The Los Angeles Train Crash


New member
Continuing Chapter 8

Back over to where Phoenix were out in the triage center, they were still trying to not let him leave and then the police commissioner was going to walk pass him but he stopped him.

“Commissioner, Commissioner! The antique cars are almost completely blocked off by derbies. I was the only ones that got out. The rest are waiting to be rescued,”

“Well, who’s been injured?” the medical personnel asked.

“Our DJ Joe Hahn is the worst. He’s got something jabbed into his stomach, he’s bleeding pretty badly,” he said.

“What about the others?” the volunteer helper asked.

“They’re, ok. But our emcee Mike Shinoda his wife Anna is nine months pregnant, she really close to her due date. She can’t give birth in that tunnel,” he said.

“Were doing every thing to clear the south entrance,”

“It’s going to take to long,”

“We don’t have a chose. There’s no other way.”

“I found away out…the north end! I could go back that way--”

“Oh, no, that’s not going to work. The passageway I found you in is a complete dead end.” the volunteer helper who brought out Phoenix said and he looked back at the tunnel.


Outside of the commuter train, Robin and Patrick were covered with the rocks that fell during the cave in. Robin slowly got up since they weren’t completely buried and sat up brushing the dirt off of her and she looked down and saw Patrick get up to, coughing.

“You ok?” he asked her.

“Yea, I don’t know about Jen thought I’m going to go and look for, you just stay here,”

“No, I’ll go with you,” he said, she didn’t say anything back and slowly got up finding that she could stand after being pinned under a train chair for a couple hours. Patrick and Robin walked around the train seeing that there was derbies and they walked thought when Robin looked back and saw something of someone’s head, she know that it was Jen and quickly walked over to her. Kneeling down she quickly pushed the dirt and rocked off of her and slowly turned her around, “Is she okay?” Patrick asked her.

“I don’t know,” Robin said.

“Is she alive?” he asked and Robin put two finger on her neck to see if she had a pulse and she did.

“Yeah she is. She unconscious, we need to let her wake up on her own.” she said looking at him.


Back over to Linsey, Monica came over to her and kneeled down, “What happen?” she asked.

“I was moving a rock and I tripped over one, when I tried getting up by standing on my foot I felt a sharp pain run through,”

“Okay I’m going to have to take off your shoes to look at your foot, which did foot did you stay was hurting?”

“My right.” and Monica slowly took off her shoes and sock which made Linsey winch in pain.

“Okay I don’t look like is broken you just sprained it, so what you need to do is stay off that foot, I know you want to help but it best if you stay off of it for a while.” Monica said.

“What was it like?” Anna asked Talinda who was still with her.

“What like?”

“The first time you saw Matthew after he was born,”

“It was all worth it in the end, the labor pain, the pushing it self and just holding him for the first time. Makes you forget about all the things that have been happen around you,” she said smiling a little.

“Does it hurt as bad they say it does?”

“I don’t want you to freak out about it. It does, but once you see your daughter face you’ll be glad that’s she finally here.”

“Do you want to have a kid with Rob?” Anna asked her which threw her off by surprise.

“Yeah, I do, someday” she said.


Karen kept crying as she couldn't get the beam off of Joe and she crawled up closer him to check to see if he still had a pulse from the last time she checked on him. When she got close she put two fingers from her left hand on his neck and felt a pulse.

“Hang in there, babe, ok?” she said and then she heard him groan, “Joe?” she asked.

“Karen?” he said in a soft voice that was hard for her to hear, “I’m sorry”

“Oh, no, no, honey, no” she said to him.

“Joe, Karen?” they heard and Karen turn to see that Chester pushed down the remaining wall of rocks coming in to see Karen near Joe and a beam on his shoulder, “Rob, come here, I need your help” he said and Rob come through the small opening along with Brad and they both saw the beam on Joe’s shoulder, “Help me get this off of him” Chester said to Rob and they walked going on each side of the beam “Ok. On three…one…two…three” and they lifted the beam of him and setting it on the ground.

“Is he okay?” Chester asked as he and Brad went over to them.

“He’s too weak to move, his lost to much blood.” Karen said and Rob walked out of the room and saw Talinda stand up.

“Joe’s weak. I need to find a way out of here, so that we can get him out of here,” he said to her

“I thought Phoenix went to find a way out?” she asked him starting to have a little trouble breathing but it wasn’t too noticeable.

“He must have gotten rescued by the rescues team or he would have been back by now,”

“I’m coming with you,”

“No, you’re not, your hurt Talinda,”

“I’m fine, it just a bruise, Rob, I‘m coming with you.” Rob didn’t say anything to her and start to walk.



New member
Chapter 9

Sam had gotten off the train and was looking through the tunnel until she came to a narrow tunnel, seeing a ladder coming from a ventilation shaft and she walked over to it grabbing the ladder. She looked up to see if it was clear.

“Hey, lady, wait!” she heard someone call out, which made her freeze, but she didn’t look behind her and started to climb the ladder, “Wait, wait, I’m here to help you” she heard the person say, then there was a gunshot and she looked down.

Hector had followed Sam and shot the person who was calling out to Sam, she knew that it could have been Hector and she continued to climb.


“The north entrance…it a mess. No one can get through” the police detective said to Phoenix who was getting fed up.

“All the digging has to come from the south” the helper said.

“No, no, no, no, no, look, they would have to get through the wreck of the commuter train first to get to the antique cars. Anna and Joe don’t have that kind of time.” Phoenix said.

“I’ve all ready told you, Dave…that the way you came through was completely block off.” the helper said.

“I will find a way through,” he said.

“I’m going with you. If you get through you going to need my help.” the volunteer helper said walking up to them.

“If you can climb let go.” Phoenix said and both he and the volunteer helper walked toward the tunnel.


Back over to Karen and Joe, who was now unconscious again, Monica was over checking him out and had wrapped a new bandage around him and this time she put the gauged tape all the way around his stomach, “I think that most of the bleeding has slowed down” Karen said to her as she was holding his stomach around the injury as Chester who was in the room along with Brad, looked around the room to see if there was another way out from the way Phoenix went, and he walked over to the first antique and climb up the ladder a little to see what was behind it.

“A little, he needs some water.” she said and got up walking out to get some but stopped when Brad stopped her.

“I should have went with Rob, the two of us would be finding are way to get Joe out of here,”

“Its better that the people who love Joe are with him” Monica said to him as Chester came back down seeing that there was nothing.

“Enough with the tragic resignations and smiling through our tears, nobody’s going too died here! Nobody!” Chester said as Brad, Monica and even Karen were looking at him.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” Anna yelled out hitting Mike with her fist as she was having another contraction.

“Ok, come on, you got to control -- control your breathing, Anna. Come on, in, out. Please?” he said when she wasn’t breathing with him and found her staring at him, “What?”

“Have you noticed the only way we’re capable of getting along is in the middle of a crisis, that we can’t go two minutes in our daily life with out sparring, bickering, or contemplating a divorce. But give us a train wreck in a collapsing tunnel, and we’re in our glory,” she said leaning her head back for a second, “Why do our lives have to be threaten to admit that we need each other?” she asked looking back at him.

“I think we crave excitement,” he said.

“You think?”

“Yeah, we spend our entire lives protecting ourselves. We’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop,”

“You see? I was right”

“We always have to be on the verge of losing everything in order to realize what we have and how important it is,”

“I think we maybe ought to work on this,” she said.

“You think?” he asked.


Over were Robin, Patrick, and Jen were at, Robin and Patrick were sitting next to Jen wanting for her to wake up, “Were not going to leave you Jen until you wake up, you stayed with me when I was pinned under the chair, you could have run off to get out of here but you stayed behind to help and I’m going to stay with you to help you too,” Robin said to her, “So come on wake so we all could get out of here,” she kept saying to her and she started to cough, “Hey, were so glad you’re all right,”

“Are you okay?” Patrick asked Jen.

“Yeah,” she said.

“Okay you want to get up now?” Robin asked her.

“Yeah,” she said slowly sitting up “Ow!”

“I’ll help you up but you got to be careful okay?” Patrick said and he put his arms round her helping her stand up and once she was up he kept his arm around her to help her walk.

“Okay let’s find away out of here,” Robin said and they all start to walk.


