the keza journal

haha aww azems so cute *tapes azem dancing*

dw wont!!! ive heard of the netherlands but not of that place you mentioned lol...but yeah totally come to my house and we'll have a party, im sure kris will come too so yey mini party!!! lol ;)
^ oh really?? XD..sure..I'll feel honored to join!! *gets on the plane*

LMAO...Keza? The Netherlands and the Netherland ANTILLES are like 9 hours apart from each other by plane, so I don't live in the Netherlands lol. We do have a lot to do with each other though ;)
what are you trying to say about my bedsheets?? lol
dw theyre clean, i have a cool new kinda purple blanket thing so its all new lking.....................

just for you
You know what i want right now? ( it would make the jumping more fun) those thingies that thdey have at carnivals that they blow up and you cant jump around inside and not get hurt?! i love those things!
ive never seen them...but sounds really love that, being uncoordinated means i fall over hurting myself happens all too often

i really want one of those tramolines you are attatched to and then u feel kinda like youre flying-falling...