The Near Death Experience of Ella Jensen


Art Bulla

True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be False,
Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No! and I
say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in
your philosophy." -Hamlet, Act I, Scene V.
9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we
gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the
Father of spirits, and live?

(New Testament | Hebrews 12:9)

If Abraham reasoned thus-If Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and John
discovered that God the Father of Jesus Christ had a Father, you may suppose
that He had a Father also. Where was there ever a son without a father? And
where was there ever a father without first being a son? Whenever did a tree
or anything spring into existence without a progenitor? And everything comes
in this way. Paul says that which is earthly is in the likeness of that
which is heavenly, Hence if Jesus had a Father, can we not believe that He
had a Father also? I despise the idea of being scared to death at such a
doctrine, for the Bible is full of it. (Joseph Smith, Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, selected and arranged by Joseph Fielding Smith, p.373)

6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him [be]
glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

(Rev 1:6)

The Following is the near death experience of Ella Jensen, (around, 1890),
who died in Brigham City, Utah, at the Age of 17, and for a brief time was
in the presence of relatives, the unborn, and the prophets of Israel.

Raised From the Dead

The legal administrators which are ordained Priests after the Order of
Melchizedec, are the only ones competent to unfold the true history and
meaning of life upon this world. They alone hold the keys of the knowledge
of the science of theology, which science is a complete body of knowledge
regarding the physical and spiritual worlds, which are governed by laws and
principles and ordinances, the physical based upon the laws of physics and
mathematics which are immutable and unchanging, and the spiritual, laws and
principles which are equally immutable and eternal.

D&C 76:56
56 They are they who are priests and kings, who have received of his
fulness, and of his glory;

D&C 76:57
57 And are priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, which
was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten

And without this Priesthood, men are in the dark regarding their existence.
As evidence, I present the following testimony of one Ella Jensen, who died
of scarlet fever in 1891 and whose story was published in 1929, who was
subsequently reanimated and explained what she saw while dead. This of
course was written long before this phenomenom has been popularized by
Elizabeth Kubler Ross who published "On Death and Dying" in 1969.

"Raised from the Dead" (Condensed from Sept.-Oct., 1929, issues of The
Improvement Era, 32:883; also Y.W. Journal 4:164. Compare with Life of
Lorenzo Snow, p. 406.)