Rob and Talinda were walking through a narrow tunnel holding hands so she would keep up with him and she stopped pulling her hand out of he’s and grabbed her side.

“You know want? You’re hurting a lot. You need to go back, I’ll take you back if you want,” he said to her.

“I’m fine. You can’t do this alone so I’m going to help you, so let’s keep moving, because Joe is not going to last long in his condition” she said to him and he turned to a wider tunnel and they stopped when they heard a rumbling and looked up.

“Move,” he said and moved Talinda to the ground covering him self on top of her as the rocks fell on top of them. When it was all over Rob slowly got up from on top his wife and she let out groan as he got off of her, making her grab her side.

“You ok?” he asked her.

“Yeah, I’m ok” she said getting up and looked both ways, the way they come in and the way they were heading to go, “The passage is block in both directions” she said which made Rob look to.

“Okay, I’ll go and start digging, you are all right?” he asked as he got up and Talinda stayed sitting on the floor.

“I’m fine, fine” she said and he walked to start working on getting out, Talinda still held on to her side trying to hold in from wanting to scream since it was hurting really bad and bit her lip, looking over at Rob, knowing that her injury was more than a bruised side.



New member
Continuing Chapter 9

Phoenix and the volunteer help walked to the north entrance side were he crawled out at and stopped when they saw that it was craved in.

“This is the tunnel I crawled out of,” he said.

“Good. Now it all a wall of rock and debris” the volunteer helper said.

“Oh, were just have to dig or way back through”

“For all we know, the whole tunnel is collapsed”

“Listen, I’m not giving up. There are people alive in there and they need are help. Come on,” Phoenix said as he went to start digging and the volunteer went a helped to.


Back to where Sam and Hector was at, Hector walked over to the person that he shot to see if he was dead and then kicked him when Sam dropped down from the shaft holding a lead pipe and hit him on the arm walking back as she held it out.

“You looking for me,” she said shakily since she hasn’t spoken in a while.


Karen was sitting next to Joe opening another package of bandages that Monica left with her when she come, since she had to leave to check on Anna. When she got it open she stopped because she felt like crying and Linsey come in, since everyone else left the room to give Karen space, her foot felt a little better but she was limping and came over to sit next to her, “Hey it’s okay Karen” she said and brought her into a hug. They hugged each other for a little while and Karen let go and went to clean Joe’s hand that was cut and Linsey was talking to him but she didn’t listen to what she was saying, “Oh, ***” she heard Linsey say and she looked up to her.

“What? What?”

“He’s not -- he’s not breathing” Linsey said.

“What? No! No!” she said and Karen jump to her knees since she was sitting down and made Linsey move.

“He stopped breathing” she said again.

“Ok, come on, Joe don’t do this to me”

Back over to Anna, Monica finished check Anna and was taking her glove off that she used. Mike walked back over since he was walking around so he didn’t have to watch Monica check to see how far along Anna was dilated, “How is she doing?” he asked.

“She six centimeters dilated” Monica said.

“I’m further along than that. I‘ve got to be. The baby fells like its going to come soon,” Anna said moving to get into a more comfortable position.

“She can go from six to ten pretty quickly can’t she?” he asked Monica.

“She could”

“Ok” he said and kneeled down next to Anna as Monica turned around to face her, “All right, then, you know, if the baby comes before the rescue crew can arrived, then Monica and I are just going to have to handle her,”

“Monica, what’s wrong?” Anna asked seeing that she looked really nerves about something.

“Hopefully, the -- the rescue crew will be here any minute” she said.

“And what if they’re not? What if I’m stuck here?” Anna asked.

“You’re going to have the baby” Mike said.

“Not at six centimeters, I’m not. What would they do if I were in the hospital?” she asked her.

“They give you a c-section” Monica said and Mike and Anna looked at each other.

Then Mike got up “Monica, there no way you’re doing a c-section on my wife in the middle of a train wreck”

“That’s not what I’m suggesting”

“There isn’t going to be a c-section. There isn’t. I’m going to have this baby naturally. Childbirth is a natural thing, and this baby is coming out naturally,” she said as Brad and Chester watch them over here the wall of rock and Mike kneeled back down next to her.

“That’s right, that‘s right, and I will be right there with you. I‘m not going any where” he said.

“You don’t have much of a choice” she said as she was starting to fell like other contraction coming on.

“Well, neither do you, ok?”

“Well maybe that’s what this baby wants, oh!” she said when it started to happen and Monica kneeled down next to her.

“All right, easy, easy”

“***!” and Brad look at Chester and signaled his head to him to come with him to see Joe. Karen was ministered CPR to Joe and she was pushing on his chest as they walked in seeing what she was doing, they know he was getting even worst, “Come on Joe, breath for me, breath,” she said after five more pushes and then went to cover his mouth with hers blowing some air into his lugs, as she was about to go and push on his chest he started to cough, “Oh, baby, ok? He’s breathing. He’s breathing”

“Can he keep it up?” Linsey asked.

“I don’t know, but I‘m not giving up on him” she said holding his head closer to her and Linsey looked up as she heard a low rumble.


“Go ahead, Sam. You can’t beat me. You’re still crazy, remember?” Hector said to Sam who holding the lead pipe over her head ready to hit him.

“I’m not going to let hurt the people I love,” she said.

“You know, you’re a brave women, princesses, the way you sneak out of a loony bin onto a train. Are you trying to get home?” he said/ asked her.

“Shut up,” she said.

“What are you going to do, warn someone? They won’t believe you. They would’ve laugh in your face and shipped you back to the mental ward,”

“Shut up!” she yelled and swung the pipe at him but he stepped back, making her not hitting him at all.

He laughed “Ohh! Mama’s got her craws out, huh? That’ll make it interesting. Come on, baby. Let go.” he said.



New member
It's funny - but hopefully not an insulting observation (cause that's not what I mean, I mean this as a compliment) but as I read this I get a real sense of watching a TV soap playing out in front of me. Kinda like 'Days of our Lives' or 'The young and the restless' or something like that. It's the weirdest sensation... probably the way you write about several characters observations at one and constantly switch back and forth - something I find difficult to do, but it seems to work for you so stick with it.

Like I said, don't mean to insult you, it's good stuff. Great in fact. It's even way easier to read than the **** I dribble and that's to be commended.

Great use of dialogue - Joe! OMG! Will he pull through?!? :eek:

Anyway... as you know I've been reading this since the beginning and I like it as much if not more (cause now I'm connecting with it) than I did when it started. It's really come into itself as a mini-epic. Awesome stuff!

Can't wait to see where you take this... love my drama!


-Rav :D



New member
It's funny - but hopefully not an insulting observation (cause that's not what I mean, I mean this as a compliment) but as I read this I get a real sense of watching a TV soap playing out in front of me. Kinda like 'Days of Our Lives' or 'The Young and The Restless' or something like that.
No, that no insult to me at all, I like the compliment. Actually i'm inspiring to be a soap oprea writer. Haha :D

Joe! OMG! Will he pull through?!?
That I can't tell you cause it would give the whole story way. But I'm guessing that you know already. ;)

I've been reading this since the beginning and I like it as much if not more (cause now I'm connecting with it) than I did when it started.
Thanks for reading and reviewing. I've actually decided to change the way I was going to put you in (I'm still using you). Orignally, I was going to have you meet the band after the crash (espically the creatin someone your a big fan of) but I thought it wouldn't be fair because that would end up being at the end of the story. I wanted to have you a little bit more in the story, so this is my question to you, how would you feel about being a nurse in the story?

Other than that, thanks again for the reviews.

*hugs to you too*

Rashell :)



New member
I'm fine with that. Many years ago I trained as a nurse's aide in a hospital back home, back when I was a lot younger, so it's no real mental leap for me really. Still have the uniform too somewhere - ahh, memories! You'd be surprised some of the crazy jobs I've done over the years... I'm old I can get away with statements like that. Haha. But aside from that feel free to use me as you see fit. I'm all for it. But don't feel you need to - be true to your story and let it grow in it's own direction.

As for being a writer for real one day? I sincerely hope that works out for you. I myself have always aspired for that but I know how lucrative that market is to tap... hope you live your dream one day. You're certainly headed in the right direction with obvious talent. Can't fake that.


