The muslims in Britain

Jhony5 said:
Actually I enjoy Muslims whom enlighten us as to the casualness of their cultures barbarism. Its sterling proof that the terrorist aren't the only members of Islam that pose a serious threat to the world community. We cannot allow rulers whom treat their own people in such a way to gain nuclear power. It sounds smug, but some cultures cannot be trusted with such power..

hm, that is true, but don't forget, Mariama told us not to speak of iran again :eek: god forbid we should offend the little ****.

Jhony5 said:
Actually I believe hes a she and shes an American..

Then i would be betting on California, lets consult the magic 8...erm..phreak Ball. shakes monitor and waits for the blue liquid to settle

Jhony5 said:
Only one has a live bullet, the others are blanks. .

That is interesting, i know about this, and that method is used in many other executions (one button is real the others are fake) but the flaw is that a rifle firing a blank behaves entirely different from one firing a live round...
M60 said:
That is interesting, i know about this, and that method is used in many other executions (one button is real the others are fake) but the flaw is that a rifle firing a blank behaves entirely different from one firing a live round...
True. Even with lethal injection they have a dummy injector........and ya, I thought the same thing about the blanks. But I have never fired a blank so I wasn't sure of how dramatic the difference would be.
Yes I am a she and no I am not American.


playing a violin makes you cultured does it?? Music is nonsense, it brings you no benefit. It is like a drug, it does nothing for you, I'm not impressed.
rolling out a few notes of Don Giovanni with your fiddle hardly makes you a more rounded person.

And again, if you had ANY knowledge of Islam you would be a Muslim, and the fact that you keep writing strange sentences makes me wonder if you're of a sound mind.

I still do not understand this line: "one way of determining guilt, examining the burns on a tongue after licking a red-hot spoon."


YEH!! Your way is the best isn' t Umm how about not cheating in the first place and realising the importance of a stable home??
Because your ideas has really done wonders for the USA so far hasn' t it...

Your another very stupid individual arn' t you. Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) did not introduce stoning! It is the prescribed punishment for Adultery! Proof? Two cases found in the Hadith found in (Muslim) please read:

Buraydah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Ma`iz ibn Malik Al-Aslami came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and said:
Your statements as well as your long-winded posts are as illogical as you are Mariama. For one, you are in no position to dictate a damn thing to MSixty and/or ClassyMissFancy, you by-product of a diseased cross between a camel and an intestinal parasite!! For another, MSixty and others totally and utterly OWNED your sorry ass in this debate and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it except to bitch and whine about it! You are a typical brainwashed Muslim idiot without a clue to your name! Stick that in your pipe and suck on it! By the way, I still stand by my opinion that Islamic fundamentalism is the same thing as religious rape!! Your mullahs and ayathollas are the same type of trash my granddad kicked the **** out of in WW2, and these ******* insurgents from Iran and Syria WILL get whacked sooner or later. So to tell you what I really think of Islam, it is still PIG DUNG, just like YOU!!
Kryptonite Man said:
Your statements as well as your long-winded posts are as illogical as you are Mariama. For one, you are in no position to dictate a damn thing to MSixty and/or ClassyMissFancy, you by-product of a diseased cross between a camel and an intestinal parasite!! For another, MSixty and others totally and utterly OWNED your sorry ass in this debate and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it except to bitch and whine about it! You are a typical brainwashed Muslim idiot without a clue to your name! Stick that in your pipe and suck on it! By the way, I still stand by my opinion that Islamic fundamentalism is the same thing as religious rape!! Your mullahs and ayathollas are the same type of trash my granddad kicked the **** out of in WW2, and these ******* insurgents from Iran and Syria WILL get whacked sooner or later. So to tell you what I really think of Islam, it is still PIG DUNG, just like YOU!!

...well said!

mariama, ...yes, music is like drugs, music will rot your mind ^o) wtf. Stop trying to insult other people... what makes YOU better than everyone else? from what i have read you'll quickly say 'playing the violin doesnt make you cultured' or whatever... but you missed the part where you point out how you are better?

wtf does somes vocabulary and social class ( ? ) have to do with anything in this? just shut the **** up!
Oh the language just keeps getting better and better.