This story, true in every particular, shows the fulfillment of a prophecy
made upon the head of Lorenzo Snow when he received a patriarchal blessing
under the hands of the Prophet's father, Joseph Smith, Senior. It was given
in the Kirtland Temple, and among other things were these promises: "Thou
shalt become a mighty man. Thy faith shall increase and grow stronger until
it shall become like Peter's. Thou shalt restore the sick; the diseased
shall send to thee their aprons and handkerchiefs, and by thy touch their
owners shall be made whole. The dead shall arise and come forth at thy
bidding." It was March 3, 1891, and for several long weeks Ella Jensen, a
young girl of 19 at Brigham City, Utah, had lingered, almost between life
and death, with Scarlet Fever. Leah Rees, her girlfriend, was serving her as
night nurse, and it was about three or four o'clock in the morning, when, as
Leah reports it, "I was suddenly awakened by Ella calling me to get the
comb, brush and scissors. She explained that she wanted to brush her hair
and trim her finger nails, and get all ready, `For,' said she, `they are
coming to get me at ten o'clock this morning.' "I asked who was coming to
get her." "`Uncle Hans Jensen and the messengers,' she replied. `I am going
to die and they are coming at ten o'clock to get me and take me away.'" "I
tried to quiet her, saying that she would feel better in the morning if she
would try to sleep." "`No,' she said, `I am not going to sleep any more, but
I am going to spend all the time getting ready.'" "She insisted that I get
the comb, hairbrush and scissors, which I did, but she was so weak that she
could not use them. As I was brushing her hair, she asked me to call her
parents. I explained that they were tired and asleep and that it would be
better not to disturb them." "`Yes,' insisted Ella, `you must call them. I
want to tell them now.'" "The parents were called, and as they entered the
room, the daughter told them that her Uncle Hans, who was dead, had suddenly
appeared in the room, while she was awake with her eyes open, and had told
her that messengers would be there at ten o'clock to conduct her into the
spirit world. The father and mother feared that the girl was delirious and
tried to get her to be quiet and go to sleep. She knew their thoughts and
said, `I know what I am talking about. No, I am not going to sleep anymore.
I know I am going to die, and that they are coming to get me.'" Ella,
realizing the end was very near, summoned each one of her family to kiss and
bid them goodbye. She called each one by name as they came to the bedside.
But her brother Budd was out and had not returned. As it drew toward ten
o'clock, she felt she could not go until she had seen him. She was gasping
for breath and exerting all her strength to hold on until Budd got back.
Grandma Jensen arrived, and just as Ella had embraced and kissed her, Budd
came in with Mrs. Nelson. Ella threw her arms around her brother's neck,
kissed him, and then fell back on her pillow--dead. It was just ten o'clock.
Ella's father left at once to report to President Snow and consult him
regarding arrangements for the funeral. Sister Nelson washed and laid Ella
out, dressed her in clean linen, and Budd took the doctor back home, who had
been called in this emergency. Meanwhile, news of her death spread about. It
was towards noon when Jacob Jensen, Ella's father, reported to President
Snow at the tabernacle service, because it was more than a mile to town and
he had to hitch up the horse to drive there. They returned together with
Rudger Clawson, who was then the President of the Box Elder Stake. After
standing at Ella's bedside for a minute or two, President Snow asked if
there were any consecrated oil in the house. All were greatly surprised, but
the oil was secured for him. He handed the bottle of oil to Brother Clawson
and asked him to anoint Ella, after which Brother Snow confirmed the
anointing. Particularly impressive among others, were these words that he
used, "Dear Ella, I command you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to
come back and live. Your mission is not ended." His voice was very
commanding, "Come back, Ella, come back! Your work upon the earth is not yet
completed. Come back! You shall yet live to perform a great mission." Ella
remained in her dead condition for more than an hour after President Snow
administered to her, or more than three hours in all after she had died. Her
mother and father were sitting there watching by the bedside, when all at
once she opened her eyes, looked about the room, and saw them sitting there.
But she still looked for someone else, and the first thing she said was,
"Where is he? Where is he?" "Where is who?" "Why, Brother Snow," she
replied. "He called me back." They explained to her that Brother Snow and
Brother Clawson were very busy and could not remain, and that they had gone.
Ella then dropped her head back on her pillow, saying, "Why did he call me
back? I was so happy and did not want to come back." Then Ella Jensen began
to relate her marvelous experiences; marvelous both as to the incidents
themselves, and as to the great number of them that occurred in the short
space of time between three and four hours. And furthermore, the very nature
of these incidents prove that she was telling nothing but the truth. "At ten
o'clock my spirit left my body," related Ella. "It took me sometime to make
up my mind to go, as I could hear and see the folks crying and mourning over
me. It was very hard to me to leave them, but as soon as I had a glimpse of
the other world, I was anxious to go, and all the care and worry left me. "I
entered a large hall. It was so long that I could not see the end of it. It
was filled with people. As I was conducted through the throng, the first
person I recognized was my Grandpa H. P. Jensen, who was sitting in one end
of the room writing. He looked up and seemed surprised to see me. He said,
"Why! There is my granddaughter, Ella!" "He was very much pleased, greeted
me and, as he continued with his writing, I passed on through the room and
met a great many of my relatives and friends. It was like going along the
crowded street of a large city where you meet many people, only a very few
of whom you recognize. "The next one I knew was Uncle Hans Jensen with his
wife, Mary Ellen. They had two small children with them. On inquiring who
they were, he told me one was his own and the other was Uncle Will's little
girl. "Some seemed to be in family groups. As there were only a few whom I
could recognize and who knew me, I kept moving on. Some inquired about their
friends and relatives on the earth. Among the number was my cousin. He asked
me how the folks were getting along and said it grieved him to hear that
some of the boys were using tobacco, liquor, and many things that were
injurious to them. "This proved to me that the people in the other world
know to a great extent what happens here on the earth. "The people were all
dressed in white or cream, excepting Uncle Hans Jensen, who (for this
occasion) had on his dark clothes and long rubber boots--the things he wore
when he was drowned in the Snake River in Idaho. "Everybody appeared to be
perfectly happy. I was having a very pleasant visit with each one that I
knew. Finally, I reached the end of that long room. I opened a door and went
into another room filled with children. They were all arranged in perfect
order, the largest ones in the back rows all around the room. They seemed to
be convened in a sort of Primary or Sunday School, which was presided over
by Aunt Eliza R. Snow. There were hundreds of small children there." "It
was," continued Ella, "while I was standing listening to the children
singing, `Gladly Meeting, Kindly Greeting,' that I heard President Lorenzo
Snow call me. He said, `Sister Ella, you must come back, as your mission is
not yet finished here on earth.' So I just spoke to Aunt Eliza R. Snow and
told her that I must go back. "Returning through the large room, I told the
people I was going back to the earth, but they seemed to want me to stay
with them. I obeyed the call, although it was very much against my desire,
as such perfect peace and happiness prevailed there--no suffering and no
sorrow. I was so taken up with all I saw and heard that I did hate very much
to leave that beautiful place. [120] "This has always been a source of
comfort to me. I learned by this experience that we should not grieve too
much for our departed loved ones, and especially at the time they leave us.
I think we should be just as calm and quiet as possible, because, as I was
leaving my mortal life, the only regret I had was that the folks were
grieving so much for me. But I soon forgot all about this world in my
delight with the other. "For more than three hours my spirit was gone from
my body. As I returned, I could see my body lying on the bed and the folks
gathered about in the room. I wanted to stay only a short time on earth to
comfort them." Ella frequently told of the terrible suffering that she
experienced when the spirit again entered the body. There was practically no
pain on leaving the body in death, but the intense pain was almost
unbearable in coming back to life. Not only this, but for months, and even
years afterward, she experienced new aches and pains and physical disorders
that she had never known before. Some of the people Ella described as having
met in this spirit sojourn were her aunts and second cousins, long since
dead and laid away before she was born. She told her Aunt Harriet Wight, who
had lost two daughters, not to mourn them, for she had seen them and had
talked with them, and they were very happy in their new sphere of existence.
Many relatives and others visited Ella, and she told them the same story--of
how she had met their relatives and friends over there, how happy they were,
and that they had asked about their loved ones here. When Leah Rees, her
night nurse, came to stay with Ella the next night, she told her about
having seen her (Leah's) father and several others of her people who had
passed away, as well as her own Grandpa Jensen--all of whom appeared very
happy. One person Ella was puzzled about seeing in the spirit world was
little Alphie, the son of Alphonzo H. Snow. He had been in her Sunday School
class in the First Ward, and she did not know that he had just died. When
she told her mother, she said, "Yes, Ella, little Alphie is dead, too. He
died early this morning while you were so very sick. We knew you loved him
and that it would be a shock to you, so we did not tell you about his
death." But, nevertheless, she had recognized the little fellow happily
singing among the children under the direction of Eliza R. Snow. It was
while sitting there listening to those children that she heard a voice
coming to her in commanding tones, apparently from a long distance, which
said, "Come back, Ella, come back! Your work on earth is not yet completed."
And, although she had no desire to come back, but on the contrary, felt
determined to remain in that beautiful world, the voice was so authoritative
in manner that it seemed to draw, yes, actually draw her spirit out of that
room and back to her body. She felt compelled to follow it and return to
earth, where she filled to the fullness, her life's mission on earth,
becoming a mother in Israel, and doing much for the glory of God and her own
exaltation in the service of the Lord. She is now known as Mrs. Henry Wight
of Brigham City, Utah.