-Rav :D



New member
Chapter 10

Back over to Mike and Anna, Mike had gotten up and pick up a water bottle as Anna groaned, walking back over to her and Monica who was helping her through the contraction she was in, “Is it my imagination or are the contractions coming closer together?” he asked kneeling next to Anna who was leaning to her side.

“Anna, I need you to stay clam. Just take some slow, steady breathes,” Monica said to her.

“Really, Monica? You need me to stay clam? Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.” Anna said, still in the contraction and Monica got up walking over to a bag.

“Anna, come on, you need to breath and focus,” Mike said.

“Oh, stop patronizing me!” she said.

“I’m not patronizing you!” he said helping her back up.

“Yes you are! I can breath and stuffer at the time. I multitask,”

“All right, mother. Then you listen to me, ok? I have something to say. I am sorry --”

“Do we have to do this now?”

“Yes. Can you think of a better time? Look, we haven’t even had more then ten minutes together at once. Now we don’t have a choice, so lets now take the opportunity to get are emotional junk at of the way, or at least put it in check for a while so we don’t dump it on our daughter, that we’re about to bring into the world” he said.


“Yes we, I understand your part is light-year more difficult than mine, and that’s why I want to say I am sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you. So can we put that in the past and give this child the best of both of us?” he said and Anna wrapped her arms around Mike.

“All right, I may have found away to slow things down” Monica said and Mike and Anna looked at her and saw that she was holding a bottle of pills.

“You hang in there for me, Joe. You do it for me, Ok?” Karen said to him as Brad looked around the room.

“I’m afraid he going to bleed to death,” Brad said to Chester who was still near him.

“What could we do?” Chester asked him

“Get me out of here,” he said looking over to the train see that there was a rope hanging off the side of the train and walked over to it, taking it off.

“Brad, if we move him, it’ll make thing worst,”

“No, standing around here and watching him die will make it worst,” he said.

“But he’ll bleed even more!” Chester said.

“Chester right, I can’t let you move him, Brad” Karen said standing up.

“Karen, if we keep him here he’s going too died!”

“I’m not letting you move him!”

“Do I have a say in this?” Joe asked and Karen got back down near him.

“I’m here, its ok,” she said to him.

“I love you, Karen. But Brad’s right,” he said and Karen looked back at Brad.


Back over to where Phoenix and the volunteer helper were at, they were slowly moving the rocks in the tunnel.

“I really hope your right about this because every other rescue crew is working from the south end,” the volunteer helper said as he moved a rock from the tunnel setting it on the ground and going back to the tunnel as Phoenix was trying to pull a rock out.

“Well, they weren’t down there, were they? They didn‘t dig there way out like I did?” he asked.

“That was before the cave-in,” the volunteer said.

“You know what? There are more people down this end, including my band mates, ok? Do you think I‘d be digging here if I wasn‘t sure that this is the way in?” he said as he moved a rock on to the ground.

“That’s why I’m taking you at your word.”

“Well, I’ll take your help.” he said and they went back to move some more rock.


At the tunnel were Sam was at, she swung the pipe a couple time at Hector but he move back each time, “What do you think your going to do with that thing?” he asked her.

“Stop you”

“Oh, you are crazy,”

“I will kill you if I have to”

“You and what army? No one stops me. Not Chester. Not Mike. What makes you think you could, baby?” and he went for her but she hit him on the back with the pipe really hard and he want down, “Ugh!” he let out when he hit the ground with his knees.


Robin, Jen and Patrick were slowly walking over debris, when Robin stopped walking, “What wrong?” Patrick asked her.

“My brief case, it’s on the train,” she said.

“No, we have to forget about it.” he said to her.

“No, we have to get it. All my doctor notes are in it, including my laptop and my meds. It’s the main reason I was down here in the first place.” she said and Patrick and Jen looked at each and then back at her.



New member
Continuing Chapter 10

Back to Sam, she was going to hit him again with the pipe, but he reached up to grabbed it and stood up while he was still holding it, Sam was trying to get it out of his hand as he started to laugh. He put both hands on the pipe and started to shake it out of her hands but she wasn’t letting go. Then he sent her flying to her side and she landed on her hands, crawling over to a wall stopping and she grabbed her necklaces that she had on, that was of a Saint Christopher medal giving to her along time ago but she never wore it until now, turning around to sit down against the wall as she heard Hector walk up to her. He then kneeled down next to her as she leaned further back to the wall bringing her legs up, trying not to look at him.

“Oh, princesses, there’s no saint that could help you now, not even St. Christopher,” he said.

“Shut up,”

“The patron saint of travelers. Oh, he was off his game today, huh? Didn‘t do his job at all,”

“I’m still alive,”

“Well, you know, that’s how I prefer my woman. You know, I’m thinking I will have all of Chester’s girls before I kill them, pop the girls one bye one -- bam, bam, bam – then Mike, Brad, Phoenix, Rob, Joe, and Chester -- you know, once he finds what I’ve done,”

“Not if I kill you first,” she said and he reached to touch her face but she slapped his hand away.

“Ohh. I like that,” and he went to touch her again but this time with a little more strength and held both her arms down.

“Get --” she start to say, not wanting to be rape again, since she was as a teenager.

“Get off? It’s ok. I wont hurt, I promised I’ll be gentle,” he said as she straggled some more and he lean down to kiss her neck, she looked down at the ground and saw a gun the was near the person Hector shot.


Brad and Chester lower a stretcher that they made out of blankets and two sticks, near Joe and then went to help lean him to the side so they could put the stretcher under him.

“Feel free to yell out, Joe” Brad said as him, Chester along with Karen and Linsey, grabbed his other side.

“Three. Go” Karen said as they turned him to his side as they quickly put the stretcher under him as Joe yelled out in pain.

“Here we go,” Brad said as it was under him and they slowly lay him on the stretcher and Brad and Chester moved him so that he was in the middle of it.

“Ok. All right, we got him. He’s on” Karen said as Chester got up and walked over to Brad, “Ok, baby, you ok?” Karen said as Chester kneeled next to Brad.

“Your you sure you okay taking him by self?” he asked him since they talking about who was going to take Joe, but Chester decide to say just in case Mike, Anna, Monica, or Linsey need help and now he wasn’t to sure about just Brad going alone.

“Yea, Karen will help me care him out of here” Brad said.

“Okay then, get him out of here”

Monica sat down on a rock that was in front of Anna and handed the bottle to Mike as Anna looked at the bottle, “It’s primarily an asthma medicine. It works as a smooth muscle relaxant. It should slow the contraction down and buy Anna and the baby the time they need,” she said.

“Ok, is there any downside to this?” Mike asked.

“Monica, I know you’re doing everything you can, but won’t this hurt the baby?” Anna asked looking down at the bottle that was now in her hand.

“I understand your hesitation.”

“All right, am I missing something here? What happens if the contractions don’t stop?” Mike asked.

“Anna and the baby could both be in jeopardy”

“Oh, great, all right, ok, so, Monica, what do you think we should do?” Mike asked not knowing if he should have Anna take that pills.

“Mike, I’m med student. I’ve learned something, I could give you some options, but the decision had to be made by the baby’s parents.” she said.

Brad walked through the open and help Linsey over some rocks that were on the ground, “Look, I want to go with you” she said to him.

“No, no, no, I can let you risk getting hurt, ok? We have no choice but to get Joe out of here, but you’re safe here with everyone else,” he said.

“I can help, Brad,” she said.

“Linsey, Linsey --”

“I can help! What?”

“Linsey, listen to me, your already took a pretty bad fall, ok? I don’t want to take any more chance, you can’t get hurt. I couldn’t live with my self if something bad happen, okay? Phoenix would kill me. Please?”

“Brad, what’s going on?” Mike asked stand up.

“Joe’s in bad shape. We need to get him out of here right now,” he said and Monica got walking over to him.

“Are you going right away?” she asked him.

“Yea, if we could find a way out, will send help for Anna. How for apart are her contractions right now?” he said.

“Too close, but we’re working on a solution to slowing them down,”

“Ok.” he said and he walked over to Anna sitting down on the rock that Monica was sit on before she got up, “We’re going to get you out of here,” he said to her.

“I’m better staying here. You be carefully, ok?” she said and lean forward to give him a hug.

“Ok. Ok. Just take care of the new little Shinoda, ok?”

“I will.” she said and he got up slowly and walked over to Monica.