Pigs? Dug? And you will keep insisting I am the stupid one, well well.
Your intelligence is extremely low. It is typical of your sort to engage in cursing, because you cannot understand beyond it.

Btw, "mullahs and ayathollas" are from Iran, I think you may know that they are shia, I am not so next time you try to make yourself look clever, remember I am not interested in Iran.

No no, I proved the cretin wrong actually with actual proof from Islam, (since I am the Muslim here), it does make sense that I can get the evidence I need thus leaving you all doing the only thing in your power; ie swearing.

And look!!! You have done just that lol...

And hey!! I'm still waiting for a reply about this singular sentence: "one way of determining guilt, examining the burns on a tongue after licking a red-hot spoon."

Please make this clear.
Mariama said:
You cannot speak on a subject you know nothng about, you have no training in shariah, so what gives you this idea that you know anything about it?

I don't have to get AIDS to know it sucks. I do not need to be schooled in something I can see an observable anti-social and inhumane brutality, and point my pious ****ing finger you piece of ****. "Conform before you say conforming sucks."

Mariama said:
You hear the term "stoning" "flogging" etc etc and thats it, you go mad...Do you actually think that is all there is to it?

Do you actually think that there being more to it will have any effect on the judgement? IT IS ****ING ARCHAIC AND INHUMANE. It isn't "our way", it is EVERYONE BUT YOUR's way. The rest of the world agrees, isn't that what you bitches are constantly on about? World opinion? WORLD OPINION IS THAT INHUMANE TREATMENT OF PEOPLE WILL NOT BE TOLLERATED.
Do not think of looking to the Middle east today for examples, these are not Islamic states, they do not employ Islamic law..

Mariama said:
Sorry, please let me know what these "better ways" are, because I see a distinct lack of control in the world today.
So why is a law that is acceptable before not acceptable now?

Let's look at that lack of control shall we? Where does chaos exist? Where does relative peace exist? Here is your point, which you are too cowardly to admit. Your point is a question "Why should you be happy when our lives suck?"

Because we make compromises and we develop it. **** you.
Mariama said:
Your way is the best isn' t Umm how about not cheating in the first place and realising the importance of a stable home??
Because your ideas has really done wonders for the USA so far hasn' t it...

Well.. we Americans aren't so miserable with our sex lives that we are blowing our selves to ****ing bits in hopes of good sex in the after life... so I'd say we are at least 1 up on you idiots.

Your another very stupid individual arn' t you.

"You're" and "aren't"....

If you are going to call someone stupid.. at least learn grammar and spelling.. you camel sniffing ****.

It is the prescribed punishment for Adultery! Proof? Two cases found in the Hadith found in (Muslim) please read:

Please read your Quran instead of the Hadith, you brain-washed burka-rack.

The Hadith wasn't even written until 250 years after the death of Muhammad and it was written by the same idiots who wrote the Gospels of Jesus Christ... which is why it reads as though it's author was in a "who can be the most sadistic" competition with the OT and is as ****ed up and contradictory as the New Testament. Yet most of you idiots who think you are teaching Islam have abandoned the Quran all together and you tout the Hadith. In fact... the overwhelming majority of Sharia law is NOT from the Quran. It is from the Hadith even though you can read within the Quran the prediction that your idiot people will do EXACTLY what you are doing now with the abandoning of the supposed words of Allah through his supposed messenger Muhammad... in favor of the violent tool of your Imams... the ****ing Hadith.

The Quran says that Muhammad will go to Allah about his so called followers abandoning the Quran....

"And the messenger says,"O my Lord, my OWN people have forsaken the Quran." (Quran 25:30)

Tell me... when was the last time you drank camel piss when you were ill? The Hadith says you should. [Hadith 590, pg.399, vol.7].

The Quran mentions with absolutely no ambiguity that the punishment of adultery or fornication is 100 lashes (Quran 24:1-3); which is half in the case of slave girls (50 lashes) and double in the case of the wives of the prophet, (200 lashes) if they were to become guilty.