Questions and Comments
On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>

>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be False,
>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No! and I
>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:

You're a bloody loon.

"O Sybilli, si ergo
Fortibus es in ero
O Nobili! Themis trux
Sivat sinem? Causen Dux"
I was working in the lab, late one night, when Art Bulla <>

> True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience

For which there isn't even any anecdotal evidence.
raven1 wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
> wrote:
>> True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>> Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be
>> False, Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve"
>> Also? No! and I say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of
>> Spirits:

> You're a bloody loon.

He's off his chum!
Art Bulla wrote:
> True Science of Theology

That's it! The Contradiction-Of-Terms-For-The-Day.

You win the home version of "I'm A Christian ****head"! Have fun, Art
On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 14:35:00 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:

> True Science


Yeah. Riiiight...

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"
On Jun 11, 4:35 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> True Science of Theology

Is an oxymoron.

> Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
> Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be False,

NDE's have been studied by science and can be re-created by doctors
and researchers at will:

You are talking nonsense.

-Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
One fine day in alt.atheism, "Art Bulla" <> bloodied us up
with this:

> True Science of Theology

Oxymoron. No science needs to qualify itself as "true". The evidence it
offers does that quite nicely. Where is your evidence?

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department.
Convicted by Earthquack.
Judgment from a Darwinist Moonbat? lol!