“Be carefully, ok?” she said.

“Ok. Come here” he said bringing her into a hug as Linsey watched them, starting to really miss Phoenix, “Your going to make a great doctor some day, you know that?” he said when he let go of her.

“Thanks you,” she said and he moved to let Monica go back to Anna.

“Hey, you ok?” Brad said to Linsey.

“Yea, hey when you see Phoenix tell him that I love him,”

“Your going to tell him yourself, will see you on the other side, ok?” he said as he gave a comforting hug as Monica watched them.

“You’d better” she said.


Meanwhile where Jen, Robin and Patrick were at, Robin had convince them to go back to the train and get her briefs case, so they walked back to the train.

“Ok, you guys go ahead. I’ll meet what with you,” Robin said.

“No, no way! Your not going in there, it would better if I went in there, ok?” Patrick said and Robin didn‘t say anything, “I’ll be right back” he said and walked into the train, some bags and debris were on fire, they weren’t big ones, and he stopped when some wires sparked, when they stopped he continued into the train looking around and saw that her brief case was under a chair.



New member
Chapter 11

Brad and Karen were carrying Joe on the stretcher, which he and Chester made, through a tunnel and come to a dead end.

“Oh what the ****,” he said when they walked in, “Here let’s put him down” he said and they gentle put him down.

“Oh, ***, ok, there has to be another way out?” she asked kneeling next to Joe.

“No this has to be it,” he said walking over to the rocks.

“There has to be other tunnels a few hundred yards back,” she said.

“Yeah, there were two tunnels before that and they were all block off,”

“How did you know? It was so dark,”

“Yes it was dark, do you want to go back and check?” he said and she didn’t say anything and got down beside Joe as Brad started to move some rocks.

“What are we going to do now?” she asked standing up.

“Brad, stop! Stop! Come here,” Joe said lifting his head but he had trouble keeping it up, Brad stopped and walked over to Joe kneeling down beside him.

“What? What do you need? What you need?” he asked him.

“The weakest link, you got to find the weakest link,”

“Yeah, yeah,” he said and then he got up and walked back over to the rocks, “The weakest spot of this…” he looked around the rocks, “Is going to be right here,” he said to himself pointing to the spot and there was a beam right next to it, he went and moved it as Karen who was staying up, went over Joe and kneeled down on his other side.

“How you doing?” he asked her.

“I’m good,” she said helping him lift his head since he was trying to keep it up, “I’m good, as long as you’re ok,”

“You love me?”

“You know I do,”

“It’s going to carry me a long way,”

“Put your head,” she said slowly putting his head back down and turned to look at Brad.

“Hey, Listen. Listen,” he said as he heard something.

“Is someone over there?” she asked.

“Help! Help!” Brad yelled and Karen got up and started to yell to.

“Please help us!” she yelled as Brad continued to yell.

On the other side of the wall Phoenix and the volunteer helper were grabbing more rocks and stopped when they heard yelling and Phoenix looked at the volunteer, “I heard it to. Right there,” he said.

“Let’s push this one through,” Phoenix said as the yelling still continued.

“Ready? On three...One, two, three,” the volunteer said and they both pushed through and the rock fall down reveling Brad.

“Never though I see you again,” Brad said to Phoenix as the helper was putting a rock on the ground.

“Thank ***,” Karen said who was now back on the ground and looked at Brad.

“We’re just about ready to have this clear enough to get him though. You just keep digging from that side!” Brad said to them as he started to clear some of the tunnel.

Karen was smiling that they were going to get out, “You here that, baby? We‘re all most there,” she looked down on saw that his eyes were close so she turned his head to face up, “Joe? Joe?” she said and then looked over to Brad.


Back over to Anna, Mike, Monica, Linsey and Chester, Anna took a deep breath and looked down just as she came off a contraction, “Ok? All right?” Mike asked her.

“All right, tell me again what my options are?” Anna asked looking back up at Monica who was sitting on the rock that Brad was sitting on before he left.

“In ideal circumstances in a hospital, we do a c-section because of the baby’s large size,”

“Ok, it’s not an option” Mike said.

“If the contraction continued to escalate, the baby is going to move into the birth cannel before you’re ready and dilated. That could result in the baby suffocating and compilation that are life-threatening to you, as well,” she said.

“Ok, so the best chance is to slow down the contractions. That’s what the medicine is supposed to do,” Mike said.

“Might do,” Monica corrected.

“It’s coming,” Anna said as another contraction started up.

“Ok, all right, Anna, all right, please, squeeze,” he warped him arms around her as she leaned forward and she grabbed he arm leaning her head on his shoulder, “Squeeze the life out of me, squeeze the life out of me. Ok, ok, ok. Breath.” he said still let her squeeze him.

“I don’t want to lose the baby!” she said still in the contraction.


“Oh!” she let out as she breathed.

“All right, I know. I know. All right?” Mike said to her and she leaned back as the contraction stopped.

She sat there for a few seconds and then held out her hand, “Give me the pills,” and Monica open the bottle putting the right amount in her hand, she then closed her fist and with her other hand grabbed a bottle of water that Mike opened for her, then she looked down at her hand for a second and then popped them into her mouth, taking a drink of water until it was down.



New member
Continuing Chapter 11

Over at the commuter train, Patrick was in the train trying to get Robin’s brief case for her and slowly walked over some debris that was lying on the ground. As he got closer to the brief case he stopped as the wires sparked again. He looked down at the ground that was near the wires and saw a small fire right under it. Knowing that the train was going to explode he slowly back up and then ran out of the train’s door just as the train exploded and he jumped to the ground to were Robin and Jen were at.


Back over to Sam, she pushed Hector off of her and started to crawl for the gun but Hector stopped her, pushing her to the ground as she fought to reach out for the gun, trying to pull her whole body closer to it but Hector pushed her back and got on top of her holding her arms down so she couldn’t reach for it any more. He kept this hold on her as she still fought to get him off, then dirt and small rocks fell on them. Sam reached out grabbing a rock and hit him over the head making him let go of her. He went to hold his head letting go of her, Sam quickly got up and ran off as Hector still laid there coughing from the cloud of dirt. Looking down he didn’t see her and looked behind him seeing that she ran off, he crawled to the gun picked it up and turn on to his back to get up.


Robin slowly got up since her and Jen got down on the ground to cover them self from the explosion and coughed turning around to seeing Jen near Patrick and saw that he was unconscious.


Back at the triage center the detective who helped pull out Phoenix came out as some paramedics pushed a man that just came out from the one of the trains and the police commissioner saw that and came over to the detective.

“We’ve got smoke inhalations and abrasion,” he said the police commissioner.

“What train was he on?”

“Southbound from Inglewood. I’m sorry, commissioner, I showed them a picture of Jennifer, but nobody’s seen her,”

“There was a new explosion down there just moments ago,”

“Nobody’s giving up,” he said and he pushed the detective to let him go as he walked to the tunnel and he walked over to the victim that they just pulled out and saw the other helper, that helped pull out Phoenix, who over there and looked at the paramedics seeing that they weren’t doing anything. A medical personal come over to check on the man.

“He looks bad. He should be in the critical section,” she said.

“It’s too late,” the helper said.


Where Brad was at, he put one more rock on the ground and looked at Phoenix, “How you doing on your side?” he asked.

“Should be enough” Phoenix said and Brad turned to Karen.

“We got to move fast this thing is anything but stable,” he said.

The volunteer helper put a beam at there side of the tunnel to help hold it up, “All right. This thing won’t hold for long,” he said as they look into the whole, “Bring him through!” he said.

Brad went over to Karen as she got up to help pick up the stretcher, “He’s unconscious and he’s breath is shallow,” she said as they started to walk over to the opening.

“All right, Karen start getting in and help pull him out and I’ll get in just as soon as he’s in,” Brad said and Karen sat on the end of the tunnel while still holding the sticks and got to her knees, starting to crawl backwards as Brad pushed Joe in and Karen pulled him as she was at the end she jumped down and Phoenix grabbed the stick as Brad still pushed and he slow got in pushing at the same time. As Joe was half way out, Phoenix was holding the front end as the volunteer helper took the end just as Brad was crawling in the tunnel and then they was rumbling.

