the keza journal


New member
*evil grin* yeah i'm still having late mornings when you have to get up early..


sorry hun :p

my evil side took control..

anyways.. you did nothing? woah interresting :p

i hope you're doing fine!

*hugs the roof for not breaking*

take care! *stalker hug*



New member
Hey Keza!!*hugz and smoochez*

I did nothing either..I just sat on my buttocks all day long and was staring at the T.V.

So much fun!^^

Take care!




New member

thanks becks hon *hugs* the update will come now, my brothers reading over my shoulder though which is slightly annoying hehe ^^

forgottenkid, im online now lol, but dont know if u r!!! done cristinas thingsy yet, dunno what im gonna do, maybe i'll be boring and get her an e-card, do they have slipknot ecards u think????

hybi~lmao, thanks for being evil *pretends to cry and runs away from u to my dark corner where me and forgottenkid had a party*

and i always do nothing u should be used to it by now! hehe *stalker hug* thanks for coiming by

shadowed heart~lmao, u may know another keza but not as fabby as me obviously, haha how can u spell hey wrong, lol ^^ *hugs* thanks for coming by!

faded blue~ *hugs and kisses back* lol smooches thats cute!

i would watch tv but nowt on so i just sat in my rm with irn bru and a mag...oh then i watched dvds in my room, my life is amazing! haha

toodle pip my lovely


today we went to the shops...thats it bubi

im joking but we did go to the shops, we were a bit late today, i finished my bk *sniff sniff* by about 12 and then had brekkie

then we popped over to the shop (me, mum, james and bob<---dog who was trying to strangle himself to death with the lead)

and i saw a guy wearing an lp jumper, he was ugly but obviously gd taste in bands hehe, i think he thought i liked him though cuz his friend caught me watching him (well watching his jacket thing)

yeah that was really the highlight of my day...hmmmm i need to get out more



New member
Hi...aunt grammy keza. LOL I was gonna say grammy keza...*confuseing*.Where haveing a party in the corner.... :) . Hmmm I've done and arm and the slipknot logo...which took me a while but its i dont like heads. I dun know if theres a slipknot e-card thing-a-mer-bobers. LOL maybe the guys friend thought you were checking out the guy with the lp


New member
well it wasnt a party, it was athingy, dunno why i said party, we sat in the corner and then twi came and threw up later on...????

lmao, that pressie sounds really cool, u havent changed my name on ur sig, im still just grammy ^.^



New member
lol, yeah twi did, i had to clean up aswell lmao...!

oh well what are friends for i guess...jen helped lol ^^ you changed it, yey!



New member
ull always be my g-daughter, even if the relations dont match up when u lk at them...!

lmao awww hiya fi, yeah weird name for a dog i know, but meh he suits it, it was either that or archie



New member
i dunno, when we saw him we thought those were the 2 names that he suited best i

we have a weird family



New member
heya azem thanks for coming by sweetie!!!!

bobs a cool name, my dog is awesome...! lmao

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