"raven1" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
> wrote:
>>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be False,
>>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No! and
>>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:

> You're a bloody loon.
> --
> "O Sybilli, si ergo
> Fortibus es in ero
> O Nobili! Themis trux
> Sivat sinem? Causen Dux"
Your brain case is filled with primordial soup.

"Geoff" <> wrote in message
> raven1 wrote:
>> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
>> wrote:
>>> True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>>> Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be
>>> False, Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve"
>>> Also? No! and I say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of
>>> Spirits:

>> You're a bloody loon.

> He's off his chum!
Moonbats in denial on the attack. A totally false statement. There are
hundreds of thousands and many many books written cataloguing them. Where
have you been for the last 38 years, you moonbat? Dr. Elizabeth Kubler
Ross, Dr. Kenneth Ring, Dr. Michael Sabom, Dr. Melvin Morse to name a very

From Melvin Morse's own website:

Melvin L. Morse is consistently voted by his fellow pediatricians as being
one of America's top Pediatricians. From 1997-2006, he has been identified
by Woodword-White's Best Doctors in America as one of the top pediatricians
in the country. He has a busy private practice in the suburbs of Seattle,
Washington, USA.

Dr. Morse has researched near death experiences in children and adults for
over 20 years. He and his second wife Pauline have five children between
them. His strength in understanding spiritual visions and near death
experiences is based on his full time practice of Pediatrics and that he
remains completely grounded in the non-spiritual aspects of daily patient
care. His wife Pauline is a true partner in both their family life and in
his spiritual research. He supplies the scientific research and she supplies
the spiritual insight, the "faith and courage" needed to not both perceive
spiritual insights with our right temporal lobes and how practically to
apply them to our ordinary lives. Their current research has documented how
to differentiate spiritual insights from our wish fulfilling fantasies,
dreams, fears, and our ego projections of what we wish would happen or wish
we are and will be. Ultimately we must learn how to apply the lessons that
children have learned from nearly dying to transform our own lives. Dr. and
Mrs. Morse are currently working on practical ways to access spiritual
information to find happiness and spiritual meaning in our everyday lives.

In 2005, Dr. Morse, in collaboration with the Children's Therapy Center of
Valley Medical Center, has founded the Austism Spectrum Diagnostic and
Treatment Clinic. One half of his current clinical time is spent working
with children who have autism spectrum disorders, disorders of attention,
post traumatic stress syndrome, dissociative identity disorder, and severe
behavior disorders.

His interest in near death experiences evolved from his experiences working
in Critical Care Medicine at Seattle Children's Hospital; he published the
first description of a child's near death experience in the medical
literature and was funded by the National Cancer Institute to complete the
first case control prospective study in near death experiences. He was the
head of the Seattle Study, the largest study in adults of the
transformational aspects of the near death experience to date.

Dr. Morse graduated with academic honors from George Washington University
School of Medicine. He interned in the Pediatrics at the University of
California at San Francisco and then completed a residency in Pediatrics at
Seattle Children's Hospital. He is the recipient of a National Service
Research Award and spent two years studying brain rumors and leukemia, also
at Seattle Children's Hospital.

He divides his time between his private practice of medicine and his
teaching responsibilities. He is a Clinical Associate Professor of
Pediatrics at University of Washington, and developed the Pediatric teaching
program for the Family Practice residency program at Valley General
Hospital. He has won numerous teaching awards. Dr. Morse was a founder of
the Pediatric Interim Care Center, one of the nation's first therapeutic
foster homes for infants affected by prenatal exposure to cocaine.

Dr. Morse's research has been featured in documentaries in Japan, Australia,
France, Canada, England, and the United States. He has appeared on numerous
television and radio shows, including 20/20, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The
Turning Point, The Tom Snyder Show, the Larry King Show, Good Morning
America, Dateline, and Unsolved Mysteries, and has been the subject of
lengthy profiles in the Seattle Times, Tacoma News Tribune, and the Los
Angeles Times. He has numerous scientific publications on death-related
visions, including The Lancet and the American Medical Association's
Pediatric Journal. His research and love affair with Pauline will soon be a
major motion picture by Sony Pictures, written by award winning screen
writer Robert Caswell.