“Brad, hurry up it starting to cave-in!” Phoenix shouted as Brad looked up seeing that it was about to cover him and the volunteer helper and Phoenix quickly put Joe down and Phoenix quickly went over to the opening as it just started to cave-in on Brad and Phoenix moved out of the way from the dirt and rock falling out of the tunnel. When it stopped Phoenix went to see if he was all right and walked over, “Brad! Brad, can you hear me?” Phoenix called out seeing that his hand was hanging out and he moved some rock that were on his back and Brad moved his hand up letting Phoenix now he was okay and Phoenix grabbed his hand, “Come on, lets get you out of here,” he said as Brad slowly got up coughing, “You’re ok? Are you okay?” he asked Brad as he slowly got up little more.

“Yeah!” Brad said as he coughed.

“Come on!” he said as he helped him out even more.

“I’m dandy,” as he got up on his knees ready to get out now and did get out of the collapsed tunnel, “We got to get him out now,” he said seeing that the helper was near Joe and Karen was next to his head running her finger through his hair encouraging him to stay with her.

“All right. You all right?” the volunteer helper asked Brad.

“Yeah,” Brad said going over to Joe and Phoenix got on the other side of the stretcher and Karen move to Joe’s side grabbing his hand.

“You guys go ahead. I’ll keep digging.” the volunteer helper said going over to the cave-in tunnel.

“Nobody’s coming through. That hole is sealed up tight,” Brad said as him and Phoenix lifted up Joe “You better come up with a different plan.” he said.

“Come on.” Phoenix said and he and Brad started to walk away with Joe and Karen followed them as the volunteer helper stayed behind seeing if he could get the tunnel back opened but he knew he couldn’t.


Back to the rest of the band, Mike was trying to get Anna to think about something else another than her contractions and the train crash, “Ok, ok, we need to think of names for are daughter, think of best and worst baby names” he said and Monica was moving the empty bottles of water and she stood up and looked at Linsey who looked scared and worried. She knew how she felt since she was scared that there no help wasn’t going to come soon. Then she turned too looked at Anna and Mike, “Elizabeth? Right?”

“Elizabeth, Liz. That’s pretty,”

“Liz, ok. How about --,”

“Worst name. One’s coming, it’s coming,” Anna said as she leaning forward.

“Ok, alright, ok, ok,”

“Breath deep, deep breaths,” Monica said.

“How’s that? How was that?” Mike asked her as she leaned back as the contraction stopped since it was a short contraction.

“This ones wasn’t so bad,” she said.

“Ok. Alright, good, good,” Monica said walking away little glad that the medication was slowly working.

“I don’t know if it’s you or the pills, but I’m grateful,” she said looking over Mike shoulder as he looked behind him to, “I don’t want to have this baby in a hole in the ground. I want to have this baby in a nice clean, bright hospital room with you there tell me what a good job I’m doing,”

“All right, listen. If -- if you don’t mean that, I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t say it,” he said

“I mean it. I’ve always wanted you there when the baby was born” she said as he looked at her.



New member
Aww, that was sweet - it's amazing how much people can pull together through a serious tragedy/life altering experience. That last part just proved it. Looks like despite the horror some good may come from the crash... weird way of looking at it I guess.

Having said that... one constructive criticism. I know you're a writer and everyone has their distinct styles but personally some of the sentences were too long... they read like someone's out of breath - no beginning or end. Probably try and break up longer sentences where you can to keep it flowing. Other than that... I'm loving it!

Sam and Hector wrestling for the gun! *gasp*

The dude dying - *double gasp* Had to read that twice, at first I thought it meant Phoenix died and OMG that can't happen! Hehe.

Anyway... nice job. You know I always look forward to your updates... *wink*

Can't wait for more.

-Rav :D



New member
Chapter 12

Thanks Rav for constructive criticism. I took what you said and used it in this chapter, so I hope you see a differences.


Chester was sitting on a rock, giving a look like he didn’t want anyone to talk him right now. Monica walked up to Linsey, “Hey, um, you know there’s more bottle of water on the train. I’m going to go and get it,” Linsey said walking away.

“Linsey, let me,” Monica said. Linsey stopped and turned around.

“You know, I can’t really sit around and do nothing. It’s not how I’m made,”

“I don’t want you to mess your foot up any further,” Monica said.

“Thanks for caring Monica. You know, you did a good job giving Anna that medication. It’s working” she said.

“I don’t know how long until it wears off. It’s just temporary. Anna and the baby are no were near out of the woods yet” and Monica walked away and back over to Anna.


Back over to Patrick, Jen, and Robin. Jen and Robin were near Patrick hoping that he would wake up from being knocked out from the explosion. Robin took a hold of his wrist to check his pulse. Once she did he slowly woke up, “You ok?” Robin asked him softly.

“Yeah” he said and he grabbed her hand.

“Take it easy” Jen said as he slowly tried to get up, he then sat up leaning back against the train.

“I couldn’t get the brief case” he said.

“It’s ok. We’ll just wait here to be rescued, then will figure it out” Robin said.

“Do we have that kind of time?” Jen asked, “We need to figure a way to get out of here” she got up.

“Ok, well, what do you suggest?” Robin got up as so did Patrick.

“I’m sure that three of us can mange to find a way out of here” Jen said.


At the triage center Brad and Phoenix carried Joe out, “Doctor!” Brad yelled.

“Coming thought!” Phoenix yelled to.

“We need a doctor here!” Brad kept yelling as they walked Joe out on the stretcher. Medical assistance moved to an empty gurney and volunteers guided Brad and Phoenix to the gurney.

“We need to get him up on this! We need a doctor over here!” Brad yelled out “You, you!” he said to a doctor as him and Phoenix got Joe up on the gurney.


Sam walked back onto the commuter train and looked back behind her to see if Hector was following her. He wasn’t. So she kept walking and turned around when she heard a rumbling sound. When it stopped she got behind a seat and stayed there. Outside of the train, Hector was kicking the piped racks that were from the train, walking further to the train knowing that Sam was on it. In this hand was a gun that he picked up from the person he shot down. He looked around, “Sam? Baby?” he called out and he kicked other rack out of his way.


Back to Joe, the doctor was working on him as Karen was still with him. Phoenix walked up to her, “Hey Karen, why don’t you let the doctor have more room,” he said to her.

“No, I’m fine here. I don’t want to leave Joe” she said. He walked back to Brad who stood a little away from Joe, getting oxygen.

“Joe’s on the next helicopter out” the doctor said as she finished checking Joe out.

“What are his chances?” Brad asked taking the oxygen mask off.

“I’m not going to lie, it’s bad. Another hour, it would’ve been too late. It’s a safe bet that you took to getting him out of there”

“I want to go with Joe” Karen said.

“I’m sorry, it’s not a good ideal” the doctor said.

“I’m his fiancée”

“I’m sorry there’s not enough room, excuses me” she said as a paramedic came over. They started to get Joe ready to move and slowly started moving him making Karen let go of his hand and she watched him be wheeled off. Seeing him being wheeled off made her start to cry and Phoenix pulled her into a hug, “Hey, it’s going to be okay. Joe’s getting the right help” he said.

“I know…I just want to be there for him”

“What about the others? How are they doing?” the police commissioner asked coming up to them.

“Our emcee, Mike, his wife had gone into labor. She was six centimeter dilated when I left and could be more now” Brad said to him.


“Eight, nine -- go ahead, lean back,” Mike was counting to help Anna’s breathing as he put a blanket behind her, making her more comfortably, “10, Anna, 11, 12 --”


“13, good, 14, 15 --” he said as he looked at Monica who was checking to see how far Anna was dilated.

“You’re fully dilated,” Monica said when she finished.

“Oh, good, that’s good, right? That’s what we want, natural birth, right?” Mike asked her and Monica got up and walked away, “Right?” he asked again.

“It’s sure better than the alterative” Anna said and Linsey walked up to them.

“Yeah, just sit here from a minute, ok? Linsey, stay with her,” he said getting up to go and talk to Monica.

“Yeah, hey” Linsey said sitting down on the rock that was still in front of Anna.

“Word of caution -- If you and Phoenix have a child, and your due date is approaching, avoid mass transit” Anna said.

“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind” Linsey said laugh a little.

“Monica? You tell me if something was -- was wrong wouldn’t you?” Mike asked.

