the keza journal

hey mari!!!!
thanks for coming, its so annoying that u cant have animals id be sooooooooooo i love bob
lol...thats what my feet feel like now..they still hurt from last night..crappy shoes, i have my pink fluffy slippers on now, so im happy..well at least my feet r...hahaha
i have to type really quietly, my mums upstairs and if she hears me typing she'll actually THROTTLE me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fun filled afternoon....lolwent to this guys house, REALLY boring...wont geti into details cuz i dont wanna bore u all!!!!!!!! lol
i guess seeing as this is a journal i should really update on what my day has been like
well, havent really done much or thought much for that matter...dont really want to go back to school, because for one this site is blocked and i wont be able to go on it for AGES!!!!
but i am leaving that crappy school in 1 month so thats good...going on holiday in july with family to greece...YEY!!! gonna have a tan...not that i can actually show it off what with living in one of the coldest places i have ever been.... licked me in the mouth again, either i keep my mouth open alot, which i dont think i do, or he really wants to kiss me...sorry B, not going to happen...

i have done NOTHING today, as always so im gonna go now, cause im actually boring myself quite alot...*yawn*

bu bi!!!!!
i hope i have a good time too, it was good last yr and this time i wont have my really annoying auntie or younger cousins, so it should be ALOT
hmmm...on msn at the moment, and theres this one girl CONSTANTLY MOANING!!!!!!!! about sodding revision...its really doing my head in...its is thins type of revision going to fail much have you done....its like shhhhh im on msn to have fun...i need someone fun on their....and dafne's gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and marizka isnt on!!!!
maybe if i dont reply she'll stop......
heylo vero, thanks for dropping by, gives me some cool to talk to...grrrr i hate groaning people (guess i hate myself lol cuz im grumbling...hahaha)
anyway..yeah im doing good, may drop by ur journal later...if i dont get my ear grumbled at too

thanks again...byeeeeeeeeee
luv ya...! me XxXx
lol np^^.I´m not doing anything atm,just listening to music and talking to Vash.I don´t mind if u groan lol.
lol don´t hate yourself:),take your time and drop by at my boring journal:eek: anytime.

Btw,nice new avy :thumbsup:
thanks for dropping by, i appreciate it...
and i dont hate myself...well not alot and not everyday anyway...hehe...
and thanks about the avy..found this websity thing really very cool, actually i lie, i scavenged the website off of my mate, who always has the best avys...*sigh

well my mate has stopped moaning and now i feel a bit bad about moaning so if we could all just ignore what i said that would be GREAT..LOL
because i am at my dads house and he has a computer, so i managed to come on the internet. not going to be here tomorrow, and ur offline, but can u please email me, i know i said some mean things to you and i now i was...just generally a bad person, but id really love it if...well you could email me..!
and we could talk about this!!!!
please i really value ur friendship and i really miss u kay...!
hey stupidsoul!!
thanks for coming fine...very....happy and not unwell...!
*thinks* dunno what im gonna do about the emma thing though...oh well, lol

thanks for coming again..see u around! :D
thanks for coming, im alright thanks...and urself?

well just got back from my grans house where i got a nice little kinda lecture/reasurring thing about how i can be what ever i want to be..that kinda thing u know, i think they all think im going to be the next channel, dior or possibly roald dahl/quinten blake rolled into
ahhhh doesn ur ego alot though...hahahaha

ohhh, and i found out, at my brothers school (primary school) this boy who is 10 brought a MASSIVE kitchen knife to school, as 'protection'
his mums like this drug addict so he needs to be 'protected at mum was raging...its kinda scary to think of an 11yr old with a kitchen knife...

anyway, now im on msn where another of my mates are telling me about their exams i just have the aura of exam issue girl or oh well..

well, i better update this properly...

well, im going back to school soon which im REALLY NOT LOOKING forward to doing, i cant be bothered with the hassle of some people and work!!!
see the thing is, my plan was to be a doctor when i grew up, but now, because so many people have told me that the field id be going into is too hard...
this concellor lady told me that i was too stupid to do it, and didnt have enough experience..i was like...i got a high A!!!
and she said, well you need an A* and LOTS OF EXPERIENCE BEHIND U!!
i was so angry, my mum had paid £150 to be told i was too stupid

so now ALL my plans are gone and i wanna do something with art or english...grrr i hate adults sometimes....
and now i have nothing to do...or say, so im going to love u and leave u journal...bu bi xxxxxxxx

wow thats the longest entry ive ever quite proud of
he he
i love lp quotes...
"A lot has been made of the contrast between me and Chester because we are totally different in a lot of ways. He's crazy for a start off. I'm sane. He used to run around at the age of two singing Foreigner songs. I certainly didn't. He'll show you his butt. I wouldn't inflict that on anybody. We learned pretty early on in this band that you can't have snobbery in music. Our guitarist is a huge Britney Spears fan."~mike

"There's this 13-year-old kid from Pittsburgh. He comes up to us and goes, 'I'm stalking you, dude, and when you reach the peak of your success, I'm going to kill you.' Then, during the show, he's down in the front telling Mike that he wants to 'rape his soul!' I think that's cool, but he probably needs to chill out a bit." ~CHAZ