Morse's first book, Closer to the Light, was an international best seller
and is published in 38 countries and 19 languages. It explored the near
death experiences of children. His best-selling second book, Transformed by
the Light , is a long term follow up of these children as adults, and
documents the physical and psychological transformations resulting from near
death experiences. His third book, "Parting Visions", documents the entire
range of spiritual visions associated with death and dying, including
premonitions of death and after death visitations. It focuses on how we can
use these experiences to help us to understand death, grief, and the often
overlooked spiritual miracles in everyday life. His fourth book "Where God
Lives" presents a comprehensive new scientific understanding of how the
brain can resonate with energetic patterns of the universe to permit
communications with the dead, viewing at a distance with the mind, past life
memories and premonitions of the future. To order his books, click here


Leggiadro RJ, Dover GJ, Morse ML, et al: Lung Abscess in Sickle Cell
Disease. American Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. Vol 4 (2):

Morse ML: A Near Death Experience in a Seven-Year-Old Child. American
Journal of Diseases of Children. Vol 127: 951-961 1983

Morse ML, Savitch J, Bleyer A, et al: Altered Central Nervous System
Phamacology of Methotrexate in Childhood Leukemia. Journal of Clinical
Oncology . Vol 3 (1): 19-25 1985

Morse ML, Conner D, Tyler D: Near Death Experiences in a Pediatric
Population: A Preliminary Report. American Journal of Diseases in Children.
Vol 139 (6): 595-600 1985

Morse ML, Milstein JM, Haas JE, et al: The Effect of Hydration on
Experimentally Induced Cerebral Edema. Critical Care Medicine Vol 13 (7)
563-565 1985

Morse ML, Castillo P, Venecia D, et al: Childhood Near Death Experiences
American Journal of Diseases in Children. Vol 140: 1110-1114 1986

Morse ML, Carr D, Mendelman P, et al: Ocular Tuberculosis in a Five-
Month-Old. Pediatric Infectious Disease. Vol 7 (7): 514-516 1988

Morse ML, Venecia D, Milstein JM, et al: Near Death Experiences: A
Neurophysiological Explanation. Journal of Near Death Studies. Vol 7 (4):
223-228 Summer 1989

Morse ML, Perry P: Closer to the Light: Learning from the Near Death
Experiences of Children. Villard Books, New York. 1990.

Morse ML, Neppe V: Near Death Experiences (letter) Lancet 4-6-91 pp. 386

Morse, Perry P: Transformed by the Light: The Powerful Effects of Near Death
Experiences on People's Lives. Villard Books, New York. 1992.

Drehobl, Fuhr MG: "Pediatric Massage: For the Child with Special Needs,"
Therapy Skill Builders. 1992. Foreword by Melvin L. Morse M.D.

Eadie B: Embraced by the Light, Golden Leaf Press, Placerville, California.
1993. Foreword by Melvin L. Morse M.D.

Morse ML: Near Death Experiences and Death Related Visions: Implications for
the Clinician. Current Problems Pediatrics. pp. 45-83 Vol 24(2) February.

Morse ML: Near Death Experiences of Children. J Ped Onc Vol. 11 (4) October
1994 pp. 139-144

Morse ML, Perry P: Parting Visions: Uses and Meanings of Near Death and
Spiritual Experiences. Villard Books. 1994.

Morse ML, Perry P: Books Where God Lives: How Our Brains Are Connected to a
Spiritual Universe. 2002. Harper and Collins. 2003 French Edition was French
Book Sellers Association Non-Fiction Book of the Year.


Kemper K: "The Holistic Pediatrician," Random House 1996 Foreword by Melvin
L. Morse M.D.

Atwater PMH: "Beyond the Light. What Isn't Being Said About Near Death
Experiences," Birch Lane Press. 1996. Foreword by Melvin L. Morse M.D.

"Parting Visions: A New Paradigm for Spiritual Experiences" by Melvin Morse
in The Near Death Experience: A Reader, Bailey and Yates (Ed.) Rutledge, New
York. 1996.

"Interview with Melvin Morse" in Angels, The Mysterious Messengers, R. Hauck
Ed.. Ballantine Books, New York. 1996. pp. 213-230.

Bleyer A, Reaman G, Poplack D, Morse ML, et al: Central Nervous system
Phamacology of High Dose Intravenous Methotrexate in Infants with Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical
Oncology 3: c722 1984

Morse ML, Poplack D, Bleyer A : Altered Central Nervous System Pharmacology
of Methotrexate in Childhood Leukemia: Another sign of Meningeal Relapse.
Proceedings of the American society of Clinical Oncology 3: C-144. 1983.
Reprinted in METHOTREXATE UPDATE, December. 1984.