The "Stoning" thing in the Hadith is borrowed from the Old Testament.. it was put away in the New Testament... and was ALWAYS in direct contradiction to Muhammad's message from Allah in the Quran.

As is always the case with you yodeling radical ****heads....

You have made no one look stupid but your self.
Mariama said:
Yes I am a she and no I am not American. .

ah, you're a woman, lets wait a week and debate then ok?

Mariama said:


Mariama said:
playing a violin makes you cultured does it?? Music is nonsense, it brings you no benefit. It is like a drug, it does nothing for you, I'm not impressed.
rolling out a few notes of Don Giovanni with your fiddle hardly makes you a more rounded person.

OK, first off, you're wrong, the violin improves hand coordination, and it (like the guitar) helps me keep a steady hand when shooting and drawing. It improves mental sharpness from focusing on the notes and thinking of the piece as a whole and as the individual note you are on. Also, it helps you learn to work towards goals, each new piece is a new challenge. It is a very constructive way to spend free time, and it actually helps in almost every part of life, physical and mental.

Oh, and where the hell did the fiddle comment come from?

(sorry for taking so long, but I'm taking care of my two siblings while one of them is in ICU at the hospital)
Mariama said:
And hey!! I'm still waiting for a reply about this singular sentence: "one way of determining guilt, examining the burns on a tongue after licking a red-hot spoon."

Please make this clear.

I figured you would know about this since 'you are the Muslim here'

I'll give you an example, two boys were accused of theft and something else, i don't remember what, but it was something, long time ago. Anyway, there were no witnesses so they had to lick a big metal spoon that had been in a fire, and some old man looked at the blisters and used them to tell if the boys were guilty, one was let go and the other was punished, all over a ****ing spoon. That is mid-evil witch burning kinda oogy boogy bullshit and it is why your people never actually do anything for the world until they leave that culture and experience freedom and intelligence first hand.

I think i speak for the rest of the 'advanced' civilizations and religions when i say "Grow the **** up!" you are all stuck in the days when science was limited to proving that god could have made earth and how he did. If anyone spoke truth to the masses of your people and tried to open there eyes I'm sure they would be put to death as 'infidels' or some other 'holy' reason. Give it up, the world changed, it's time to follow, if people that follow your religion keep committing atrocities in the name of 'Allah' then you will be stopped by use of force. The time when what you call 'god's will' was acceptable is long past, quit acting like it's not.

OH! And just FYI, we are not all screaming "Sand ******, ****ing rag heads, camel ****ers, sand-filled ***** camel jockey ****ing terrorist ****s!!!" we are only using base line swear words to express our frustration, we are not degrading to your level, nor will we ever. ;) just so you know.
Mariama said:

playing a violin makes you cultured does it?? Music is nonsense, it brings you no benefit. It is like a drug, it does nothing for you,

You false Hadith reading, Imam worshiping pig...

READ... if you can.

(1) Quran is a COMPLETE, PERFECT AND FULLY DETAILED BOOK, (as far as this religion is concerned): See 6:19.,38 and 114; 7:52; 17:12; 11:1; 41:3; 12:111, and 16:89. Those who refuse this notion by Allah Almighty should not go any further. They will not see or understand anything as Allah promised in His book.

(2) The Prophet Muhammad, lived by, ruled by, preached and followed the Quran alone. See 5:48-50

(3) Allah is the ONLY source of law, 6:114. No one, including the prophet Muhammad, can prohibit what Allah did not, 66:1. When the Prophet Muhammad once did, Allah admonished him in public to remind the believers that ONLY Allah can prohibit. See 66:1 and 33:37.

Many of those diseased at heart quote verse 59:7 as a proof that the prophet Muhammad permitted and prohibited on his own. They are hoping to confuse those who are not familiar with the Quran, as this verse is talking about the spoils of war and has nothing to do with any laws or any prohibitions.

(4) In addition to reminding us repeatedly that the Quran is DETAILED, Allah told us that He detailed for us what has been prohibited for us, see for example 6:119. Allah did not need assistance from any Imams, Sahaba or Tabi'in. Allah did not expect or wanted the prophet Muhammad to make his own laws. The Prophet Muhammad did not bring any laws other than the Quran. The fabricators of the books of Hadiths and Sunna did.

