doing fine :)

take care! *hugs*



New member
Lol heyyyyy Keza!!! *Catches up on post* It always feels like I've missed loads when I'm not here for a day hehe =P How are you today? I should log in my msn more haha xD! Are you on my buddy list? *Ponders* You better be hehe =P ( Hope I can catch you on there sometimes! I'm a yahoo ***** though lol. I'm always on there with Stenners (Matt) just chatting <3

Lol I would join in the dancing but I can't dance to save my life :O I'll save myself the embarrasement in your journal heh =P I'll probably knock and bumb into random things and mess up your journal again *Blushes!*

Aww you don't come across as shy to me for some reason. You seem really sweet and outgoing here xD! And approachable =P I guess I would say I'm a bit shyer offline as well though =) But not to my friends, I think half of them think I talk to much or I'm silly or whatever but oh well! They think I'm funny so that's something I think :)

I definately think it's a teen thing with the moving away from family thing. I don't hang out with my siblings as much as I use to, and my parents (Urgh especially my dad) annoys me so much these days! It's all part of that growing up scary thing I think. Don't worry about it *Huggles!*

Ahh glad you liked charlie and the chocolate factory!!! It was really good wasn't it =) I'm sorry to hear about your dog! Poor dude!!! I'm glad he was ok in the end ^.^

o0o and don't be scared of starting! 2 weeks is getting closer huh lol. That's when I get my exam results back so we'll both be nervous nearing that date hehe! Still got awhile though, enjoy it whilst you can ok! Well I'll better shut up as usual heh! Ttyl take care hun! Buh byez! ***



New member
becks, heya i dont think many shy people come off as shy on the internet, theres really nothing to by shy about though cuz if u embarrass yourself you know you dont need to see them again^^

*hugs* thanks for dropping by hon!

heya hybi how u doing babes? thanks my dogs all fine now, being as annoying as usual but cute as **** of course! well think of me slaving at school when you still get to have late mornings and im up at 7am! *cries* lmao

*stalker hug* thanks for coming by, and not breaking my roof for once!!!

heya jen lol funny talking to you last night, had to leave when you guys started talking about imperial lather and dead skin *shivers* haha

but im gd, me and the boogey man got on great!

i cant dance either, when i go to parties i flat out refuse to dance, people think im being a spoilsport but im having a gd time, laughing at other people making fools of themselves, and me safe watching them cradling a drink r food ^^

dont think my dogs been called a dude before, im sure **** like that, bob the dude lol and charlie was amazing!!! *wants to see it again*

*huggles* thanks for posting so much, and i do wanna talk to jim!!!! why does matt get to talk to him??? lol

thanks for coming by peeps

i cant be bothered to update, i will though but just not yet wiped off my last reply so meh, will do it later, lets just say i havent done ANYTHING today!


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