Hennsley JA, Christenson PJ, Hardoin RA, Morse ML, et al: Premonitions of
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: A Retrospective Case Control Study. Presented
at the National SIDS Alliance Meeting, Pittsburgh, October. 1993. Abstract:
Pediatric Pulmonol 1993; 16:393

Brett, Dr. Morse's oldest son, recently made him a wristband which described
his Dad as "Father, healer of hate". This is my greatest accomplishment and
"Pastor Kutchie, ordained atheist minister" <> wrote
in message news:1x4qmz3fdeno7$.q7rp56s733ev$
>I was working in the lab, late one night, when Art Bulla <>
> wrote:
>> True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience

> For which there isn't even any anecdotal evidence.
Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your ass
than it already is.

"Geoff" <> wrote in message
> Art Bulla wrote:
>> True Science of Theology

> That's it! The Contradiction-Of-Terms-For-The-Day.
> You win the home version of "I'm A Christian ****head"! Have fun, Art
> Bullshit.
Moonbats in denial.

"Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote in message
> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 14:35:00 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:
>> True Science

> Yeah. Riiiight...
> --
> Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
> EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> "Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"
On Jun 12, 1:31 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> Your brain case is filled with primordial soup.

Oh, so who's calling names now? Hypocrite. Another Christian throwing
a fit because normal people don't believe his funny stories. Hang it
up, Art. You've failed as a missionary. I hear they're hiring at

-Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
"Art Bulla" <> writes:

>"Geoff" <> wrote in message
>> Art Bulla wrote:
>>> True Science of Theology

>> That's it! The Contradiction-Of-Terms-For-The-Day.

>> You win the home version of "I'm A Christian ****head"! Have fun, Art
>> Bullshit.

>Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your ass
>than it already is.

I'd say it to you...but then, I shoot back.

Patrick "The Chief Instigator" Humphrey ( Benham, Kentucky (TCI's 2006-07 Houston Aeros) AA#2273
LAST GAME: San Antonio 4, Houston 2 (April 15)
NEXT GAME: October 2007, date/place/opponent TBA
On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:41:15 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:

> Moonbats in denial.

Says the guy posting to alt.ATHEISM and being surprised to find ATHEISTS
in the newsgroup...

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"
In article <pan.2007.> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> writes:
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:41:15 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:
> > Moonbats in denial.

> Says the guy posting to alt.ATHEISM and being surprised to find ATHEISTS
> in the newsgroup...


You're right.

Damn, but I never noticed that before...

Man, just LOOK at `em all.

Think we could sell them on eBay or something?

-- cary
On Jun 12, 1:40 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up your ass
> than it already is.

You're the one denying reality, and he has his head stuffed? Funny
guy, you are.

There's a reason no one is listening to what you have to say. It's
stupid, and we've heard it all before. This is not your church, where
you all support each others' fantacies.

If you really want people to treat Christian mythology
sympathetically, either create a coherent argument...

....OR COME UP WITH SOME STINKIN' EVIDENCE! Until you people do one or
the other, what you believe is just something stupid that someone else
believes. Your mythology is no different to me than the UFO Abduction
cults are to you. Why is this so difficult for you folks to

-Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 23:28:56 +0000, Cary Kittrell wrote:

> In article <pan.2007.> "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo> writes:
>> On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:41:15 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:
>> > Moonbats in denial.

>> Says the guy posting to alt.ATHEISM and being surprised to find ATHEISTS
>> in the newsgroup...

> You're right.
> Damn, but I never noticed that before...
> Man, just LOOK at `em all.
> Think we could sell them on eBay or something?

Nah. They're getting too common and the bottom dropped outta the market.

(Damn Dawkins!)

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"
"raven1" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:35:00 -0700, "Art Bulla" <>
> wrote:
>>True Science of Theology Encompasses Near Death Experience Which so
>>Confounds the Modern Humanist Conjecturer and Show Evolution to be False,
>>Alone, for Where did the Spirit Come From? Did it "Evolve" Also? No! and
>>say again, No! It was fathered by the Father of Spirits:

> You're a bloody loon.

Yes, there is a spirit world that everyone will have to go through once the
physical body is dead. The Mormons were preaching this all the way back in
the 19th century way before Elizabeth Kubler Ross made it popular in the
mainstream.With as many testimonies as there have been of near death out of
body experiences and the fact that many of these experiences have similar
aspects to them, I think many should investigate this phenomenon.