the keza journal

awww i wouldnt want you to panic, thatd be bad...!!!!
i wont say anything more about your questionable sexuality...

had sammi really left btw >.< thinks its only just hit me shes GONE! i dont have her msn either>.< life is
lol fribby^^

well not much was going on today, fights between people at school and this girl giving me like the 3rd degree on whether id lost my virginity or not...hmmmm lol
getting my tongue peirced tomorrow im so scared mum came in today and was like 'u ready for getting it done tomorrow,' i nearly fell off my seat, id thought it was next week i was getting it done i wont be able to talk for like 2 days but meh doesnt matter ^^
my mum was ebing mean and said she was gonna go for a chinese so i felt left out know cuz eating horrid lmfao im on hols now so yey so happy no early mornings for 10 days!! yey hippee!!!
heya woody!!! thanks for coming by, yeah they are, i <3 them so much...a shame its only a week lol

ss1~supposidly LOADS of people have dont it in our year...and the majority of people are also nosy so lol i got the third degree in R.E. lol
yeah it was mean lmfao!! ^^
thanks for coming by hon <3 <3 u


well i got my tongue done today lol, it was fine but its starting to swell up im all doped out on drugs lol...may go for a sleep im not concious as my tongue gets bigger

i have to go back on sat to get the smaller bar put in lol, the one ive got in is HUGE...
but thats really been my day, and trying to eat without biting the stud...been funny to watch, its gonna be soup for me for a while lol
yup thats sleepy and will leave soon >.< hehe
lmfao...thanks cristina i would but i dunno how to send videos...damn you wont be able to laugh at me...what a shame ^^ lol <3 u
its the october break so we get a week off which is good!!! lol the only drag is having to go back
but i found out from my friend after prelims we get a prom, i wont have a date but its cool that we get one lol^^ yey for that
no i dont even have a date so im not going lol...but i dont really care about clothes i just grab whats on the clothes pile, as long as its clean and it goes with my vans/converse all is well with the world lol^^
^ Yay! *slaps hands* It irritates me when people get all: "omg I don't know what to wear!! *start panicking and hitting everyobdy*" lol

Too bad you're not gonna go though...Isn't prom like really important or something? We don't have a prom here, so I wouldn't know, but if I had to judge from all those American movies and series and's pretty damn important. What color are your shoes? :D
When is prom over there. If i was single, Kez trust me youd have the best prom date ever, me of course :p! An American kid at your prom itd be bouncing harder then tommy lee and pamelas bed at a motel 6
haha yeah, its not really important here, im in scotland so as far from those american movies as you can get, we just stole the word ^^ lol
but i dont expect it to be amazing lol...
but yeah i could go in jeans, converse and a t-shirt and be like the loner in the corner cuz i couldnt be bothered to buy a dress hahahaha jk...

edit~lol, why are proms evil lil kris???

azem~of course, if you lived close youd be my first choice lol, but alas not to be^^ lol
i can just pretnd ur with me, so i wont feel like a total reject hahahahahahaha