“The baby’s big, Mike. It’s very big. If we were in the hospital we still do a c-section”

“Ok, well, were not in a hospital, so what do you suggest?”

“The baby is suck high in the pelvis, all right? There both at risk”

“At risk, ok” he said looking down.

“If there are any complications, Anna and the baby could both die” she said.

“All right, fine, then -- then were going to have to try a c-section here”

“Oh -- Mike --” she said running her finger through her hair aggressively.

“Well, what do you -”

“It’s impossible to do a procedure like this here. We need a doctor,” she said and Mike looked at her.



New member
Continuing Chapter 12

Where Robin, Jen, and Patrick where at, they come over to a cliff and stopped walking, “Whoa, all right, whoa. Wait a minute, how did a sinkhole like this appear out of no where?” Jen asked as they stopped, looking down.

“Had to be either the crash or the explosion” Patrick said.

“Are you sure that this is the right direction?” Robin asked.

“Yeah, we need to find a ventilation shaft. Be careful,” Patrick said. They slowly started to walk. Robin behind Jen and Patrick and lost her footing, slipping off the cliff. She screamed out as she grabbed the side of the cliff, “Robin! Ok, hold on! I got you!” Patrick called as he quickly walked over to her.

“I can’t hold on” she said.

“I got you. Here, take my hand” Patrick said holding his hand out.

“No, if I reach for you, I’m going to fall”

“Take my hand” he said.

“Grab it!” Jen said next to Patrick.

“I’m not going to let you fall. Take my hand”

“Ugh!” she let out trying to hold as best as she could.


Back at the commuter train, Sam lean forward to see if Hector was coming. “Sam?” Hector called out slowly walking closer to the train, “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty! Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. Come to papa. I know you’re here, Sam” he turned around, “Come on out and play.” Sam stayed behind the chair not moving or making a sound, she turned her head to her right side, “We have unfinished businesses, you and me, baby,” and she saw that there was a gun on top of a suite case and started to reach out as Hector still walked outside. She leaned forward to grab the gun accidentally knocking over a suite case. Hector heard something fall and looked to his left towards the train, smiling knowing that was Sam. He walked to get on the train. Sam stopped for a second looking to her right and quickly grabbing the gun, moving back behind the chair checking to see if it was loaded and it was. She turned around leaning her back against the chairs holding the gun in both her hands. Hector slowly came on to the train holding the gun out leaning to his side to see if he saw Sam as she held the gun up.


Over to where the rest of the group was at, Linsey was still talking to Anna while Mike was over with Monica.

“You know you don’t have to worrier about me,” Linsey said after Anna asked her how she was holding up.

“Ok. I’ll just worrier about being in labor at the bottom of a train tunnel with out any rescue in sight,”

“Ok. Good point” Linsey said laughing a little, “I’m worried about Phoenix,”

“He’s out there risking it right now. Trying to safe us”

“I know, you never know in a couple years we might have our own kid and both are kids will grow up to be good friends”

“You just change the subject didn’t you?” Anna asked.

“Yep, so, what park would you recommend?” Linsey asked moving to sit next to Anna.

“Actually, I’m going to take our daughter to the park that they got the band name from”

“Lincoln Park. Do you see us as a couple soccer moms?” Linsey asked her.

“No, thought I see us as a couple band supporting moms”

“Now that I could see, once we get out of here” and Anna looked at her and rested her head back on what she was leaning against, looking up to see Mike and Monica coming back over to them. She felt that something was wrong.

“What is it?” she asked and they didn’t say anything, “Just tell me”

“You need a c-section” Monica said.

Anna looked at Mike, “Are you sure?”

“From what I could tell the baby’s to big to be born naturally,”

Looking back at Mike again for a quick glance and back at Monica, making her choice, “Then do it. You do whatever you need to do to safe the baby,”


In the cave-in cave where Rob and Talinda were at, Rob was still trying to move some rocks so that he and his wife could get out and get back to the rest of the group. “Stop!” Talinda said from still sitting on the ground, “You’re wasting oxygen” she said since it was getting harder to breath in the cave.

“We have to keep digging while we’re strong enough to get some where” Rob said also starting to have a little trouble breathing.

“Rob, we’re trapped” she said and Rob looked back at her “We’re not getting out of here”



New member
*gasp* OMG! :eek:

Wow... just... love that cliffhanger ending there with Rob and Talinda. Just wow. Joe's gotta pull through! OMG, Anna's emergency Caesarian! What else could go wrong? These poor buggers... man... just... wow.

( o_O )

Can't wait to see what happens!

Loved this bit;

“Word of caution -- If you and Phoenix have a child, and your due date is approaching, avoid mass transit” Anna said.
Just cracked me up. Think if I'm ever in that predicament I'll take her advice too after reading this! Haha!
And yes, I did see a difference in shortening the sentences. I don't know how you think it reads but as far as I can see it flows better now. Still great. Glad you took it on board, but like I said, each to their own. Sometimes it works, sometimes long sentences can't be helped. But still enjoy it immensely. What a cliffhanger!



New member
Chapter 13

“Take my hand,” Patrick said to Robin who was still fighting to hang on off the side of the cliff “Right here,”

“Be careful.” Jen said and Robin grabbed on of his hands.

“Ok, ready? I want you to come up a little bit. Just grab on.” he said as she pushed herself up a little. Patrick grab her other hand and started to pull her up as Jen grabbed his arm so that he wouldn’t fall over. He stood up slowly, pulling Robin up some more and turned her around since her arms were crossed when he was pulling her up. She sat down quickly as Patrick pulled her back more and then finally let go of her hands, kneeling next to her.


On the commuter train, Sam was still behind the chair, hiding from Hector knowing that he was on the train, “I know you’re in here, Sam. You could hide if you want to. It doesn’t matter. I’m still going to find you,” he said. She turned her head to her right and then turned back to look in front of her, “Hey, you know, why don’t you just come out? You know, we’ll – we’ll have some fun. Come on baby.” he walked almost close to her and turned around walking a little ways back. Sam calmly breathed out without saying anything to let Hector know she was hiding and then she slowly turned her head again to see if he was close. Hector looked where the exit was at and turned his head to where the other exit was. He saw nothing and continued to look where he was at. When Sam didn’t hear anything from him she thought he was gone, but she still didn’t move. Then Hector heard a creaking noise and he quickly turned around and shot the gun at the chair Sam was behind. She ducked down as she heard the shots go off.


“I’m here at the triage area outside the Glencoe Tunnel where unknown numbers of passengers are trapped inside following a train collision. Rescue efforts have been hampered by the poor conditions of the tunnel, which has collapse at both entrances.” a Los Angeles ABC new report said.

Phoenix walked up to the police commissioner, “Have they gotten through the south end of the tunnel yet?” he asked.

“We’re working on it,” the commissioner said.

“It’s not an answer,” he said and looked down at the ground seeing an ax.

“That’s all I got. Rescues teams are digging as fast as they can.”

Phoenix leaned down and picked it up “You know what I’ll find another way in.” and he started to walk away.

Brad was standing with Karen when he saw Phoenix walking away from the commissioner with an ax in his hand, “Karen stay here, I think Phoenix is going to try and go back into the tunnel. I’ll go with him,” he said and she shook her head. Brad run to catch up with him, “Phoenix! Phoenix wait up,” he called out as he caught up to him.

“Don’t try and stop me Brad. I’m going to go back in here no matter what,” Phoenix said when he stopped.

“I’m not going to stop you. I want to go with you,”

“Then let’s hurry up.” the both of them walked to the tunnel.

The detective who help bring Phoenix out and was in charge of looking for Jen came running out of the tunnels and over to the police commissioner, “Commissioner --,”

“What’s the status on the south entrance?” he asked.

“Slow going, we found other body. It’s not your daughter. We checked.”

“Okay, let’s go.” he said and he and the detective left.


Meanwhile inside the cave, Robin, Jen, and Patrick were sitting down, “Let’s keep heading that way,” Patrick said getting up as Jen did to.

“Shouldn’t we wait right here. I mean the rescue team will come,” Robin said and Patrick sat back down.

“I think it’s going to be a very long time before the rescue time comes. I ratter we keep moving.” he said getting up again.

“Fine.” Robin said and they got up.


