the keza journal

hey mariska, thank for dropping bye and nice talking to u on msn!!!!
yeah stupidsoul1 they were dodgy kisses, not v. nice at all
bad thing was i wasnt the only person she tried to snog, it was our WHOLE YR...
hey mariska, thank for dropping bye and nice talking to u on msn!!!!
yeah stupidsoul1 they were dodgy kisses, not v. nice at all
bad thing was i wasnt the only person she tried to snog, it was our WHOLE YR...
lmao thats so funny, my autnie sed she kissed EVERY gyuy in her class, the slag thatshe is, except one dude, just to piss him off that he was the only one she refused to kiss

she even kissed her own cousin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! incest!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I haven't really read you journal, &, no offence, I don't plan on it. I really don't read journals. There are like 3 that I read & keep up on & one of them isn't even on here. ^^
So, I just stopped by to say hello, & now I exaunt myself. Have a good day.
lol, no offence taken, i dont really read the journals either, just people that usually write in thanku for stopping by though :D

stupidsoul1, people r funni esp family!! lol actually rephrase that, my family... bunch of weirdos.. :D

*sigh* my seats really uncomfortabel, i may go to bed soon, go and watch a dvd, now do i watch a depressing one that i know will send me to sleep crying..
a happy cheesy girlie movie, where the 'girl always gets the guy'....hmm decisions
well i went to bed FINALLY lol

and i did watch a happy movie thanks uwantme2be
and it is now 10:00 ish in the morning, watiing to my mum to come home...woke up this morning to find i had 4 txts on my mobile, got really excited and find out they were from O2 and this crappy website thing, i hate tha when that happenes
and i found my pencil, ive been looking for, i always have the nack of losing pens and pencils on my bed, anyway, turns out ive been sleeping on it for a while....

now im hungry so im going in search of food...i will be back shortly.....
I so hate it when you get texts from your phone company...
Do you ever get those phone calls asking you to register your phone?
Those are the most annoying things ever...
Once O2 phoned me about six times in an hour... :rolleyes:
those texts suck. I once sent one to a tv station(dumb, dumb me..) to request a song, after that i was stuck with some stupid ringtone text they kept sending me. not really a big problem, but after a while i noticed my prepaid going waaaaaaayyy down> those damn texts cost me money!! :mad:
i was so pissed, it took me along time bfore i got them to stop.

which movie did you watch?
god yeah, i always have o2 calling me to ask if i want to change my phone limits etc etc etc..and they always seem to call me when im at really fustrating..and i watched how to lose a guy in ten days..real girlie film, love it...*sigh*
god im hungry...alot of my things are about food, but my step dad is doing a BBQ, wheyhey, and my family r coming round, real social occasion..jk

i joined this thing called on the internet a while back cuz my mate sed it was really fun...but it isnt!! i get txtz from the company saying, blah blah wants to be ur friend...its like piss off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! day was a babysitting thing for thursday so i'll have some money...yey for the richness!!!

ive had my bbq, kinda crap turns out my s-dad sucks at bbqing..but yeah, i had a little bit too much alcohol and a little less food, so im kinda feling it now, i was fine...until i stood up, and i just kinda keeled over...
not good, little boy next door thought it was brilliant, wanted me to do it again, weird how things are so much funnier when ur drunk, and how u seem to act ur show size and not ur physical age...oh well

...cant really see the screen or what my hands r doing, so i gonna stop typing before i say something i may

like profess my umdying ove for someone or