(5) Allah does not forget, 19:64. He did not forget to prohibit Music or singing and wait for someone else to do it. The prohibition of Music and singing cannot be found in the Quran because Allah did not prohibit them.

(6) Those who believe Allah in His book believe that Quran is a COMPLETE BOOK as far as Islam is concerned and it is as well regarding all the prohibition. The list of prohibitions in the Quran does not include Music or singing. When needed, prohibitions are given clear and straight forward so as to leave no doubt in the minds of the believers, See 39:28.

(7) Some people do not want to believe Allah in the Quran, when He tells them that He has no shortage of words. Allah could have used both words, music AND/OR singing or words referring directly and clearly to them, if He so chose, See 31:27 and 18:109. The TRUE BELIEVERS know that the absence of these words from the Quran is because Allah never prohibited them and not because Allah does not use them, because Allah forgets them, or because Allah does not know them or know how to communicate to his people so that they can clearly understand his wishes.

(8) The Quran teaches us that Allah is extremely displeased with those who prohibit anything that was not specifically prohibited in the Quran, see 16:112-116.

(9) The upholding of any prohibitions not specifically mentioned in the Quran (e.g., prohibiting Music and singing) is tantamount to idolatry (6:142-152). Such prohibitions represent some other god besides Allah.

(10) Allah condemned innovated prohibitions in 7:32

"Say, "Who prohibited the nice things Allah has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say," such provisions are to be enjoyed in THIS life by those who BELIEVE. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know." 7:32 (QURAN)

(11) Allah condemned any other Hadith than the Quran for religious laws, and called His book, the Quran, the BEST Hadith. Allah called on the believers to follow only His Hadith, the Quran, and so did the prophet Muhammad. See 7:185, 10:36, 31:6, 39:23, 45:6, 52:34, 68:44, 77:50, 39:29..., etc.

So tell me, Miriam... To whom do your people bow when they bow to Mecca? Are they bowing to Allah... or some power/control hungry Imam?

You Hadith reciting retards are the very source of your own people's misery and pain. You preach abuse and violence and call it Islam. You disgrace all that your god was reportedly about and all that Muhammad brought you from him.

You disgrace Islam.

Of course.. I don't believe ANY of the ****.

It is troubling though... that even in my Atheist views... I know more about Islam and show more respect to your god and prophet than than you do... Isn't it?
Mariama said:
And hey!! I'm still waiting for a reply about this singular sentence: "one way of determining guilt, examining the burns on a tongue after licking a red-hot spoon."

Please make this clear.

I have a better way of determining guilt, i.e. extracting information, waterboarding.
Mariama said:
I still do not understand this line: "one way of determining guilt, examining the burns on a tongue after licking a red-hot spoon."

I saw that Max Ex... allow me to splain.

In Dumb****istan, Islamic law requires that if a woman is accused of adultery, she must lick a red hot spoon shaped poker 3 times. If there are burns, she is lying, and can be immediately put to death. If there are no burns she is innocent.
Ctrl said:
I saw that Max Ex... allow me to splain.

In Dumb****istan, Islamic law requires that if a woman is accused of adultery, she must lick a red hot spoon shaped poker 3 times. If there are burns, she is lying, and can be immediately put to death. If there are no burns she is innocent.
So it's kinda like the USA where we look for blisters and/or puss on the No-No Spot and if ya got them you can't get laid until they go away and no-one can tell by looking...


So you gettin laid again yet?
ClassyMissFancy said:
Did we scare Miriam away... Or is it goat breeding season?
No actually. Much like Tomaust, she just pops in here every so often to rant about a singular topic. For her its just more Muslim bullshit. Tomaust is fixated entirely on hating Israel. That really annoys me when we have members that refuse to participate in anything besides their own threads which consist of a singular angle.

Speaking of one sided losers. Has DK been promoted to full MOD status yet? I was sure he would be running this place by now.
I am honesty amazed that Europe hasn't come to their senses and insitituted a system of 'repatriation' in regaurds to muslims!

The situation over there is downright scarey, and is only going to get worse!