Talinda was still sitting on the floor as Rob kept digging, but it was slow going and not much was moved because they were heavy rocks. She shivered a little, “How long are you going to keep digging?” she asked him.

“Giving me something to do,” he said not stopped and not looking back at her. She then a painful face since her side was hurting her even more.

“I’m sorry,”

“Don’t be. I can get us out of here as long as I keep digging,” he said walking up to her.

“Are you afraid of dying?” she asked looking up at him and he kneeled down.

“Ok, don’t even think about dying. We’re -- look, we’re not that hurt. We’re still breathing. We have a chance,”

Talinda laughed a little, “I never figured you be an optimist.”

“I’m not giving up. I have a beautiful wife with me. We have a son at home who needs us. I’m not giving up on him. You don’t give up, either.”


On the commuter train, after Hector shot the gun he smiled, “Did I hurt you baby?” he called out, “I’m sorry the gun just went off,” he walked softly to the chair, “Are you still hiding, princess?” he asked and then slowly move more and quickly moved to look behind it and there was nothing, “oh-ho-ho, ho -- ho-ho-ho! Oh your good baby. You know, you can’t run forever, princess. They’re going to come with the white jackets, you know. They’re going to send you back to the loony bin. Come on,” he said still slowly looking for her. After the gun shot went off Sam had crawled out of the train with out Hector knowing and left, coming back in slowly from the other exit and hid behind a chair. She slowly came out after he said that about her and aimed the gun, pulling the trigger twice. Hector quickly ducked down in between the chairs, “Oh, baby your good. You fooled me. That’s was good. Bravo.” he said and then he quickly got up and fired his gun five times missing Sam each time. She took the chance and fired her gun at him hitting him in the gut and he went down on the floor. Sam stay behind the chair for a couple seconds and then she stood up still holding her gun, slowly walking over to him and turned around quickly leaving the train.


Monica and Mike kneeled down to the ground and Mike ended up sitting on a rock. Chester came over kneeling down on the ground next to Mike and Linsey, “I’m not a doctor, I am a med student. I’m not qualified to practice medicine, much less --,” and she didn’t finished cause Anna cut her off.

“If you do the c-section will it safe the baby?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” Monica said.

“Ok, look, the contractions have slowed down, right? Isn’t there anywhere that we could wait just a little longer?” Mike asked.

“If we wait, will it endanger the baby?” Anna asked.

“It could.” Monica said and Mike looked at Anna.

“Then you have to do it. You have to forget about me, Monica. Save the baby.” she said.



New member
Contiuing Chapter 13

Phoenix and Brad went back to the north side entrance, the same entrance that they brought Joe out of, “Brad stay back. I’m going to hit this and hopefully it will help break the rocks up making it easier to move them.” Phoenix said, Brad stood back and Phoenix held the axe like a baseball bat hitting the rocks. He did this a couple more times.


In the triage area, Karen still stood where she was at, not moving since Brad told her not to. She saw the doctor that had checked on Joe walk back and she stopped her, “What hospital did Joe go to?” Karen asked.

“His helicopter transported him to Community and Mission Hospital.” she said and then she walked away. Karen had suddenly remembered that she had a cell phone with her. Hopping that it wasn’t on the train she reached into her pants pocket and felt something, pulling it out she saw that it was her cell. She then flipped it open and saw that it was turned off. She hopped that she had it off during that train ride and that it didn’t break during the train crash. When it came on she checked to see if she had a signal, seeing that there was on she called to get the number to the hospital.

After she got the number, she called herself and was transferred to the right area, “Yes, I would like to know if Joe Hahn is still in surgery?” the lady put her on hold to check and about 5 minutes later a different lady came back on telling her that he was, “Joe’s still in still in surgery? Is it good or bad?” the nurse said that she wasn’t sure and asked if she was going to be coming down, “I’ll get there as soon as I can, but I -- I need to stay here and wait for a couple of his band mates. Joe would want some of them there,” and the lady said something about that being okay, “Ok, call me as soon as he’s out of surgery.” she said and gave her phone number to the nurse, obviously she was Joe’s nurse and then she hung up.


Sam walked into the narrow tunnel, the same tunnel that Hector tried to rape her in. She slowly walked in more looking around when some dirt fall on her. Brushed the dirt of her necklace that she was wearing, that had been giving to her along time ago, came off her neck falling on the ground. When she looked in front of her she saw a king snake slithering down a rock. She then turned around and was about to walk away when Hector’s voice filled her head, “You can’t hide from me, princess.” she turned around seeing the snake slithering on the floor. She then held the gun out with both her hands.


Back over to Rob and Talinda, Rob was still digging, trying to get out, “You’re more stronger than I thought,” Talinda said referring to how he was still going at the rocks.

“That’s what many years of drumming does,” he said looking at her.

She laughed slightly “You and those drums,”

“Yep, and when we get out of here I’ll teach Matthew when he’s older -- a lot older. He’s only four months. I’ll teach him if he want to lean,” he said and then there was a popping sound.

“Another explosion,” Talinda said.

“That sounded more like a gun shot,” and he looked out small opening that was made on top of the pile.

“You see anything?”

“Yea, a light, look, come here,”

“Are you sure?” Talinda asked trying to get up and Rob walked over carefully helping her up.

“Yes. Are you alright?” he asked when she got up.

“Yea,” she said and they walked over to the pile.

“See that,” he pointed to the small opening.

“Oh, thank ***,” she lightly rested her head on his shoulder and then lifting it back up.

“Ok, it looks like it’s coming from the main tunnel. We’re going to get out of here.”

“So who ever shot that gun probably saved our lives?”

Sam flipped the dead snake with the gun, which was the shot that Rob and Talinda heard. She then looked to see if Hector was coming or anyone else for the mater. Seeing that no one was, but just in case someone did she took off in the opposite direction that she came from.


Meanwhile over to Phoenix and Brad, Phoenix had gotten the tunnel open back up, it was now clear that both he and Brad could go through, but just as they were thinking of going thought the police commissioner, his detective, and a couple fire fighters came to the north end.

“Whatever you guys are thinking of doing, don’t” the commissioner said.

“I’m going in there, what the **** do you think I opened the tunnel back up for?” Phoenix asked.

“I’m saying that it’s not safe. Let a couple of the fire fighters go thought”

“No, I’m not leaving if that’s what you’re saying, not without my wife”

“Neither am I” Brad said.


"No, oh, ow. ***!” Anna cried out turning to her side as she held her stomach in the middle of a strong contraction.

“All right, listen, try to relax, Anna” Monica said now by her side as Linsey moved to the sitting next to Chester.

“Anna? Are you all right?” Mike asked.

“They’re getting stronger”

“The medication must be wearing off”

“Just take a deep breath” Monica said and Anna did just what she was told. Mike got up walking a little ways back as Chester got up too, going up to him.

“Mike, we got to get her out of here. We got to get out of here. We can’t afford to wait for her”

“Chester, I can’t leave her out this point”

“Well, I can’t just stand around here and watch her die!” Anna cried out more in pain and Mike quickly went back to her.

“All right, all right, breath, breath. Breath, breath, please” was what Chester heard Mike said to Anna and he didn’t stand around to wait anymore and walked to the other side of the wall, the room that Joe and Karen use to be in.

“Monica, you got to do the c-section. Figure out some way to do it.” Anna said still in pain.

“Ok, ok, we will. Listen to me. But you got to do your part. You got to hold on, Anna. Come on. Come on. You can’t die” as she turned to look at him.



New member

You always leave me hanging with these cliffhanger endings... keeps me on the edge of my seat every time. Love it. Sam inadvertently could have almost killed Rob - that wouldn't have been good. First the crash, then the cave in only to be accidentally shot by his bandmate's ex-wife - tough break especially for a newlywed. Haha. But aww, talking about teaching Matthew to follow in his footsteps when he gets older, that was sweet.

Poor Anna though. :eek: I dunno what to say there - just that I hope after all she's been through that the labour doesn't kill her. Imagine that, poor Mike too having sort of rediscovered his feelings for her only to watch her die an agonising and technically senseless death. Imagine carrying that kind of guilt forever, especially every time he looked at his daughter. Just not right.

Poor Sam too. Man, she just can't cut a break!

There's so many twists and turns going on all over the place in this story - I love it! Thanks as always for the entertaining update. You know I enjoy it!





New member
Chapter 14

At the triage area, the volunteer helper that helped Phoenix open the tunnel the first time to get Joe out was thinking of another way to get in when he thought of using a map. A fire fighter was just walking by when the helper stopped him, “Excuse me is there anyway I could get blue prints of the tunnel and geological specs from the mountainside?”

The fire fighter paused for a little, “Yeah,” and the fire fighter and the volunteer helper walked to go get them.

Brad and the commissioner walked out of the tunnel and over to Karen so Brad could talk to Karen, “Karen did you get any information on Joe?”

“Yea, He’s still in surgery. He’s stable, holding his own. I need to get to the hospital, Brad, for when he wakes up. Can you get me there?” she asked the commissioner

“The coppers are for the seriously injured only”

“What are you talking about? We all most died in the tunnel!” Brad said

“A lot of people are in worst shape, I’m sorry. I would get you a squad car, but there all --”

Brad cut him off “Yea, yea, yea. I know, excuses, excuses” and the commissioner walked away, “I know what to do”

“Get me out of here” Karen said softly and Brad walked her out of the triage area.


Robin, Jen, and Patrick had gotten off the cliff and were now walking in the main tunnel, when Robin sudden stopped walking.

“You all right” Patrick asked.

“Yea, yea, just – just give me a second”

“Are you sure, your legs where pinned for a while” Jen asked.

“Yea, nothing broken, I just need to catch my breath for a minute” Robin said. Patrick looked down and saw some thing shine in the dirt. He leaned down and picked it up, seeing that it was a necklace.

“What’s that?” Jen asked.

“A St. Christopher’s medal” he said.

“All right, well, I wonder how that got here”

“Another passenger must have come through this way. That’s – that’s a good signed” Robin said. Patrick started to remember someone who had the same necklace.


“Hey – what do you want?” he asked when he answered his door seeing a black with blonde highlighted hair women standing on the porch.


“Hey, what a nice way to talk to your sister, Patrick”


“You know I’m joking with you, Sam”


“I know you were. I came by to say good-bye”


“You’re leaving?” he asked as she walked in and he closed the door.


“Yea, I can’t spend another day here” she said as they reached the couch and sat down.


“Can’t wait to be with Chester, can’t you?”


“Nope, I haven’t seen him in four years, well not in person” she said “Um, thanks for buying the plane ticket to California for me, Chester appreciated that”


“It’s that lest I could do for my sister” he said “Hey hold on” and he reached into his pocket pulling out a necklace “Do you want this?”


“Who’s this guy?”


“That is St. Christopher. He suppose to protect travelers, you know, someone gave it to me, but I think your going to need it more”


She took it to look at it closer, “Do you believe in this? You know, that some saint up in heavens is looking down on us, trying to take care of us.”


“I don’t know. But maybe you could keep it to remind you of me and mom”


“I’ll always came and visits, when I can”


“I know you will. So you want me to take you to the airport?”


“No, I’m fine. I got my ticket and this guys to protect me” Sam said holding up the necklace, “I’m going to be okay” and she got up and walked out.

(End of Flashback)

“Hey, do you recognize the medal?” Jen asked him.

“I just remember one just like it, that’s all”


Rob and Talinda had managed to get out of the closed-in cave and were walking down the tunnel.

“Will stop right here, ok?” he said to her when he stopped walking which made her stopped to.

“Yeah” Talinda said holding her side.

“Get some air”

“Sounds good”

“I’ll be glade when we get out of here”

“Yeah” she said having trouble breathing.

“Ok, I’m going to check around to see if there’s a path. You all right?” he asked seeing that she was having trouble breathing.

“Yeah, fine. I’m fine” and Rob walked away. Once Rob was out of sight Talinda started to cough and leaned down, moving her right arm to her mouth as she kept coughing. She felt some liquid come out of her mouth and moved her arm and saw that there was blood on the sleeve. When she saw the blood she covered her other hand over her mouth almost ganging as she took a deep breath.



New member
Contiuing Chapter 14

“All right, just hold on, ok. Anna? Anna, are you with me?” Mike said moving both his hand to her face as it looked like she wanted to close her eyes, but he wasn’t going to let that happen.

“I’m --” she started out reaching to move his arms down.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m worried about the baby”

“I know, I know” Mike said and there was a noise of something falling down.

“Did you hear that?” Monica asked.

“What?” Mike turned around and saw three people coming through the opening and into the room they were in. Who it was, was Robin, Patrick, and Jen.

“Hi. Is everyone ok?” Robin asked as she got over some rocks.

“Robin?” Monica asked shocked that she was seeing her cousin, “Oh my ***, I’m so glad you’re here” Robin quickly come up to her.

“Hey, Monica” Robin said giving her a hug.

“Hi, Robin, oh good, thank *** you’re here --”

“Monica, you know her?” Mike asked.

“Yes, she my cousin, Robin you’re a doctor right?” she said/ asked.

“Yes I am”

“Oh my ***!” they heard and along with a “Wow! I got you” and they turned around and saw Jen faint and Patrick catching her before she hit the ground.

“Anna needs a doctor” Monica said getting Robin’s attention back as Linsey went over to see how that girl was doing. Monica and Robin knew that something really shocked Jen and that it was best to let her wake up on her own.

“And your timing couldn’t get better” Anna said as Mike got up and Robin kneeled in front of her with Monica on her side.

“Hi.” Robin said.

“She’s fully dilated. The contractions are regularly. The baby’s lodged in the pelvis” Monica said letting her cousin know what was going on with Anna and baby.

“Ok. All right, just try to take it easy”

“Monica says I need a c-section” Anna said.

“I’m just a med student. Maybe you have a different opinion” Monica said.

“Do you know how to do a c-section?” Anna asked.

“If there’s no other way, Anna, I do have to tell you that I’m HIV positive,” when she said that it caused Mike to look at them, since he was looking over at Linsey, Patrick and Jen. Monica wasn’t shock when she said that since she had already known, “My vitals --” Robin couldn’t finish because Anna cut her off.

“Robin?” she asked.


“I don’t care. I just want to know if you could do a c-section”

“Ok. Yes, I can” Robin said.

“We’ve got a first-aide kit, latexes gloves --” Monica said telling Robin what they had from the train.

“Even better” Robin said as Mike kneeled down behind her.

“Ok, before this goes on any further…” he said and Robin turned around “…I’m Mike Shinoda. I’m sorry. I’m the husband and father” Mike said introducing him to her and shook her hand.

“Robin…um…everything is going to be fine” she said turning back to Anna.


“Now, just let me…can you get us some water please?” Robin said wanting more room but not wanting to be mean and tell he leave.

“Yeah, yeah, absolutely” Mike said as Anna shook her head and he got up knowing that they wanted more room.

“Thank you” Robin said.

“I’ll be over here if you need me.”

“Ok” Robin said. He walked over to where Linsey, Patrick, and Jen, who was now up. When he got there, Jen didn’t say anything but just stare at Mike with wide eyes, not believing that she was trapped in a tunnel with her favorite band.

“Hey, did you see anyone else?” Mike asked Patrick.

“No who you looking for?”

“Chester, Chester Bennington. He went looking for help. Rob and Talinda are out there to”

“When did they leave?” Patrick asked.

“I can still fill some movement. We have to get this baby out now. Let’s get you into the car” Robin said and turned around “Can I have some help over here” Robin called out and Mike came over as Robin and Monica got up.

“It’s going to be okay” Mike said to Anna putting his arms around her.

“Ok, were you able to find a knife on the train?” Robin asked Monica. Patrick got up and pulled out a pocket knife from his pocket, opening it.

“No” Monica said and pointed to Patrick.

“Use mine” he said handing it to Robin.

“Thanks” she said closing it.



New member

Talinda's coughing up blood! OMG! Rob, get your lanky backside back there and do something!!! And Anna... about to undergo 'the knife' in less than ideal circumstances... talk about traumatic birth!

Just wow... always leave me hanging... what's gonna happen??? I'm thinking, even after all this, the drama wont end once they finally (if) make it out of that tunnel. There's still a gun-toting maniac, injury complications and a lot of strained relationships that will need to be tended to. If you take it that far that is. Still... it's a moment to moment struggle just to see who's gonna make it out alive!

Great! Can't wait for more, as always.

-Rav :D

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